Welcome to another lazy Sunday morning! It seems like a good morning to just cozy up on the couch and sip some coffee without a care in the world. While you’re doing that, you can check out some of the awesome optical illusions on the site! This morning I have an interesting birds optical illusion for you. Well, not jut birds—something else too.
Which do you see first?
Did you see the birds optical illusion part of the image first? There are two birds in the image above, and it looks like they’re flying to or sitting in a nest. The nest, though, is also the beard of an impish looking little elf man! The wings of the birds are also the little man’s pointed ears, and the birds’ heads are his eyes.
I, myself, actually saw the elf first in this image. I’m curious what the rest of you saw first, so be sure to leave a comment below!
I saw the elf first
I think everyone sees the elf first- It actually took my a while to find the birds