Mighty Optical Illusions (c) is Internet Biggest Optical Illusion Database. Copyright by Vurdlak. Mighty Optical Illusions 2006.
About Mighty Optical Illusions: This website will be all about optical illusions. I will post new illusions every now and then and keep this website biggest and most quality collection on the net. Feel free to submit pictures you found on the net or took with your camera that somehow have that “optical illusion” atmosphere. Also don’t hesitate to contact me with your ideas and proposals. I read all your email, and it greatly impacts the way I’m thinking and improving this website dedicated to optical illusions, magic tricks, puzzles and paranormal activities..hmm…
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Scoop: Mighty Optical Illusions (c) is a website dedicated to optical illusions, magic tricks and puzzles. And the best thing about them, they’re free! Yes, free free free pictures free images! Single sentence describes this website perfectly: “When the perception turns against you!”. Providing regular updates, giving quick and easy aces to our database makes our guests coming back. We are growing fast and giving our best to keep the throne of Internet leading Optical Illusion website. Use the sidebar left to visit every single illusion we posted in the past, and don’t hesitate to submit material you would like to share with our public.
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