Posted on May 20, 20143D Chalk Drawings Pitfall in the Mall Optical Illusion Awhile back I received a slew of Facebook messages from an artist that does some amazing 3D work and he wanted to have his work… Continue Reading
Posted on March 30, 2014March 28, 20143D Chalk Drawings 3D Airplane Street Art I have a new 3D airplane street art optical illusion that I definitely think a lot of you are going to dig. This is a… Continue Reading
Posted on March 8, 2014May 30, 20243D Chalk Drawings Surf’s Up! 3D Chalk Drawing Optical Illusion Ahhh, the weekend is upon us and I’m now officially a happy camper. While you’re sitting back and relaxing in your La-Z-Boy I’m going to… Continue Reading
Posted on February 15, 2014February 11, 20143D Chalk Drawings Amazing 3D Chalk Drawing Optical Illusion The weekend is finally here! I bet a lot of you are as pumped as I am right now, because now we get to take… Continue Reading
Posted on February 9, 2014February 8, 20143D Chalk Drawings House Optical Illusion One of the things I love about optical illusions is how creative some people can get with them. A lot of people create their own… Continue Reading
Posted on February 4, 2014February 3, 20143D Chalk Drawings 3D Tunnel Drawing Optical Illusion One of my favorite types of optical illusions is when people do 3D drawing optical illusions. The reason I love these types of illusions is… Continue Reading
Posted on February 1, 2014January 31, 20143D Chalk Drawings 3D Elephant Optical Illusion How are you doing on this lovely weekend day? I hope your weekend is going smoothly and you’re completely enjoying your day off of work.… Continue Reading
Posted on January 26, 2014January 20, 20143D Chalk Drawings 3D Rope Bridge As you all know, I’m a pretty big fan of 3D Chalk Drawing optical illusions and I haven’t posted one up for this week, so… Continue Reading