Gizmodo published a story recently, concerning what appears to be a real-life version of an old school Rabbit-Duck optical illusion. The original was a memorable example, where if you looked at it one way it was a rabbit, but in the same time it could also resemble a duck. I hope this one’s just a hoax (like Fiji Mermaid was), but I’ll let you decide. Was it after all some crafty taxidermist, who recreated the effect in real life??? If so, I just hope you don’t consider this a DIY type of post. For more similar examples, check out another real life Rabbit-Duck, Frog-Horse or Young Lady-Old Hag illusions…
Nah, that’s not an illusion. It just like a jackalope (a very real animal).
Not to be rude but Jackalopes DO NOT have duckbilled ears. I am from Arizona and the jackalope has antelope antlers. Hence the name jackalope. But anyway, that thing is creepy looking. Someone must have been extremely bored. I remember seeing a cow’s head with ostrich legs. CREEPY!
There is a childrens picture book called Duck! Rabbit! It uses just the outline of that the figure in the picture shows. Its really a fun little story!
As for this, they did a great job, it made me look at the picture twice.
its more difficult to see the duck, because ducks faces arent that hairy
Looks like a Jackalope to me.
whoa. creepy
Creepy to see a rabbit with duckbill ears.
yeah its obviously not real but creepy to c it look so real
Lol, or a duck with a tomour. xD … the rabbit was cutest, it’s something abou
Aye. The result of genetic manipulation no doubt. Spooky.
If you cover up the bunny nose u see a duck head if you cover up the duck bill you see a bunny head
I think this is legit. Look at the picture carefully. You can see glass and the reflection. I don’t think a photoshopper could create the glass.
kind of disturbing :P but still very nice!
maybe its a carrot jammed in a rabbits head which in turn is on a wire. :D
rabbit is easier to see, but cool 3D illusion
I’ve always like that illusion but this one is creepy… I would not wanna have that thing on my desk.
Very impressively done, even if creepy
LOL but it’s messing with GODS creatures
Great illusion and very funny!
Cool…but creepy.If it’s real,well,I’ll just say it’s kinda creepy to see a rabbit fused with a duck…
I think its so freaky its not alive!!,,,, ah rabbit have an ears of a duck’s beak isn’t that freaking?
You know, if people could use some COMMON SENSE they would NOT put stupid comments like oohh it’s SOOOOO freaky!!!! I am NOT trying to be rude here, but come ON people! When your older you will regret putting that up here. I`m NOT saying you will become like 16 and regret it, I doubt that age would be even NECCESSARY for this site….sorry boss if your 16 i`m just trying to put some common sense in this world.
as long as the animals aren’t real i’m fine with this illusion, and if the animals are real, all i gotta say is: MURDERER!!!
the ears are pined back
That`s so cool!
look i am easily scared, that picture is very disturbing, what i say they have done is they have gotten a taxidermist ( I HATE TAXIDERMY ) to fuse a ducks beak with a rabbits head >:-(
is it alive it is scaryy