Posted on November 9, 2011Impossible Objects Impossible Atomium Sculpture Before I begin with today’s optical illusion, let me ask you something that has been over my head for the last couple of days. Those… Continue Reading
Posted on October 16, 2010Escher Style Escher’s Columns Illusion I got this photo some time ago, which was sent to me by one of our fans (who else), and even though it struck me… Continue Reading
Posted on October 15, 2010October 15, 2010Art Installation A Real Life Rabbit-Duck Illusion? Gizmodo published a story recently, concerning what appears to be a real-life version of an old school Rabbit-Duck optical illusion. The original was a memorable… Continue Reading
Posted on September 23, 2010September 23, 2010Art Installation Can You Believe These are Wall Paintings? Opposite to our recent Hyper-Realistic Acrylic Body Paintings done by Alexa Meade, where she applied acrylic paints on her subjects in such a way to… Continue Reading