So, nothing new happening here – just another “study my ass of” Saturday. Hope I finally manage to graduate my university this semester. About yesterday’s post, I’m still not definitely sure in which direction the horse is looking at, but I have noticed another peculiar detail – If you think hard, you’ll be able to see his front legs switch. The left one becomes his right foot, and right foot becomes his left. Another thing I have to admit: in the intro above, I wasn’t completely telling the truth. I wrote this post on Friday, and set it to auto publish on Saturday (today). The reason is my overfilled schedule in following days. Well, maybe the Saturday wasn’t so usual after all, I just don’t know it yet! Enjoy these few funny comics I managed to collect over past years. They all have something in common, and guess what – optical illusions. I just haven’t figured the last one yet (the one with glasses). Any luck over there?
The last one refers to the glasses= optical an illusion that the castaways see…
i luv the one bout the moon
the one with the glaSses is probably a marage… but its used to see and stuff so the glasses is sometHing opticAl and also an illusIon. i dont get the one with the bathing suit.
The last 1 is eyes eg “optical” and a mirage or “illusion”
Pretty funny…the last one is supposed to be a mirage (something illusory) of a pair of glasses (for optical correction) or an “optical illusion”
the last one its like the glasses are a mirage (spelling??)
i think
nice post :)
this post sucks…
the one with gore is pretty funny tho
OH SNAP IM #1 oh yea i still dont get it
Wouldn’t the last one just be a “fata Morgana”?
have i got the first comment? prob not. still, i think the garfield and the bathing suit are funny, and the other three just odd. at least these are different & new, but the horse sillhouette was better.
the last one…it’s an optical illusion because the glasses (optical) are an illusion
Aw its a pitty as the last one is the best!:)
its an OPTICAL(glasses) illusion:) (its a Mirage)
and is the top one just that Garfield thinks he looks fat when he looks down at himself?:P
What comic is the Suzy one from?
The bathing suit one refers to the darker portion of the suit which is supposed to give the illusion that the body in it is shaped like the dark portion while the rest is seemingly invisible. It creates the illusion that the fat body in the suit isn’t really fat. Dumb!
last one:
the castaways see mirages
but get it? OPTICAL illusion…
garfield one = he is sayig you look fat instead of you are fat
costume one is making her appear slim
glasses are for “optical” correction and he thinks its an illusion
the other two are self explanatory
Go Grafield!!!!
lol the moon one and the bathing suit one tickled my funny bone =)
In the words of my father “That last one was ‘punny'”
I like it!
Nice to have something comical every now and then.
And oh you people.. ” I have first post!!!!”
You just don’t though do you.
I don’t understand the “foreboding” comic….?
i think the last one has something to do with them being coke bottle glasses. (just a guess)
Hey I enjoyed what you had to say.I’m totally new to these stations cuz I’m relatively new to the internet too.I see you’re pressed for tiome but if you can find that minute…maybe you can steer a beginner to the right place so I won’t have to bump my heads where you may of already.Sooooo if you can?
Mike Ledwell
I just said what it took forever to get here so it copuld happen and I do not see anyuthing posted.How come?
the last one is litterally and optical illusion. “optical, meaning, “of the eye”. and “illusion” , a false mental understanding.
What’s the red circle in the Gore illusion for? :S
wow, comics. That’s a first… I think.
well i use glases so I take them off and it looks like thesiluette of a woman (im talking about the last picture) well maybe im just imaging or just the best optical illusion for guyswiths glases
a lot of people dont get the “bathing suit” one. if you look closly, there are lines between her waist and the starting point of her legs. if you TOTALLY dont get it, youre supposed to think that she has a tiny suit on, when she really has a black and white suit with thick, vertical lines.
Lol, at the picture on the 3rd lane or should i say 4th pic >:)
I don’t get the one with the red circle
first of all im missing the illusion part in the first 2 second of all the 3rd one is down right stupid and third of all the 4th is just plain wrong!!!!
oh and people that do not get the 4th one the circle is around what is supposed (or not) 2 b her thing or should i say private
show us some real ones instead!
i dont get the one obove the last one
I enjoyed the phallic void.
Thanks for the collections though.
i think the bathng suit is like showing two bathing suits the one for fat and one for thin type of a girl/swimsuit
is that the illusion?