So, nothing new happening here – just another “study my ass of” Saturday. Hope I finally manage to graduate my university this semester. About yesterday’s post, I’m still not definitely sure in which direction the horse is looking at, but I have noticed another peculiar detail – If you think hard, you’ll be able to see his front legs switch. The left one becomes his right foot, and right foot becomes his left. Another thing I have to admit: in the intro above, I wasn’t completely telling the truth. I wrote this post on Friday, and set it to auto publish on Saturday (today). The reason is my overfilled schedule in following days. Well, maybe the Saturday wasn’t so usual after all, I just don’t know it yet! Enjoy these few funny comics I managed to collect over past years. They all have something in common, and guess what – optical illusions. I just haven’t figured the last one yet (the one with glasses). Any luck over there?