As some of you might have heard, Google decided to discontinue it’s iGoogle service next year. I think this is a bad decision, as many of us use it to follow various feeds, blogs and news from around the web. Even our very own iGoogle gadget sites there (“Optical illusion of the Day”)! Still, there’s plenty of time before November 2013 when they shut it down, and I’m sure we shall find an alternative way to update you with our newest illusions. Beside our Facebook channel, there are Windows and Mac widgets that can be easily be added to your dashboard and display the newest optical illusions each day. You might want to check them out, just in case you already haven’t.
Back to our main topic – illusion you see on your right is called “Face of Paris“, and has been submitted by Ron to our Facebook fan-page. Originally called “Different Faces of Paris” it depicts a face mainly consisted of Paris’ main attraction – The Eiffel Tower. Is it just me, or it greatly resembles our widget’s logo?
Update: This pictures has been done by G. Sarcone for his book Eyetricks © G. Sarcone
I remember an André Kostelanetz LP from the late 50s (one of my favorites growing up) entitled “The Lure of France.” If it’s ever re-issued, this would be perfect cover art…
It reminds me of Salvador Dali’s art!
dali to me ———-is the best.
I saw that straight away on my igoogle app on my home page …
sorry its going some time next year
i think they’re talking about google chrome. it’s pretty much igoogle. with gadgets and stuff.
I don’t know about your widget, but it sure looks French. C’est belle.
thats photoshoped – between the ‘eye’ and brow is lightened; and i see no reason for the shadows of the mouth…
still a nice trick though
That’s cool! The link for “Paris’ Main Attraction” and the artist associated with it are also very cool! Thnx Mighty Optical Illusion, your site is the best :)
Nice one, though I’m fairly convinced the nose and lips are photoshopped into the picture..
Ever heard of Google Reader?
i follow you on Google Reader by your feed..
Whether shadows or puddles, neither makes sense as they appear. This was photoshopped.
If that still makes it ok, then is it ok to photoshop illusions of just about anything, anywhere?
I did a real nice p-shop where the ripples on a lake at sunset were made to appear as the silhouette of the female form, I named it “Lady of the Lake”.
So what if they may have used photo shop to bring out the more subtle details- still a truly cool illusion that nicely summs up the magic of Paris.
I get to your web site from “My Yahoo” page. Yahoo offers your web site as “Content” to add to my page. Just checked content to add and your web site is “This weeks pic”. your site. Real easy to check every day!!
exciting meeting with the unexpected…
MS got rid of widgets too!
I showed this to a friend and she wants to know if you can order the photo and what sizes do you have
we both loved the picture and are big fans of Paris
You can order the image from here:
This pictures has been taken from G. Sarcone’s book “Eyetricks” (you can see another version here: ). Please, place ASAP the following copyright notice nearby the picture: © G. Sarcone,
Marie-Jo Waeber
Thanks for the info on source of this photo! Just added it to the article.