Whats this people, one day I don’t post an illusion, and the traffic drastically drops! Hehe, seems I’ll have to start posting more often, ayeh? First of all I’d like to thank Louis, Alessandro and John for contacting me about that c++ task I had for my assignment, I managed to do it myself, but I’ll maybe drop you an email, if I need some help in the future ;) Hope that is ok with you guys? Further, Don Gardner emailed me this double sunset illusion. First I wasn’t sure if it’s only photoshopped, so I emailed Don to explain this effect. Here is his email: “Hi, this is a double-exposure overlapped to appear to be a double sunset. I took the photo last weekend in Western Kenya with tripod mounted Nikon D100, and this is how it came out. Two exposures, shifting the camera slightly to move the sun from left side of frame to right side, double exposing one frame.” I didn’t quite understand it, but the effect he achieved is magnificent! Do you like it? Is that Mars, you can see in the middle, or some star?
HaHa 1 comment!!!
that’s really cool, at first I thought it was photoshopped, I didn’t even think about double exposures. Also, I think that thing in the middle is Venus- Mars doesn’t rise ’till the sun is set.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say, that’s a kool illusion, I’m a little amazed at how the picture of the sun or even the rest of the picture didn’t come out all blurry with light everywhere. Hmmmmmmmmm…
Oh yeah, I forgot to say, I have the widget, and I got on Dashboard about a second before it changed!!!
As neat as the “double exposure” trick would be to try with a sunset (I’m going to try that when spring rolls around here), I don’t quite believe that this was done in this photo. There’s far too much mirror symmetry both in the clouds and on the silhouetted ground for it to just be a natural occurrence. I cast my vote for photoshop.
the clouds look like a face
yay for faces
the clouds arrange to look like a face don’t you think? or is it just me?
Oooh can’t you see it? It’s JESUS!!
That is not an illusion. It is a sunset on Tatooine.
By the way, currently, on Earth, the only planets visible after sunset on Earth are Saturn and Venus. All of the others do not rise until a few hours before dawn. If this would be Earth, that would be Venus. Of course this is not Earth but Tatooine.
AWESOME. I don’t really get the explanation though…
ooookkaaay…i think i speak for every1 when i say walbio is a freak
I leave a comment and go away for a few days and none get the joke. Tatooine is the Home of the Skywalkers in Star Wars. It has two Suns called G1 and G2.
The only two planets currently visible after sunset are Venus and Saturn. The planet in the picture is Venus. None of the other planets currently rise before midnight.
Good free (libre and gratis) software for this is Celestia:
And Stellarium:
Celestia lets one fly around to over ten thousand astronomical objects. Stellarium shows one how the sky looks from any location on Earth.
How is it that none of you can explain or even comprehend what you are witnessing in this photoshopped picture. It is completely obvious that the picture of one of the suns has been mirrored over to the other side of the photo (in whatever order), the clouds above the suns have been switched around a bit, and have also been blured. Look at the ground in the photo (the horizon, or where the sky meets the earth in the photo for all you ..*fill in the blanks* out there, the same mound of dirt occours on the other side of the photo, only flipped. Guessing here, a double expousure is when you take a picture of one thing, and then move the camera over, and take a picture of the same thing except with the given object at a different location, then one overlapps the two photos (two or more) and developes the picture, though in this picture, that is certanly not the case. Honestly people, im still in highschool and even i can figure this one out.
This is fake. Please check my investigation here:
it is photoshopped just look at both sunsets.. they’re exactly the same, like a mirror reflection, shouldn’t have some slight difference!!
I am located on the east coast of Florida, just to give you background. I was driving west before sunset, when I noticed there were TWO suns about to set separated by approx 45 degrees on the horizon. There were some clouds also on the horizon but as I checked back and forth I could not figure out which sun was the real one as they appeared to be identical in brilliance. I then turned south and figured that by the time I went the 20 miles distance I needed to travel I would see a difference and figure it out. Didn’t happen. When I had to exit and turn east the answer still was not apparent. I have never seen such an illusion before in my life and would love to know how it was produced, how common they are, AND when or what phenomena that precedes in order to expect another. By the way did anyone else in Florida see such an event? This happened over a year ago and I checked the news a little but saw no mention. Then I got busy with life (you know the drill) and only remembered it sporadically at inopportune moments to check it out. Finally an opportune moment!
it is photo shopped. look at the clouds, they are mirrors, the grounds would be easy to photo shop because its so dark. this is one of the first things you learn to do in p shop
Double sunsets does exist. Just check Labuan in Malaysia.
I’ve been there and seen it my self…
Outdoor illusions??
If I fold the picture in half everything lines up. It’s a mirror image.
look at the house…..STAR WARS!
also there’s Jesus in the clouds