Mighty Optical Illusions

Double Sunset Illusion

Whats this people, one day I don’t post an illusion, and the traffic drastically drops! Hehe, seems I’ll have to start posting more often, ayeh? First of all I’d like to thank Louis, Alessandro and John for contacting me about that c++ task I had for my assignment, I managed to do it myself, but I’ll maybe drop you an email, if I need some help in the future ;) Hope that is ok with you guys? Further, Don Gardner emailed me this double sunset illusion. First I wasn’t sure if it’s only photoshopped, so I emailed Don to explain this effect. Here is his email: “Hi, this is a double-exposure overlapped to appear to be a double sunset. I took the photo last weekend in Western Kenya with tripod mounted Nikon D100, and this is how it came out. Two exposures, shifting the camera slightly to move the sun from left side of frame to right side, double exposing one frame.” I didn’t quite understand it, but the effect he achieved is magnificent! Do you like it? Is that Mars, you can see in the middle, or some star?

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