Here’s an original idea what you can do, while on a vacation. This art was probably invented by the original author, Michael Hughes. You can find whole lot more of these on his website, where you can buy similar cool stuff. Check it. The guy we see in these pictures is probably Michael, and he made a great perspective illusion with postcards aligned perfectly with environment and then photographed. It makes a cute hobby, if you ask me. This is something new on this site, and closes thing we have, similar to these, is the relative sizes category. There you can find more illusions of this kind. Like the Office Pranksters and Man Holding a Sun. There are few more photos inside this article, but I placed Zadar on the main page, due it is city in Croatia, my home country. Which one did you like the best? Those that fit perfectly, or those that are from old times (like the black and whit photo of NY Statue of Liberty…
Iteresting… very interesting….
Cool. I want one. D: First post?
first comment!!!
nope two people commented before you………… nice try!
I just got back from vacation and really wished I would have thought of this then!
wow this is soooooo kl!! very clever! gd idea as well.
Nifty! I see that Charleston, South Carolina seems to be represented as well (Postcard 5). I live around the area. Thanks to Vurdlak for providing us all with many interesting optical illusions and other images!
This is cool, and can be done easily. Way cool
I’ll go on vacations this weekend I’ll try!
First of all, to the people who always feel they are the first to comment, quit commenting “I’m first” because usually your not!! We are not in the First grade (Well, maybe they are)
These are really awesome!! My favorite one has to be the Zadar one too but not for the same reasons, even though my family is from Croatia & Serbia. But if you look at the shadows he even took it at about the same time of the day.
I also like the Disney one & the Golden Gate w/ “A Starry Night” background. Thanks for the illusions I love the site, keep it up!!
Some are fantastic, but the ones that look like they don’t fit, like ATHEN ACROPOLIS doesn’t look covincing. The change in color looks cool.
I am definitly doing this next time I go somewhere.
That would be awsome if i could find a postcard that i could do that with! That would be the BOMB!
This is really cool!!!! I ttly Love this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They all look photoshoped in. couldnt make me believe its not. LAME
Just a quick comment to the moron who thinks these are fake. If you are going to bash something try not to make yourself sound stupid. I love PhotoShop…but it isn’t that good. Check the shadows and lighting on the hands…every one of them is right for the image. And if you are going to try to make up words at least spell them right… PhotoShopped !!!
Is there any way that you could tell us your e-mail. Cuz i found anotical illusion for you and it won’t let me submit one at the top of the page. So thanx!
wow, this is sweet, i wish i had that mad skill dawg… wow im the whitest person in the world
cool, very cool. The 5th one is my fave for sure!
This is great! I’ll test this next time I’m on vacation! :D
Beautiful idea, I’d like to try to take pictures like these! I especially like the one with the black and white card and the one with the summer card and the winter scenery.
2 words for the guy who posted the last comment:
you nob
This could be a new kind of treasure hunt. Person with the closest images wins.
Oh, and please just give a little effort into trying to puzzle something out before crying “photoshop”. You have to have a serious lack of imagination and ingenuity to write something off so quickly. (See 3D Rooms, there are more than a couple of idiotic comments in there)
Haha, I did this all the time when I was in Spain. It was great.
c vrm cool, bonne idée !
Last Post!!
Nice illusions i like #6
post cards 3 and 13 are the same thing.
yo man wts ur email adress mine is It wouldn’t let me insert a photo because I don’t have microsoft Express
i have big boobs!!!
Lijepe iluzije, nema sta! Svidjaju mi se ove dvije iz Zadra (covjek je bio i u Hrvatskoj, svaka cast!).
Very cool postcards. Where do you get them from?
More interesting articles can be found at
Truly, you’ve found a most splendid idea, and an especially creative angle on the whole thing. We love the juxtaposition of new and old, and the immediacy of ‘action’ photos like the one with Mickey Mouse. BE ENCOURAGED! hector and soozle.
in the 5th one it barely even looks like he’s holding anything. these are neat ^_^
“quit commenting “I’m first” because usually your not!! We are not in the First grade”
Well, who is ‘we’? “You’re” grammar certainly implies that maybe “your” not much older or smarter than first graders.
I think there was something similar in an HP commercial, anyone have a reference to this?
Ha! Been to Zadar! Cool postcards!
k, i dont get y evryone says “first comment”a nd stuff like that.. but other than that i like the ilusion :D it looks cool
i think IT is cool
cool gravatar
come to zadar. its nice town, there are better ones in croatia but that one is cool too
i love it coz its the NY city and the statue of liberty shot from the correct angle and distance, it creates a master peice
I don’t see the illusion
the second ones the best
in the one with the statue of liberty you can see the twin towers… :(