At the moment, I’m house hunting. And it’s driving me a little crazy! I’m sure some of you can relate to the frustration of searching for the perfect house! I’m pretty lenient on some things, but other things are non-negotiable. I don’t mind taking on a fixer-upper or a little godawful paint, for instance, but the new house must have a shed or room for a shed, among other things. You see, I’ve always really wanted a writer’s cabin! Now that I’m working at home full-time, a private space is imperative! Banging away at the keyboard while sitting on the couch or at the dining room table is fine, but it’s definitely not ideal!
While browsing around for today’s illusion, I ran across this awesome writer’s cabin illusion!
How cool would this writer’s cabin be to have?! You wouldn’t be able to tell if you were inside or outside half the time! When you focus on the artist or the roof, it looks like he’s sitting on a patio outside the cabin. Focus on the floor or the wall, and it looks like he’s sitting inside the cabin. Craziness, I tell you! The writer’s cabin itself would be enough inspiration to ward off writer’s block for a while!
I highly doubt I’m going to find a real writer’s cabin like this illusion, but it would definitely be interesting.
Still pops to the outside of the house, will not hold inside vision of house.
Just to credit the source…