From time to time, people send us illusions through the Mighty Optical Illusions Facebook page. I’m not always able to put them up on the site, usually because they’ve been posted in the past. However, Gérard sent me a fun photo illusion yesterday of a dog with antlers. I haven’t found where it’s previously been posted on the site, so enjoy this dog with antlers!
This is definitely a perfectly timed photograph. When you glance at it at first, it really does look like a dog with antlers. But, if you’re paying attention, you can see that the “antlers” really aren’t on the dog. In fact, they aren’t even antlers. It’s an illusion caused by a tree in the background. The dog just happens to be standing in the perfect spot in the foreground, so the tree is just behind his head giving the look of large majestic antlers!
A big thanks to Gérard for sending us this dog with antlers illusion! If you have an illusion you think we might like, be sure to send it our way via the Mighty Optical Illusions Facebook page! If it hasn’t been posted on the site in the past and it’s a good fit, we’ll probably use it for a daily illusion post.