The Blue Pill, Red Pill Illusion

The blue pill and the red pill were first seen in the movie The Matrix, when Morpheus gives Neo a choice—take the blue pill to stay asleep in the fabricated world The Matrix created or take the red pill to wake up and learn the truth.

Even today, the red pill blue pill symbols are still widely recognized, even by people who haven’t seen the movie. A red pill blue pill decision means the people can “take the red pill” to learn the hard truth or “take the blue pill” and remain blissfully ignorant. Redpills are people who have chosen to learn the truth about something, while Bluepills are people who have chosen to remain blind to reality.

It would definitely be a difficult decision to make! If given the choice, which would you take? The pill on the left or the pill on the right?

red pill blue pill

So, which did you choose—the blue pill or the red pill? I’m going to blow your mind right now and tell you that you didn’t choose either the blue pill or the red pill.


It’s true! Both of the pills in the image above are actually gray. They aren’t exactly the same shade of gray,but they’re pretty close! If you don’t believe me, open the image in an image editor and use the color picker. I’ve done it for you below, but you can still try it for yourself…

red pill blue pill same color

Welcome to The Matrix…

What did you think of today’s Matrix blue pill, red pill illusion? Don’t forget to rate it below! Then, head over here for some more great movie illusions!

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