This morning, I have an illusion that I need a little help with. This was sent in by Kovács to the Mighty Optical illusion Facebook page. This young lady seems to have an extra hand, but I’m not sure exactly where it’s coming from…
At first I thought that her extra hand, the one holding the drink, was her own hand and someone just had their arm around her waist. But, if you look at the hands on her waist, you can tell that both of those hands have the same nail polish, so they’re most likely hers. Then, I thought maybe the extra hand with the drink belonged to White T-shirt Guy in the background, but he’d have to have awful long arms for that!
So, the extra hand probably belongs to someone out of the picture that we can’t see. He or she would have to be at a strange angle, though, since the hand and glass are in an odd position. It almost looks like they’re floating in the background, because you can’t see an arm attached to it.
What do you think? Did I miss something? Sound off below on what you think the origins of this floating hand are!
I think the hand belongs to the guy on the left