I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like Star Wars is taking over lately! That’s all I see everywhere in stores – Star Wars EVERYTHING. Star Wars dishes, t-shirts, bedding, lunchboxes, cereal, body wash, and the list goes ON. Best Buy was even selling Star Wars salt and pepper shakers the other day. Salt. And. Pepper. Shakers! Yeah, let that one sink in. I figured that if everyone else was doin’ it, I could do it too. So, here’s a fun little Star Wars illusion to brighten your Monday morning…
Now, I’m sure that you guys will get more of a kick out of this one than you girls will, but hey. Can’t please everyone all the time, now can I. Don’t worry, ladies—I’m sure I’ll find a hunky optical illusion down the road somewhere, just for you.
I can’t really take credit for finding this Star Wars illusion, though. This one was sent into the Mighty Optical Illusions Facebook page by our old friend Kovács. He’s sent in a few illusions in the past that I’ve used on here. Thanks again, Kovács!
If anyone has any illusions, puzzles, or brain teasers that they think might fit the site, feel free to message them to us through the Mighty Optical Illusions Facebook page. I’ve been running behind lately, and there are still several messages and illusions to go through in the inbox there, but I’m starting to catch up, so stay tuned if you’ve sent one!