I see some you have asked whether I have resigned from maintaining this blog, and whether Jill has been assigned as new editor in chief. Whether you like it or not I’m here to stay! It’s just that I was too busy over the last few days organizing a sport tournament, so didn’t have much time to work on new posts. This was only temporarily and this is why Jill’s work has dominated over the last couple of days. Everything should return to normal from now on, as my vacation is over and I’m back to business :D What could be better to start my shift with, other than new works of Milan-based artist Guido Daniele. Guido has created some gorgeous and fresh trompe l’oeil hand art! You’ve probably seen some of his early work on this site before, as well as ad campaigns he worked on! Hope you’ll enjoy these… For more samples, be sure to visit Guido’s official homepage.
WOW, Nice artwork, I could never paint at school, amazing
The antelope one freaked me out!! ;(
This is unbelievably awesome.
this is awesome
amazing the deer one is crazy and i like the fish
cool! first two i could tell were hands because i saw fingernails, but the others, SOOO REALISTIC!
That’s like too cool. Loved it.
Takes some imagination to make hands look like animals. And they are SO realistic!
took several second looks.
those r freakin cool !
Hah, omg, that’s all really cool! =D
Awesome :)!!!!
Y cant my hand be like that
th best i’ve seen in a while
this is unbelievable,mind blowing …………………………
wow wow wow, these pictures of Guido Daniele’s painted hands are truely amazing, vivid and creative!
what happened to his arm hair?? is he supposed to have arm hair? LOL
That takes skills…
:This Comment was DELETED because The user couldn’t Express HIS(or)HER feelings about this Illusion.
Man, those are awesome!
This is “Body-painting” at it´s best. Great work.
i really really like this
I like this
Amazing! Do you think anybody could do it better?
whoa!!!!!!! that is so SWEETNESS!!!!!!! i luv it luv it luv it!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing….!Perfect attention to detail.:-)
that was so amazing!!! cool!!!!
Totally blew my mind!
I Love It!
Cool Artworks!
superb outstanding work :)
the cheetah and the puma are best.
It’s a MOOSE people, trust me, I read an article about these pictures in a magazine. (It took a lot of fingers to make the grass.)
Around 20 or 25 fingers if I remember correctly.