Back in February, I promised I’ll post another one of them marvelous animated submission E. Dubya aka elvisweathercock created. Have to admit I completely forgot about my promise, but I believe it’s never too late fixing these kind of errors! So here you go… see what Crazy Car (one we already blogged about) looks like when being in action! The illusion isn’t subtle – on the contrary! It’s immediately obvious something strange is going on with them wheels. But what I found more interesting, when observing the showcased animation, your brain has trouble realizing what your eyes immediately understood. P.S. This isn’t the only illusion present – which way do you see the car driving? Is it both?
Beautiful effect..
This seems a lot more like Cyriak.
Im sorry but this is not impressive. I see the car moving in one direction, that is in the direction the tires are pointed, and the car is sideways, as well as the passengers. I see them only moving in the direction to the right of the passengers. The only way i can remotely see an illusion is if i blur my eyes and make the wheels so out of focus that you cant tell where they are pointed. All this is, is a car with sideways wheels.
you r such an IDIOT……….
I spoke too soon. please ignore my other comment. This illusion is subtle. I thought they were trying to make it look like the car was traveling the way the car is faced. Instead, depending on how you look at it, it can be going either direction of the road. Toward the left or the right. Sneaky.
actually, look at the lane line that they pass. If you are to disregard the line, you can see the car traveling both ways. But adding the line causes the car to move to the right.
lol! that’s funny and cool!
Ha ha,nice.
Not really that good, the wheels are just turned
sweet, if you cover the lines moving on the bottom, then it looks like it goes the other way, super cool
What a way to go!
Well the car is driving the correct way as it is a British car, assuming it is in some British territory or something. Just depends which country it is in.
Great illusion!
Is it that the wheels are spinning in the opposite direction?
This is pretty good.Yes, i see the car going both ways!neat.
Its very cool!! But when you see the car going upside(left side).. the white mark in the middle of road mark doesn’t get followed correctly.
now this is optical illusion I want to see
Yeah depending on if you focus on the grass behind the car or the white line on the road, both give the appearance of traveling in different directions. Nice One.
That would be a bear to drive.
nice illusion !
If I focus on the road markings, it is definitely going right. If I look anywhere else it is going either way and I can switch at will anytime.
Nice one. I’s also cool that you can see the car driving both sides (to the right and to the left).
WHERE’S THE ILLUSION ? That’s just a car with wheels sideway.
If I draw a man with a hand instead of his right ear will it be an illusion ?
if you look at the cars wheels with the lines on the road the car appears to be travelling to the left of the passengers. If you look at the top of the car the raod shoulder dirt part makes it seem to be travelling right. Depending where you look you dismiss the other part be it lines or shoulder. so it goes both right and left and there for is chuck norris’s car.
I see the car standing still ,the road and wheels are moving .
sorry, no illusion there for me.
Crazy illusion. Reminds me of a cartoon, With cars and wheels going in all different directions! Look at it long enough the car goes backwards.I just don’t know if it was worth all the work to make it……….
My brain didn’t have any trouble processing this. From an “illusion” standpoint — it is the lame and one of the worst I’ve seen in years.
Clever. I guess it depends on what country you come from that you assume which direction it is going in.
coolish :/
i dont get it…
Awesome illusion.
Looks more like a skidding car
Check out these footprints. It’s difficult to tell if they are sticking outward or inward.
LOL the brides pregnent!!! :D
when you dont look directly at the picture, the car is going straight
Looking at the brown grass or dirt along the side of the road . . . I can make it go by to the right or the left, which makes the car seem to travel to the right or the left.
The white dashes on road make it seem more it goin right
This is one of those illusions that really shocks your mind when you first see it. It’s something totally unexpected.
those r wrong weels butt da car is driving back
ha ha ha saw that 1 be 4 not that cool
Like Diane already mentioned…the car isn’t moving…the road and ground is.
at first i did not see anything ut then i saw it looked like the tires wer spinning and the road wss moving.
They should make cars like that!