Here’s a funny photo I just received moments ago! No need to explain the illusion (or is it illusion at all!?), and I believe most of you will see it instantly! Now the only thing left is for me to decide whether I should categorize this as Funny or Scary! Perhaps both.. The only hint I can give you, is that it wouldn’t be wise to anger this kid. He might slap you, and if he was left handed – it wouldn’t end up well for you… Enjoy!
BTW, I have acknowledged your comments about the “annoying” ad that expands and pushes the content down. As much as it disturbs you, please be kind and endure this with me for few more days until the campaign is over. We got ourselves a brand new dedicated server recently (which costs thousands of dollars), so bear with me cause them ads pay for site operations, and cover all of the expenses. I’ll see what I can do about it, but the alternate “donation” route isn’t something I would prefer…
dont get it
oh my gosh this is a stupid illusion! The kid just haz 1 stupid big left hand!
um also look at the boy’s right hand. It looks like he’s grabbing…
its the dads hand
That kid has a pretty big left hand there.
“My left arm is a lot mightier than my right arm!”
-Left Handed Tryndamere
dude u are awesome to relate that to leauge
I hate to say it… but I think you were a bit heavy handed with that hint.
Nice hand :D
i notice it imediatly
it’s so funny but…
where’s his real hand?
oh, i get it, his left hand looks alot bigger than his right.
Funny pic! Looking forward to more when all the server problems get resolved.
Aw, I could take him.
I think it’s rather “cute”…….:)
kinda lame, but still cute
I see the kids “big hand” but I did wonder why the dad had his hand in such odd positioning. It took me a while to see he had it resting on his knee which is hidden by the kid.
I totally didn’t see it…. it wasn’t until I read your commentary down to the part about “left handed” that I got it. I’d been concentrating more on the area around the faces, though.
lol. Kinda funny. Best thing was…I didn’t even notice it at first!
Keep your pimp hand strong!
I get it!!!! :D
wow now thats a hand
So cute!!! I love it xD
dad has 4 fingers
is just the hand of the father, the children has put his hand in the jacket and the father put his hand from back of jacket and shows in the other side, that’s the reason for 1 big hand
and sorry for my bad english, i’m from a latin american country (Venezuela), i will put a image of the reason
thats retarded
Looks like Dad’s hand is coming out of kid’s sleeve.
that is the dads hand
The little boy has his hand behind his back and the old guy (sorry) has his hand right by the sleeve to make it look like the kid has a huge left hand.
It took me a few seconds to notice .Very funny
You can see the tip of the kids real left thumb peaking out.
“them ads pay for site operations”
You have ads all over the page, and I don’t mind them. But this expanding top ad is annoying and I immediately scroll down, so I don’t even notice what’s in it. So how effective an add is that?
It it remains up for long, I will take a look, then boycott that vendor.
What you could (and probably should) do is complain to the company that provides the ads. Don;t forget they are dependent on your visitors for their income so if your visitors threat to stop visit you (or to keep visiting you but install an ad blocker). If many site owners complain, then the ad companies will have to act on that.
mmm im d 1st 1 2 comment…… glad… and dis is ma 1st comment
lol…………….dtz his dadz hand………………dat child have a small hand which is hidden under d cloth…
and v can c his small finger 2……
This is so obvious… the boy’s hand is hidden behind the guy’s hand. the sleeve is too big for the boy’s small hand, so he could have hidden it behind the guy’s hand, with the guy’s hand seemingly ‘coming out’ of the sleeve.
Haha. I saw it, but is it real?
Absolutely needed your hint to see this.
his real left hand is in his sleeve… you can see the tip of one of his fingers sticking out of the sleeve…. look next to his body and you will see it.
You are hitting the bottom with this one.
gwad…the kid shud be wanking with his left hand a lot..!! tats why it got so big..!! ;-)
omg it is soo stoopid. yea i said it stoopid! this is a site i go on everyday and i am dissapointed
Okay, please. It’s the dad’s hand. The dad has his arm around his son. You can see the son’s thumb on the top of the dad’s hand.
I have a question. Should this pic even be considered as an Optical Illusion? The answer is a no for me. This is a funny and cute pic of, I would guess, a father having fun with his Son, and creating a GREAT memory for this family’s photo album. Since I discovered this website about 3 years ago, this is the first Optical Illusion I have seen that, in my opinion, probably didn’t deserve to be posted here! On he other hand, you really do have an Outstanding Record of posting content that people want to see, so I probably should not be complaining about just one post that I didn’t like!!!!!!! I Love the content that is available on this site. Keep the GREAT Optical Illusions coming and Thanks for taking the time to read my post and sorry it’s so long!
that man has a purse… lol
people! the das left hand is at the back of his son’s right hand , his son’s right hand is inside the outfit
Your Right
If he were post-pubescent, I would say he was left-handed. As it is……?
His dad’s hand is in front of his. Kinda obvious… if you looks hard, you can tell that the kid’s left hand is holding his dad’s – his dad’s being in front of it and blocking it to the camera.
its just thee dads hand duh
If you notice a crab has a bigger claw on one side. I wonder if he might be kin to a left handed crab?????????????
the left hand is slightly closer to the camera. or…it’s just the dad’s hand. either way…his left hand isn’t REALLY that big.
The little kid`s hand is too short for the robe and his dad is putting his arm/hand around him so it looks like he has a big hand,but he doesn`t.
I have to hand it to you. I sure handedly confess this empty-handedly. He sure handed his hands a good handy-dandy illusion.
Awww! Dad gives his son a hand.
oh come on this is so easy !
that man next to the boy has got his hand through the back of the robe or whatever that is called. then he got his hand through the sleeve and that’s really it. illusion ?!
this is really obvious, you can see that the kid’s arm isn’t long enough for the sleeve (you can see the tip of one of his fingers poking out the left side of the sleeve)and the man’s hand is in the place of the where the kid’s hand should be.
I guess this should go into the ‘Funny’ category. and this pic is great. gave me shock n a smile ;)
That hand will come in handy when he turns 13…LOL!
Think he might be one of those adults that are as short and look like children?
Guys c’mon thats not his hand thats the hand of his father!Look!The big hand is blocking the small hand its like relative sizes