Scary Santa Optical Illusion

So what have I prepared for you today? First, I’m gonna talk a little about our new website design, and in the next paragraph there will be more talk on the illusion itself. Inpatient ones may simply skip this, and head directly to the next paragraph. As you see, I’ve already implemented some of your logical suggestions. I’ve added the slightly darker background, and made the share buttons stop following you, as you scroll down the page. I’m aware we need a new logo (more professional one), but am simply to occupied to do this. Anyone volunteers to redesign our logo? You may attach your works via images for comments option, and showcase your skills! I still need the idea for our header, though. How can we make it better?

And for the illusion… well, you’ll quickly realize it yourself! It’s definitely not what you first thought. I’ve received this one from Julie, who said she was a little scared when she first saw this, but made her all warm and happy when she understood the illusion. Can you see why is that?

Scary and Funny Santa Claus illusion

71 Replies to “Scary Santa Optical Illusion”

  1. wow this test your posotive to negative veiws, for example, if your posotive, you see santa, if your negative you see a skull. good illusion

  2. cool illusion

    i think for the header, you should have mini pictures of famous illusions and if you click on them, it brings you to that illusion, this may increase the amount of ppl look at older posts

  3. The darker background was my idea :D

    For those of you that don’t know, the santa holding the bag is supposed to look like a skull

  4. I think that the categories panel should be on the left like on most websites…infact, you could just switch the entire right side to the left

  5. i love the new clouds at the top! It changes the whole feel of the page. However, imo, the share button on the side looks out of place just floating there

  6. I’m certainly not a professional, but a few minutes of boredom on my computer resulted in this image. I think it looks kinda neat, and you are free to use it as your website logo if you like it. Or if theres something you’d like changed, just let me know and I’d be happy to help. :)[img]C:\Users\Adam\Desktop[/img]

  7. Ok I don’t think that worked. I’ll upload it to the internet and see if it works now…[img][/img]

  8. I give up. You can slick this link to check it out. Sorry for all the above posts that didn’t work.

    1. love this logo as it’s really bright and noticable. It’s also sharp and to the point..yeah like it a lot.

  9. i saw the skull first, but after about 5 secs i saw santa
    i like the cloudiness and blueness (im not sure any of them are actually words)

  10. Pretty awesome.. very cool illusion
    hey wouldn’t it be great to have an opticall illusion as a logo….
    i’m just thinking

  11. [img][/img] Is this a good enough logo? I did it in paint in 30 min.

  12. LOL when i saw it i actually thought it was a skull until i saw another head coming out of the skull making it even more confusing for me

  13. Love the illusion! Here are a couple logo ideas for you! Hope you like them.[img][/img]

  14. I’ll never look at Santa the same way again! In regards to the changes, what about making the Illusion of the day column, Categories and Top rated illusion column stand out more. Maybe a darker blue or a differnt colour altogether.

  15. Here’s a more refined look.[img][/img]

  16. WOW! It’s santa?!? I didn’t know! I thought is was a man with mittens hugging an enormas baby! See the little head wrap!? The only thing that puzzled me was the feet, and which way it would be pointing (Before I saw santa!)

    1. i think that the reason babies r screaming in their photos with Santa Claus is because they r scared of the flash. it just looks like hes hugging a giant baby till i saw the skull face. first skull illusion i aint scared of

    1. A URL is the web address where your image resides. I put my image on my blog then right clicked the image to copy the link. When I left this comment I clicked “add some images” and pasted the address into the box. If you don’t have a blog you could put your image on facebook and use that as the URL.

  17. I like the new layout and i think the idea of having the logo as an illusion is fantastic :-) Great illusion as usual

  18. Here’s another…[img][/img]

    1. I vote for Adam’s

      Though what about putting Might underneath the pic with the other words?

      [ image ]

  19. I don’t really like the new design. The cloud background doesn’t do it for me, and I liked the current logo against the dark blue – now, it obviously doesn’t fit in.
    The illusions seem to be getting better.

  20. I’m going to use that Santa/skull cartoon for my Christmas cards this year! Here’s my submission for the logo contest:


  21. never been here before. thought i would leave this though in case anyone likes it.[img][/img]

    1. reminds me of the movie “the nightmare before christmas”
      by Tim’s cute, but it’s a little kids movie.

  22. Wicked, Its very easy to see how the illusion has been adapted to look like a skull/ santa. but yeah very cool lol (:

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