Rob Gonsalves is a Canadian painter of magic realism illusions. I couldn’t find Rob’s homepage, so if you know what’s the adress, be sure to post it under comments. I included a set of 36 pictures Rob Gonsalves produced, and you can see all of them if you jump inside this post. I would appreciate if you commented which of these you find most beautiful and puzzling?
Those paintings are awesome!
Any idea where we can get Hi-res versions so i can use one as my wallpaper?!
Rob whatsisname is freakin awesome! his stuff is cooler than m.c.escher’s.
Those paintings are something out of comomm!
They transmit us peace and hapiness.
Forgive-me for my english, I`m portuguese.
My favorite is the bridge ship. I also like the couch floating in the ocean. Thats the way I feel somedays :) and the one you put on the post,The green maze.
Being a mother, I think I like the ones with children best: the map, the jigsaw, the swing, the bouncing on the bed. They seem to have more content, rather than just being clever. Overall I think his stuff owes a lot to Magritte.
They’re all outstanding! If I had to pick 1 it’s got to be jigsaw puzzle of the house being put together inside the house, very bizarre. Wallpaper sounds like a great idea.
I love them all!!!!
An absolutely astounding collection of artistry. My favourite has to be the galleons materialising from the archways of the aquaduct, which, coincidentally, is the front cover of a book on optical illusions through the ages which I am currently reading. Inspiring work!!
all of them r so amazing!!!!!
Those illusion-paintings were really really really good ..i mean the thought and the way it made you think it was somehting but it wasn’t
Its very unusal but really interesting aswell…great work (y)
Heres what my friend has 2 say…..
i think its awsome mate theres so much too it that makes yhoo think that its real and yhoo can do those things in real life “I WISH I COULD” againe awsome tell us how yhoo do it i want to now so i can draw it in school and show ma teacher LOL AMAZIN. GOOD JOB KEEP IT UP!!!!!!!
These paintings are sooooooooooo awsom. i would do anything to be able to paint like that!!
These are SOOOO cool.
The ships in the sky one is my favorite but I didn’t get the one with the boy treking through the snow.
these are cool
That was a fun visual, I wish there were more.
These are absolutely brilliant! I especially like the ones that take you a moment to realise what is ‘wrong’ with the picture. I’m really drawn to the one of the ‘lake’ made of mirrors, for some reason. And the ones where inhuman objects become human, they really show a different perspective.
Rob Gonzalves is a mastermind. He shows us what the world could be like once the mind is freed of the mundane and normal causalities of our times. The mind has no limits, and the soul reaches forever. Very impressive works.
OMG. It took me forever to get through those I was looking at them so much. They are so beautiful. I need to get one of those for my bedroom
love them all
hiya evrey1 this man is very clever i especially liked the 5th one down with like the mna as the windows i loves all of dem bit confusin sum of them tho lol :P
Wow. Those are very imaginative.
these pictures r fantastic!!!! I love these 1s: 1st one, 11th one, 12th one, 13th one, 15th one, 20th, 21st, 23th, and all the others!!!!! I would love 2 a talent like this!!
and interesting
His galleries are linked from his Wikipedia entry:
Cool stuff!
I personally love the Beach Room, the River monks, and the Girl flying off her bed. I wouldn’t say he’s better than Escher, because escher did a more mathmatical exploration, but this artist is very Escher like, in a good way. I’ve seen a lot of these paintings featured in books about illusions. Very cool.
Wow, what talent!! I love all of these, but my favourite has to be the one with the mirror-water around the castle :D
Cheers Vurdlak for such a cool site, I’ve been hooked through the widget since november and I’m loving every minute!!
Whoa those were cool somebody plz post his webpage
wow those were COOL
these are bull s^*%!
i know every one else said the same thing, but those are REALLY cool
wow thats cool
I like these, but they get really repetitive and I don’t really think their elusions.
i love the one with the mirror lake! omgsh! i wish i was this insanely talented!
OMG these paintings are something else man! You difinately have a very wild and vivid imagination.
Way to go keep up the awesome art.
I’ve seen a lot of those. the one with the books turning into doors is in my school library. My favourite one is the kids jumping on the beds.
He is Sooooo Cool! I Wish He Could Make More!
Stunning! Absolutely stunning! The transitions in these pics reminded me of the type of transitions that occur in dreams.
I like the jigsaw world one best, because it’s the best-blended boundary and I like seeing the characters in the puzzle carrying the pieces through it, very impressive concept and execution.
These are soo beautiful,
the most amazing paintings i have ever seen!!
these were all in a book iv’e read before! amzaing!
wow, so beautiful…
I wish i was that talented!
I like them all. My favorite it the third one from the top. the one woth the sunflower ladies.
Thoses are totally awsome!~! *HEHE* they were mind blowing!~!
These pictures are fascinating. They’re like peeking into someone else’s mind and watching his dreams. I hope there are more in our future.
I love these.
My favourite one is the children jumping on the beds and flying over the hills.
It is an amazing insight into a child’s mind and how anything can be anything with an imagination.
It flows perfectly between the situations and gives me a beautiful feeling. If a piece of artwork can do that it is truly amazing.
These are from the books ‘Imagine a Day’, ‘Imagine a Night’ and others.
absolutely mind blowing, what an amazing artist i’m looking him up now. Want some of these on my walls something you could look at everyday and find something you didn’t see before. thanks
This is so inspired
they best way to live in an imaginary world…
Esher rip off
The sad thing is that most people will associate these meaningless displays of ILLUSTRATION with fine art. And assume that “he” is a ‘Great painter’ simply because the work is painted in a representational style. ‘realism” is the beginning of art, not the end result.
I love how you think its one thing then the farther you look its another its sooo cool
The most coolest things i ever saw
The one i like the most is that women who is coming out of the water at night.
everything is fabulous.
i’ve seen it all before in a book but it will never get boring!
those are so awesome…i like the kid playin with the train looking at the real one “OH SH-BLEEEEEEEP”
SOOOOOOOOO cool! they are so artistic and lifelike! wish i could draw like that!
The tenth picture name is Climate Change Religion
i have to say WOW
Great! It must be wonderful to be able to put your imagination into play. My favorites are the boy with the trains and the metaphoric picture of the library being a gateway to wherever you wish to go.
these are all really awsome!
Rob Gonsalves is one of my favourite illusion artists. way to go!
the one with the moon and the light is very good but…
If you like illusions you should see the painting “christ of saint john” of Salvador Dali! It’s a wonderfull painting and a beautifull illusion! Check it!
These are amazing!
I love the sunflower ladies, the people coming out of the arches, the girl coming out of the water, the jigsaw, library, the waterfall turning into sculptors, the mirror lake and the second last one with the statues controlling the people like pupets.
the jigsaw puzzle and the last one with the children on the swings
ThEsE ArE ThE MoSt BeAuTiFuL ThInGs I HaVe EvEr SeEn YaY PkiCtUrEs!!!!!
Very beautiful. I had never heard of this person before, but now I’m a fan!
And Escher would be proud too. If you like these kind of illusions next time you’re in Holland visit the Escher Museum in The Hague.
these are so awesome!!! LUV THEM ALL!!!! MORE PLEASE!!!
I love Rob Gonsalves work!! every picture amazes me..
You are a genius:D
Its beautiful! such creativity!!
if I’m not wrong those and much more paints are artworks of Salvador Dali…so no one is genius but Salvador and hes Artworks ;)
dont confirm this and neither the other reply please…. i did not noticed that Rob Gonsalev is the creator… sorry… withdraw my reply this and the other one too… thanks
AMAZING! I luv it :D
the kid with the train needs to watch out XD
i love these illusions so much
Awesome-ness defined! :-)
i want a swing like that one
They are all amazing! Rob is a genius
I find these pictures extremely thought provoking. I have no favorite, but the least impressive just need time to show their true genius…There are just too many to take in all at once. Superb.
I remember reading this books when I was really little. They are so strange, but so beautiful!
Wow these are so awesome!!!!
thes are super cool
All i van say is wow. I can draw but this guy has some serious talent. I want to see his museum
its weird, but the one with the guy looking at the floor with his telescope, I had a dream about a place like that once
love those kinds of paintings
found his homepage:
cool smply chillin…
Very “Escher-like” and that is no small feat. I love this kind of work, it tickles your mind.
When i see this i feel like i am in a peaceful place and i’m a kid so i really love the ones with kids and i have a big house with 3 stories so i can somewhat do this at home or at some place i really love his work. p.s. i’m sorry if it’s to long
Very Magritte. I love it.
More information on pictures (where used) can be easily found through Would have led you to the homepage
Escher+Magritte=Rob Gonsalves
allsam with grren big grass
THIS IS THE BEST!! I love it!! He is very creative. Love, love,love. Words cant describe how much this is the coolest paintings ever. WOW!!
i also found his homepage and visited it. his paintings are very creative and i love it. i can draw good but i dont know hot to draw like that. he has serious talent.
omg these images are absolutely beautiful & breathtaking C: ron gonsalves has opened my eyes to the worlds within the world. brilliance xx
Some of these are in a book called ‘Imagine a night’ or something like that.
seems like some story you’re trying to tell us. i still don’t get how it’s an illusion
HM that makes sence
Niki the boy trekking through the snow wasn’t snow it was a bunch of beds with white blankets
I loooove this illusion my fav
i like the hallway and the headless people
but all of them are amazing
He writes several children books called imagine a day, and imagine a night and they have really cool captions.
Rob Gonsalves,
Mauritz Escher would be very proud of you.
You are definitely taking his style one step further.
I have Escher’s book, and when your book is on print, I’ll order one.
Wonderfull pictures; there is great idea (vision) in each and pictures are technically excelently produced. Great work!
amazing huh! great!
This is Aparna.I live in India and am an IB Student studying in grade 11.As a part of my comparative Studies in the subject Visual Arts I would like to take up the Artist Rob Gonsalves and his artworks as they really inspire me.
Unfortunately,I am not acquired with the information required.Also I am not able to contact the Artist.I request you to kindly convey my regards to the Artist Rob Gonsalves and help me contact him by providing me with his Email ID.
Thanking You.