Which way is the wheel turning!? Focus on the red dots and follow them round… it appears to be rotating anti-clockwise. However, if you follow…
If you can cross your eyes, so that both pictures slide ‘into’ each other – to form a third, 3D image between them, the effect…
All of the red lines are completely parallel would you believe?
See a new color you’ve never seen before!!…Well… at least never before on your monitor. It’s a startling example of how poor the green/cyan element…
This amazing illusion to the right already looks quite ‘wavy’, but try slowly moving the mouse cursor up and down the center of the image…
At first, there doesn’t seem anything unusual about this picture. It’s just a bunch of diagonal lines and a slightly distorted square in the middle…
Rollers appear to rotate without effort. On the other hand, they appear to rotate in the opposite direction when observer sees this image, while blinking…