Chances are slim that you could spot another animal’s face in this picture on your left. Yet, apart the animal king there is another, more insignificant animal hiding there. Before you check the solution below, I can give you a little hint: the illusion works in a quite similar way the Hidden Owl Illusion did. This should be more than enough for you.
As there is not much more to say about this funny flick, I’ll update you with some site concerning news. If you noticed, apart from translating the iGoogle gadget, we updated both Yahoo and Windows widgets as well. You can get the from here if you’re interested in recent changes. Even though there weren’t any major tweaks, it’s just they should be more stable now, plus I’ve added some design changes. Go ahead, try them and report what you think.
On the personal level, I’m constantly getting hit by additional offline and online tasks. To keep with this pressure, I’m going to invest more energy in hiring additional helpers for Mighty Optical Illusions. Don’t worry, nothing will change from your view, except maybe more illusions and new technical options :) Enjoy today’s illusion, and check the solution part below:
This reminds me of the lion and the mouse story, kinda
I loved this illution.
Keep it Up!
I love the perspective illusions! Yet another great one!
That is definitely very cool.
That’s cool but it was way to easy.
I think it looks more like a squierl, but it is very cool.
I had already found the mouse, just it doeesnt really look like one upside down. Heres the link to the cat and mouse one…
This ones really noticeble.
ive already spotted the illusion on the igoogle widget, before i came onto the site…
I love your illusions! I was just surfing a bit today at 9:00 am and typed optical illusions and wow ! I checked illusions from page 1 (today) to page 8 and bookmarked your site ! And , just maybe , I like people near my country (Serbia) doing great stuff! Keep up your good work!
looks more like a hamster or guinea pig than a mouse, but still clever
I think it’s a guinea pig
ohh it’s so cute!!! and awesome!!
i saw it instantly…. my chances are not slim :)
This is a very bad illusion. Not really smart, beautiful or even funny…
What majestic beasts. It’s beautiful. Where do you find these great illusions. Never mind. Just keep them coming.
Yet another cool one on my desktop!
OUTSTANDING!!!!! These are the effects I look for on this site. I wish more of them were like this. I don’t mean to degrade your website…but a lot of your posts lately have been… “IN MY OPINION ONLY”… kind of lame. This one raises the bar to where “I THINK IT SHOULD BE”, But that is just my opinion. Thank you for letting me speak my mind. Jack
It<s good but you title gave it straight away and I could see the answer (fliped picture) before reading the text as it was too high on the page. What happened to your click-on-it thingy (that would reveale the answer only when we are ready?
oh, the mouse even got little paws ! How sweet!
hehehe it kinda looks like a squirrel
I personally think that it reminds us that in every “lion” resides a “mouse” and to remember that as we meet others on our walks through life. That no matter how loud one is..there is a timid little mouse hiding inside all of us.
it is lame
i like it but to me it looks more like the head of a squirrel
i like this but the eyes of the mouse were given away for me when i looked at the lion I was thinking about those circles and saw the mouse…
God Detective Kitty u r to inteligent
i just wanted to tell you that i love you u r sexy detective!
The mouse creeps me out. it does… but cool illution.
have you ever made love detective
that dont look like a mouse 2 me!! it looks like a chipmunk more than a mouse!!
soz if i spelled chipmunk wrong!!
and the loin looks like he got a proplem!! apart for being half mouse!!LOL!! lol!!
I just love these and I spotted the mouse straight away and this is the first time that I have seen this illusion, so I’m pretty chuffed with myself, I am usually the one that doesn’t see these things.
Cool illusion, the name gave it away for me… it was easy.
that little rat thing looks like it is in brown flames…LOL
I believe that’s an otter.
its not to cool for me when i looked at the lion even i dint yet see the up side down picture i already got it :P not to cool
i remembered a story about a lion and a mouse
man that mouse looks really creepy like that but still a great illusion
a lion and opposite a mouse
This takes ‘The Lion And The Mouse’ to a whole different level.
Hi, the abv link to image of Santana’s debut album cover. Image shows a Lion with some interesting “hidden” images. I typed santana in your search hoping to find it here, but found your “Lion & Mouse” instead, wonder why.
Great website, yours is.
i literally just went upside down and saw it. im not even joking. XD