As I already stated, when I discovered Greg Wosik – huge doors to the incredible opus of professionally-made anamorphic chalk drawings opened for me. This year in Lienz (Austria) there was a big street-art festival, and Gregor played a major role in it. As you can see, this time we have some amphibian animals and a giant grasshopper coming out of the crack in the floor, heading towards nearby pond. Since my German language knowledge isn’t that bad, I managed to understand how Marion Ruthardt (another talented artist) helped Gregor with this three-dimensional pavement image. I have also found out that the painting was done in the center of the city. Does it somehow remind you of this painting?

I still don’t like the gallery format. I skip these illusions.
nice..i am the fist one to comment..hehe…
no ur not anoynamys is
awesome first comment!!
oh and a great illusion!
i love chalk drawings. they just look so…3D
Wow! That is absolutely amazing!
Im sorry but am i the only one who is getting tired of the street art? they are barely illusions. Don’t get me wrong, they are great works of art, but can’t we find something new???
first comment woohoo im only 9 this is my first comment in my whole life!! cant believe it by the way cool art d(^_^)b
These sidewalk illusions are starting to get quite boring.
We’ve had so many of these already. It’s a bit same.
Amazing work, the tedail that goes into each animal is incredible
See this same effect in 3D here
very amazing..this guy is talented in bugs…lol not much explaining for me to do…
I love these types of chalk drawings. They are so interesting and cool to look at too!
this scares me..
gongratulations Angelo this is my 10000 comment i think =)
All this from caulk? Pretty impressive.
I have the same opinoin as the first guy.