I’ve made some changes to the iGoogle gadget over the past few days. One of the changes involves custom language, adjusted to your spoken language. For now, if your iGoogle is set to Russian, German, Croatian or Slovenian language, you should already see the change! But I’d like to make our gadget available in even more world languages! I have set this very simple form below, where you can help my by entering the translation in YOUR mother language! Don’t worry it takes less than minute to finish, and we can have it all completed in matter of days! Before I implement these translations, I’ll probably post the updated spreadsheet or some kind of wiki, where you’ll be able to proof-read all of the gathered results. Hope you appreciate my work ;)
By the way, what do you see in the right picture? Is that a swan, some kind of squirrel…or perhaps a rabbit? Please don’t forget to fill the form below so we can make the widget available in more languages! Also, if you encounter anything weird with the gadget itself, please report in comments!
I see the swan and rabbit but you can kinda see both at the same time.
Dutch transalation added…
It’s not a swan or a squirrel. It’s a swarrel.
lol i made the first form and it was in welsh! (By the way Vurdlak welsh is from wales which is a part of Great Britain and agacent to England.)
I just send a Spanish translation, if i can keep helping you, please just say it.
Portuguese(Brazil) translation added
I translated it all as requested but I think that you should keep the english name(Optical Illusion of The Day) ’cause it is common in Brazil to keep the original name, and people like more than translations(we have a certain trauma with movie titles translation) and the name is full of cognate words
My e-mail is in the form anything you can just e-mail me.
Finnish translation added :)
I can see the swan and squirrel, but not rabbit.. HOW can someone see rabbit in that? o_O
Polish translation added too :)
I sent you the Portuguese (pt-PT) translation, but I agree with the user that sent you the pt-BR one: you should consider keeping the original name.
(I don’t think that in this case there’s a big difference between pt-PT and pt-BR, the translations should be similar.)
Keep up the good work.
I just added another Spanish translation just in case…
btw I’m from Argentina but I speak English since very young and been going to English school all my life; finishing high school this year!
Polish translation also added :)
Perhaps it’s an ugly duckling, but then you’d have to ask someone from Denmark.
Added German translations. You should not use the German “Täuschung” without “optische”, otherwise it sounds like a criminal act.
Pl (Polish) translation added :]
ive seen a bunch of these tho…
I would just like to say THANK YOU for all the work you do on your site, newsletter, widgets. You truly put the effort in to make your website great.
finnish translation added :)
Greek added :D
french tanslation added!
I added Greek translation.. I sent the form 2 times.. The first is not correct.. The second is!!
i say its not a bunny its a squrriel thats what it looks like to me
japanese translaion added. i couldnt thnk of a word for igoogle or ig. sorry
ho :-(
i wanted to traslate it to spanish :S
Danish Translation added.
This is a swan if you look from the left, and a squirrel eating a nut, if you look from the right. It cant be a rabbit, as rabbitts have a bob-tail. This creature has a long tail, like a squirrel! lol.
I see Cousin IT, look at it upside down XD!
yeah its a joke but w/e
indonesian translation added :)
Hey steph u r right wanna b friends?
finnish translation added (omg 2 finnish translations before me :o)
Hey staph what’s your email adress??????????????
i love you steph!!!!!!!
dutch translation added, I think its a squirrel not a rabbit
Hungarian translation added. Sorry about the missing accents and umlaut. I know where they all go, but couldn’t add them.
hi v. its your canadian freind agian i just wanted to complement you on a fab job on oyur amazing and insightful site its a work of art u should be in the Louvre in Paris,France with your artistic touch i just wnated to wish you and your lovely family all the very best for the hoildays and a very prosperous and wealthy and healthy new yr 2010 your a true genius and also an inspiration to us all keep the fab job up you deserve a Nobel Price ciao nadia
I kinda see a whale to
Yes, I support the portuguese translation.
Tagalog translation was added
If you havn´t got a swedish translation yet, email me and I do it
hungarian sent.
its a swan with a squirrel-head tail…
iadded english
it looks like a cross between a swan and a squirrel…
swirrel? squawn? lol they are conjoint twins, definatly no identical!!!
its a genetic experiment gone awry
i see a duck and a rabbit..lol
Please send more.
dutch added !
icelandic added. Þú ert velkominn :-)
Is it a swan? Is it a rabbit? Is it a squirrel? No… It’s a