Rafael Simões Miranda does what he calls “Italian design through Brazilian eyes“. Chances are slim that the optical illusion pattern he used to create this interesting piece of furniture simply appeared in his dreams. This isn’t the kind of design one just conjures up. So either (a) he was aware of Akiyoshi Kitaoka’s original Snake Illusion, or (b) he was following our website from day one. Either way, check the Hypnose Sofa Rafael designed. This would be a great piece of furniture for an optometrist’s waiting room.
freaky! @_@
Now that should keep couch spuds off the sofa.
A fine optical illusion, but I wouldn’t want it in my living room. No indeed, no indeed.
i like how the snakes on the sofa line up with the snakes on the wall
I want one of those!
WICKED! Imagine trying to take a nap on THAT one!
thatz something for my mushroom-room when im trippin ..
AMAzing… It feels weird
I love it!!!!!
Get drunk and then try to make love to your significant other on that couch; I dare you!
Wow, that thing is giving me a headache just looking at it for a couple minutes here. I’d burn it if I had to spend 8 hours with it. They should put these things in prisons, people wouldn’t be so willing to go back.
nicccccccccccccccccccccccccccce! nice nice nice!
My wife would have me locked up for doing something like that. Can you imagine what it would be like with a hangover?
The couch all but disappears against the background in the last frame where the perspective obscures the outline..
i think the illusion didn’t work here that well
This is so awesome. I want this sofa.
Whoooooooooo Hooooooooooooo.
First comment.
the idea is nice, it’s only a pity that the effect only comes to life in the last picture.
i know the intention of the pattern, but it just doesn’t work properly when it’s not flat.
as the last picture suggests, it’s nice, but only if you redecorate your room ^.^
That’d be a fun thing to own, of course I couldn’t watch TV with swirly things at the corner of my eye
Awesome furniture.I love illusion type things.
OMG! I wonder if it’s better with dope? ‘Cause I’d have to take drugs to be anywhere near this room!!
Cool illusion, though
lol when i see this its hurt a little my head
my eyes! my eyes!
I think if anyone look it for few minutes continuously then he will find his mind trap into some illusion. Try it as i have tried it too. Thanks for posting and really a very illusive furniture.
*cough* interesting decor *cough*
I want that chair! that is a awesome chair!
whoahhhhh that is wierd: )
This would be a fun trick to play on your wasted friends one weekend
It is a great website.. The Design looks very good.. Keep
working like that!. how to catch largemouth bass