Saturday is here! Oh thank goodness that the weekend is here, and we know that you all are doing something fun and exciting. How do you feel about music? Have any of you all gone to a fancy concert before or even the symphony? Well, today’s optical illusion is all about a cello, and we’re sure you all are going to see that something is not right about it. Do you see a man hidden in the cello? You have to look on the right hand side, and you will see him. How many of you all see the man that is painted up to look like the other half of the cello?
Ready to see another great optical illusion involving people posing as other objects or animals? Take a look at this, which is considered one of the best optical illusions ever! Now, at first glance, you all see the face of a tiger, but is it a real tiger or just someone that is painted up to look like it. You’re right! This is not a real tiger, and the nose area of the tiger is actually someone’s back! Do you all see that it’s a person or did the artist really do a good job? Well today is Saturday, so we hope you have a great day!