Friday is here! Hurry its Friday, and it is also the last Friday in the month of March. Holy smokes where did the month of March go because believe it or not, Easter is coming and very fast. How prepared are all of you for Easter? So, how many of you have a flower garden that you are planting because the weather is nice and warm? Well we love flowers too, which brings us to today’s optical illusion, which is all about a woman that is painted up to look like flowers, so we call her the flower girl. Whoever did this picture really had to have a lot of patience because the girl had to be painted up very carefully to make sure she matched the flowers all around her.
Ready for another cool optical illusion that has someone blended into a background? Some people call stuff like this camouflage art, and that is fine because we think its cool no matter what the name is! So, take a look at these cool camouflage works of art, and if you have anything to say, please don’t be shy and let us know. Today is Friday, once you all get home the weekend will begin for all of you and for us too!