Hello everyone and welcome to Hump Day! High fives all around for making it to this point of the week, and now it’s all downhill from here, right? So, grab yourself a nice ice coffee, soda, or energy drink, and try and get through the rest of the day. How many of you love to go fishing as a way to spend the weekend or any time you all go on vacation? Well today’s optical illusion is all about going fishing, but the woman that is fishing is not entirely human. Do you all see that she is half woman and half dog? Who knew that such a creature existed, and that this creature loved to go fishing, but the photograph is the proof is it not? Well we know you all are smart and can figure out how this was done, but it’s a pretty funny picture anyway.
Ready for an optical illusion involving a Google Earth image? Check out this great image of an oak tree taken from above! Pretty cool right? Well we love to look at Google Earth for images like these, and we found a great one, don’t you all think? Today is Wednesday, but the week is at the halfway point, but hang on and it will be Friday before you can blink an eye!