Posted on May 31, 2016May 26, 2024Animals Simple Mountain Illusion is Something More… Well, we all slept in again this morning, and wouldn’t ya know! The kids missed the buses for school and we had to run them… Continue Reading
Posted on April 1, 2016April 1, 2016Animals The Owl Wedding Crasher Some weddings can get pretty crazy! I’ve seen a few where some downright weird things happened, but that could just be because I have weird… Continue Reading
Posted on February 5, 2016May 26, 2024Animals Ominous Butterfly Optical Illusion With many of us still struggling with getting piles of snow dumped on us, it can be hard to imagine that sunshine and warmth will… Continue Reading
Posted on April 22, 2015May 30, 2024Animals Half Woman Half Dog Fishing Optical Illusion Hello everyone and welcome to Hump Day! High fives all around for making it to this point of the week, and now it’s all downhill… Continue Reading
Posted on March 8, 2015March 8, 2015Animals Flying White Dog Optical Illusion Sunday is here, and this is the first day with the time change. Spring forward is not the best time of year for anyone, because… Continue Reading
Posted on February 15, 2015February 14, 2015Animals Praying Animal Optical Illusion Hello everyone, today is Sunday, and it is not only a day of rest, but a lot of people go to church in order to… Continue Reading
Posted on February 12, 2015May 30, 2024Animals Hungry Tiger Optical Illusion Hello everyone, today is Thursday, and there is one more day left before Friday, and the weekend. This weekend is special because it is Valentine’s… Continue Reading
Posted on February 11, 2015Animals Flying Man Optical Illusion Hello everyone, welcome to the midpoint of the week, and you all are doing great! The week is halfway done now, and it will be… Continue Reading