An interesting art installation was setup by mr. #Francis Tabary that depicts the same object from different angles. It all depends how you look at it – you may see the rabbit or a gentleman wearing a hat. The mirror helps in seeing the both simultaneously. I leave it up to you to realise how this illusion works. It’s relatively simple, so no hints this time.
it’s not a gentleman it’s joseph beuys, a famous german artist..
both images, the rabbit and the man in the mirror, are represented with a single line. The man in the mirror reflects the line which composes the rabbit… from a different point of view. Basically, what’s missing in this 2D picture is the third dimension, over which the line that represents the rabbit follows.
I guess I’m simply not getting it. There appears to be no rational relationship between the two.
This is just cheap crap. I remember this website used to be something good.
Well, here’s my hint: one cannot solve the puzzle by engaging in 2-dimensional thinking.
Can’t an artist be a gentleman ?
It’s a rabbit looking at an egg, that has a picture of a man wearing a hat, painted on it. So says my six year old daughter. LOL
I’m thinking it’s a wireframe. ;)
Thank you for posting the YouTube link! =)
I see nothing but a rabbit, a mirror and the outline of a gentleman. Fail.
So Joseph Beuys wasn’t a gentleman?
I have seen this before-and forgotten it-please help !!!
I’m going to take a stab at it in that the wires aren’t confined to a 2D plane. The rabbit bends toward and away from us in such a way that the different angle we view it at through the mirror creates the man in the hat.
i really don’t get this at all – clues, please
joseph beuys wasnt an artist. he was a stümper !
I need a hint!
I just don’t get this one. Is it one of those “when you see it” kind of things?
can any one explain the illusion further.
What am I looking for??????
i don’t get it! Pls help…
I don’t get it. What’s suppost to happen? Or what should I see? , besides an egg with a man and a rabbit…
I dont get it can someone explain?
It’s pretty easy: There’s only one wire outline. Viewed from the camera’s angle it looks like a rabbit, but viewed from the angle supplied by the mirror it looks like the gentleman with the hat. Pretty dam cool if you ask me (but no one did).
This makes absolutely no sense…