I’ve red somwhere that this is not a kite! It’s the Google Earth real-time mouse pointer plug in! What’s your opinnion? :) Be sure to jump inside this article to see more amazing photos of this flying mouse cursor. You can purchase WindFire Cursor™ and the WindFire OS Series if you go to windfiredesigns.com – hurry!
Most of these pictures were obviously taken at Burning Man The place could warrant an entire section due to the wild and weird things which appear commonplace there.
what do u mean its not a kite? i see the lines!! i dont get it
yep to me aswell look as a kite. defenetly :D
Even on the website, they say its a Kite:
Its is a kite. I can see the strings.
what do you mean it’s a kite? i see no strings!
On the second to last picture, you can obviously see the strings. They’re kites!
It looks like a kite but i fink it’s just edited init.
it’s a kite that’s in the picture… those strings are soo easy to spot
Cool! First I thought it’s photoshop!
This is deifinitely a kite…you can see the strings, and the people in the photographs are either:
Pic 1) Posing in that spot because that kite is there.
Pic 2) Pointing their fingers at the kite.
Pic 3) Laying there because of the kite and looking up and smiling at it.
Pic 4) Pretending to try to grab it.
Anyone who can’t see how obvious this is, you’re not being perceptive.
I think I should write a book, “Getting Jokes for Dummies”
oh come on, how could you not see it’s a kite?! in the second picture you can see the person holding it!
huh? ohh…a kite…that’s an optical illusion? lol.
That is so a kite Third picture on the point u so can see the strings
thats totally a kite u can c the lines and in the 2nd pic u can c the guy holding it
if you open each picture and look at them closely, you can actually see the strings in EVERY one. To be honest, I was disappointed to realize it was just a kite.
I’m thinking that these things are stickers to put on your camera lens.
what is it ???? it looks very different !
I absolutely love this kite. I was a burningman this year )'( and the owner was pointing at me and another guy as we were having a martial arts fight at sunset. Sadly i did not get any of the pictures to share. :(
But, for the sake of the article, this is a kite and nota google feature. The girl in the last photo is pointing to it!
That is a kite becuase cursors are white
well, i don’t care, nice though. But those are some hawt woman!
does anyone other than Wendel know the meaning of sarcasm? Jesus christ, are you all five years old?
This is DEFINITELY a kite because of 3 reasons:
1) mouse cursors are white not black
2) mouse cursors point up not down
3) how obvious are the strings!
Whoever it was that told you this is not a kite is a total doofus.
i agree with kirsty. and its obviously a kite. this is not even an optical illusion
sarcasm is great, Wendel at least you get
My cursor is black. Don’t make me play the race card…
That’s cute & hilarious. It reminds me of FlyingThingZ “Flying Lawnmower.”
kite :D
mouse cursors point up not down
it is obvious, it is a kite, maybe at the first 2 pictures u couldn´t see lines, but look carefully at picture number 3, u can see that it is kinda transparent, it has lines and it has little white drops where the string is attached
thats totally a kite u can c the lines and in the 2nd pic u can c the guy holding it
Hey nimrods, you are all wrong. Do any of you indoor geeks know what happens outside of your cubicle or how to fly a real kite? I don’t mean a single line box kite from Wal-Mart for 5.95. This is Obviously a Quad Line 2 handle kite, not some virtual paint shop job, duh…
If it is a kite, which I think it is, I really want one! :D
get a life people and look at real life
All but the last two were definitely taken out at Black Rock City. These kites are amazing! I was gifted a kite from the camp that has & makes these, a camp full of professional kite flyers. They have some CRAZY kites, this one included and some of the things they can do with the stunt kites, WOW!
Hehe, they going to all get double clicked lol!
Whas’s wrong with you guys. The idea behind is awesome. Thats something what creats a digital/analog combination.. Nice!
You have got to be kidding me – the guy was bloody joking of course it is a f en kite.. damn to this day I cannot believe how god damn dumb people are.
Kite or not….they are a waste of my time…
Can anyone explain to me why it is necessary to badmouth or negatively reply? “get a life people”… “Hey nimrods, you are all wrong. Do any of you indoor geeks know what happens outside of your cubicle or how to fly a real kite? I don’t mean a single line box kite from Wal-Mart for 5.95. This is Obviously a Quad Line 2 handle kite, not some virtual paint shop job, duh…”…”Whas’s wrong with you guys”…
WELL… what’s wrong with YOU GUYS? You got anything nice to say about anybody that is NOT YOU? Of course YOU’RE BETTER than everyone else! YOU DON’T NEED TO RUB IT IN!!
its a kite LOL HAHA
oh my gosh, they said it was a cursor on google earth. it’s a joke, meaning it’s a real cursor from google earth.. jees.
its a kite, see the lines
It looks like a kite
Hey People , its a kite In the first picture u can see the shadow of the kite right infront of the women posing !! Cool HUH
Lmao… fail, you know you can stick a shadow into the picture much easier than you can photoshop the mouse in
learn how to spell..you’re an embarrassment
no you’re wrong, that’s a photoshop shadow of the cursor… Douchbag.
if you look real close you can see the strings.
Have none of you ever heard of photoshop? or are you all like 12?
i am 7
well, I don’t know, but they all seem to be perfectly facing the camera in all of the photos
of course they’re all facing the camera, these aren’t candid shots, they were planned out and the photographer picked the right angle for the picture
in tha second pic if u follow tha string to tha guy, it is a kite
People who immediately say things are fake are annoying
you spelt red wrong even though your an adult and it obvious that it is a kite, as you can see the strings. not an illusion at all. should be taken off the site.
you can definitely see the strings.
In the third picture you could see the strings on the right hand side of the cursor, try zooming in the picture if you still cant see it!!!!
fossda you spelled “spelled” wrong…….dumbass
“spelt” is ok though mainly used in the UK. “your” instead of “you’re” is NOT ok!
what are you an English teacher
I’d rather read his bad spelling than read what a pompous ass you are!
“Spelt” is only ok, only if you are from West Virginia, or your name is Steve!
I have one more clue! look more carefull and you will see people who is controling kite! (2nd picture)