Let’s see if you have what it takes to spot the hidden giraffe in this beautiful painting below! First one to find it earns a privilege to brag around. I bet if you’re an old-time fan, you’ll recognize this type of illusion almost instantly. New comers will need few minutes before they can figure it out, though. For more similar illusions (or hints if you will), be sure to check the almighty Hidden Tiger and the off-the grid Where is The Third? illusion. So, have you found it already?

In the spots on his neck.
See its neck. That was easy.
It realy is that easy it’s not hidden itsjust a stretch to see it
Yeay.. read a few comments and went back and there it was… keep looking
It’s spelled out on the neck!
took a few seconds, but yep, found it
It’s easy once you have found the hidden tiger. :-)
I found it
G I R A F F E, cute
written on its long neck :)
nice pic
Found it! First time I’ve seen that illusion…
written on the neck!
the word “GIRAFFE” is spelled on its neck
That was easy..found it right away…I loved and remember the tiger one :)
Found it!! No clues from me, I got it within seconds though.
Oh, took a minute but spotted it…
Yeah, sometimes Giraffe is not an animal!
May I knw where it is at plz
The hidden giraffe is on the neck of the Giraffe, from the spots on the Giraffe neck you can read the word GIRAFFE
On the giraffes neck! lol
Found it! I won’t give it away though. I love these kinds of illusions, but I always suspect that it will be harder than it turns out to be.
the word “GIRAFFE” on the neck
i had to cheat and look at the comments but once i found it i felt stupid i didn’t see it :P
That was good…..move away from screen a little and you might find it
wtf how do u not see it i looked once then found it
Err… Found it?
Ok, so i sound pretty stupid here, but where is it?
Oh, now I see it!!! :)
It was too easy to discount the words so i didn’t find a hidden giraffe.
I saw it before I even saw the full picture, lol
lol, i found it the second i looked for it, it took me like 3 second, not even kidding
Found it quickly. It isn’t that hard (:
no lol
Giraffe on the neck of the girafee
Thats sneaky
Hmmm… Sometimes you have to think outside the box… Very amusing.
lol its on the neck baby!!! haha not really an animal giraffe
It took me forever! I was looking around the giraffe!
I might be an old time fan ! Cool….
Wow… Found it! Beautiful Animal!!
Letters on the neck
So pleased that no-one has given it away so far – yes I got it quickly – still a good one though.
Good one. But don’t you think that you are over estimating the difficulty?
It was far too easy to see. Almost as easy as the Animal Giraffe
ok….is the giant colored giraffe front and center really the hidden illusion? there must be something i’m missing cause that’s lame. help!
no thats not the illusion, try thinking out of the box
No fair! I was looking at everything BUT the giraffe to find another one!
Found it, and found the hidden tiger. nice one
Too easy, yes I saw the “hidden tiger” and “where’s the third?”, I guess that’s a spoiler but I like that type of illusion anyway. It’s a joke.
Found it
Was anyone else looking to see if it had the words “The Hidden” in front of it?
where is it???
At first I thought it was a joke, but then I opened my eyes and was like, “Impolite fish?”
Makes me want to light up a Camel!
We are just too clever!
Not only did I find the word, I also found the picture of the “Giraffe” pretty slick.
At first i looked for a the obvious then instantly knew that this wasn’t what i was looking for. i love these type of illusions
How in the world does anyone hide a giraffe?? BTW, I did find it. Very clever.
Well I couldn’t find any hidden “giraffe” but there was a very hard to see “GIRAFFE” in there!
am i the only one who cant see this?
I Found It! it really is like the tiger one…
Oh’ dear!
I’ve seen other illusions like this, so it was easy to see the hidden giraffe.
No, I can’t see it. Can someone share?
oh, okay, I have now…..doh!
I was thinking since its chunky maybe it’s pregnant with another giraffe. But sadly no. Took a min or 4 but found it.
I found it quite clever even though I found it quickly
wow, thought id be neck n neck w/the first spotter.
found it in a few secs
I found it the second I looked at it, though I’ve seen a similar illusion before :P
omg…it took me 4 ever 2 find the giraffe lol i feel so stupid it took me so long. well i wont give it away
ha! Took a mo, but that was cute.
Well i see a cammel that see pixel?¡ also 2 more objects, a smile tiger and a dragon, the dragon is near the tree, am i correect guessing it. or were is the girraffe that i cant see(unless the big one), if im correct this OI is by the yellow contrast between dark and white colors which describes th extra objects
I managed to find the hidden giraffe although it took me some time. I had to leave the picture for a brief second or two and then I was able to find it. This was actually fun to do this morning.
WOW!!! I feel like an idiot… I actually had to go back to the tiger then come back. If it were a snake it would have bitten me.
omg its so easy its in the neck!!!
Wow… Optical illusions are fascinating..
Didn’t like, not because it took me long to see it:-) But because it is a word game more than it is an illusion game!
their is no giraff thats the joke
lol i found it after i read some comments!
Uh… Are there two giraffes, or just the one? Because that one was way too easy to find.
wow its rite on the neck of the giraffe and hint it is written in the alphebet letters…literally GIRAFFE
This is taking longer than expected…
take 2 times searching…
the giraffe was coloured in for me, is that normal, or is there another giraffe in the picture
It isn’t the same giraffe. There is another giraffe.
There are an animal in this picture.
Do you need me to spell it out for you?
It’s on the neck. Look for the word.
it’s on the neck.
I saw it easily and very tired!!
Very good one!
oh i thought they meant another animal giraffe. that’s sooo cool
i think the giraffe ran AWAY cause i dont see it
Kya Tina , its so simple …its written on the Neck.
Theres also one all the way in the back on the building
found it!
This was easy ‘on the neck’ but still i am struggling with the horses one where people claim to see upto 9 horses.
Haha! Clever…. GIRAFFE
This picture is protected by copyrights. Can you please restore the copyright notice of the picture as follows: ©Gianni A. Sarcone, http://www.archimedes-lab.org
You can find the original here.
Thank you!
Sure! I didn’t have a clue about this one’s origin, even though is among the best ones I’ve seen!
Good one!
ohh Giraffe.Now I think the word sounds strange but i did have to find out where giraffe was and if u can see it on the back building u have extremly good vision.i cant see nothing else.
Really? It’s not that difficult. Think outside the box, are you really looking for a giraffe?
OMG I see it!
its in the neck….
it spells it out on its neck its not a picture of 1
GUYS ON THE NECK IT SPELLS ‘GIRAFFE’ dont look for an actual giraffe
that was easy founded as soon as i looked on the neck
Just like the hidden tiger, it the same
i saw it in 2.5 seconds
It’s not a very good one. Only works for native English speakers…
Found it as soon as I enlarged the picture. Cute.
I had to stop myself from scrolling down and accidentally having it told to me by the responses. Only took about 10 seconds. Was not looking for the word but I thought it would be amusing to find a baby giraffe in the big one. Accidentally stumbled upon the word.