Lenticular graffiti takes a special hand in that the artist cannot just select any old surface to apply this type of artwork. Instead, he or she must scout around, looking for a location that happens to be suitable for this specific type of poster application. That’s why lenticular illusions are much more common to be found in the UK than practically anywhere else – it’s just that they have by far most shutters and latticed sidings than other countries do.
To that end, English artist dr. d is one of the premiere artists when it comes to lenticular graffiti. Here is one of his artworks critiquing the country’s prison system (for those unaware, H.M.P. stands for “Her Majesty’s Prison). First see how they work when viewed straight on:
But see what happens when you walk down the street, approaching the artwork from opposite directions. The message completely transforms!
While some people critique this type of art as it doesn’t involve directly painting on the artist’s selected street canvas, the reality is that it still takes quite a bit of talent to create these works on a computer. Not to mention a whole lot necessary to print them out and apply outdoors, so the illusion actually works wherever it happens to be installed.
Dr. d has even faced enough of these criticisms that he has a fair response already prepared on his website:
If you’re making posters from scratch, then you’re going to use a stencil or turn to your computer, but you still have to get them up, and I’ve yet to find the ‘Control Alt Complete’ command on mine…
Like all art though, the interpretation eventually comes down to the viewer. So what do you guys think? Are these printed graffiti installations art, or something else?
Well, this definitely qualifies as “art” but I do not think, this is an illusion of any kind.
Life is an illusion.
@care bear
i think your only see illusions
That would be another version of the staircase graphics that those shapeshifter guys from germany are doing. Nothing new.
Ya optical illusion just saying cuz im that guy
What makes it an illusion is that you can only see one image it from a certain angle, and two images from opposite sides. From other directions the meaning is lost. Just like the elongated skull in Holbein’s ‘The Ambassadors’. And I think this is art too. There is a nice juxtaposition between what can be seen from each sides. Good one. :)
Deep words….from a Care Bear xD
I’d say it qualifies as a type of illusion,
I mean you look at it one way and then another way and it looks completely different.
Or is it?
I’d have to say that the fact that it changes what it looks like depending on where you view it from makes it somewhat of an illusion.
Its fun and amusing Id admit, but I’m very sure I can write a program in 30 minutes to “ControlAltComplete” it for him.
would be amazing if head on it looked like something – then different from either side
that would be an illusion
Good art is a blend of medium and message and forgiving the pun but I’m in two minds about these, they are certainly art, but they are just too shallow, if you are going to go to the extent of using a lenticular medium then use it to make a comment!
With the possible exception to the ID card/photo one (which fails for other reasons), the artist is not really using the dual nature of the lenticular medium, hes just using it as a double canvas to give himself double the real estate.
Its a pity really because if the artist took the time to present some kind of dichotomy, yin/yang, two sides of the same coin or looking at different perspective type comment then they could be really cool.
The ID and photo are part of British Spy History. They are of the fictional officer Martin Williams and his fiancé.
Look up Operation Mincemeat.
I think that it is a great illusion. Reminds me of those rulers (that can be used to measure things) that will show an animation when you twist them. Also reminds me of this great exhibit at Ellis Island Immigration Museum in New York:
Definitely art, definitely illusion, definitely hard work. Love the creativity and fun. Thanks Art Dude!
i think that it is an illusion..
i like it
Vrey creative, very weird, truly awesome.
Great work
Lenticular shutters, my favourite. I’ve painted those shutters before !
See mine here:
Tribute to the late Gerry Rafferty, hence the (ahem, hand-painted) type.