If you haven’t heard of Julian Beever before, head straight to the #3D Chalk Drawings category first!
The ferris wheel featured on your right was hand drawn by before-mentioned chalk artist of unquestionable talent. After originally painting it in Santiago, Chile, Julian noted it was one of the most difficult drawings he has ever attempted.
He called the piece “Wheel of Fortune”, which sounds a bit ironic if you ask me, as it seems unfortunate for anyone who sits down on the bench.
It was the most difficult drawing I have ever attempted.” – J. Beever
Talk about incredibly morbid!
Love the way the people fall off at they rotate around the front!
wow .. this really amazing .. I love your website ♥♥
I always love these chalk drawings. It amazes me the depth the artist gets and how they are able to hide the cracks in the concrete. Also the required viewing angle would throw me off while trying to draw anything like this. Due to the skewed perspective, you have to draw everything out of normal proportions so that they appear 3D from the right angle. Brilliant work!
Wow…thats nice. Funny how it’s benches. Wierd how they end up falling in the end.
“It was the most difficult drawing I have ever attempted.” – J. Beever
“It was the most coolest thing I have ever seen.” – Vincent
A view of the drawing from another angle would be interesting…