29 Replies to “Expanding Cushin Illusion”

  1. i know that it is not moving, but it seems as if it is gonna pop out of the screen onto my bootiful face .hahahahahahahaha. my pillows were like this before i destroyed them for their evilness. they used to be pretty. now they are dead and moldy in my garbage can. die evil!!!

  2. It’s cushion okay, let’s just get that straight, cu-shi-on… What’s so special ’bout this one, it looks like the rest of the bulgie ones… there’s others like this one on this site, why don’t they just put them all on one page? I mean they’re cool and all, but kinda unoriginal, like if they tried anyone could do it… hmmm, mebbe…

  3. its kl. i agree with Farted – if u look in the corner of the screen it kinda looks like its moving.

  4. Come on people, when the poster says something like “Is it animated?”, they are just making a comment on illusions of this sort. They were trying to be amusing, which, I myself find amused…. Damn, that thing is going blow…. SAVE YOURSELVES!!!
    Naw… just getting a headache, and a bit seasick… >blaaah<

  5. Hmmmmmmm… I just marked my laptop screen, whilst trying to see if my screen had a bulge! haha! Way cool!

  6. It’s a picture, for sure. I knew Paint doesn’t let you copy and paste GIFs or animations into it, so I copied this then pasted it into Paint and it worked. Try it yourself, paste this into paint, then go get an animation/GIF and try to paste it into Paint. The animation doesn’t move. This picture still does.

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