With summer here, I’m sure a lot of you are sitting around crackling fires in the evenings. And, roasting marshmallows and making S’mores of course! Summer fires are a great way to enjoy summer evenings, and the whole family can get in on the fun, including the furry variety!
This fire illusion photo was taken at just the right time. The dog is most likely chewing on something in the background, but the position of the flames makes it look like he’s breathing fire! He looks a little like a dragon dog in this fire illusion. This would definitely be a great way to get a fire going, and having a dragon dog would make for some cool party tricks.
This fire illusion is definitely pretty interesting and fun. What do you think about this dragon dog fire illusion? Let us know in the comments beow, and don’t forget to rate it! The more you guys rate the daily illusions, the easier it is for me to find cool illusions that you’ll love!
If you liked this dragon dog fire illusion, don’t miss this heart shaped fire illusion and this happy face fire illusion!
nice how to be a millionaire
I wish that some new ones would appear; rhis is ancient.