This one looks awesome! It’s also Google Earth capture that shows some big grass field from big distance. Looking at the logo below, I presume…
Jacek Szydłowski, who goes by the nickname Reiz0r, found this strange weather anomaly in Google Earth. I know how this happens, probably layer snapshots are…
Hy Guys! I have been learning so wasn’t around yesterday. If there is someone who is good in C and C++ programming, drop me an…
Just came home from a restaurant, and got pretty much excited after talking with my friend how he managed to receive free video ipod just…
Just wanted to mention that I updated Google Earth category with some cool illusions from the past that can be seen in Google Earth or…
After Cuban ghost ship, we have Malaysia ghost plane. It passed over a month from Seong Chai Low’s submission. Finally his Google Earth illusion is…
Philip Terry emailed me another NASA picture of the day. This picture of Mt. Everest was taken from the space station, posted on the NASA…
Hmm, it looks like some giant basketball player lives at the Munich airport in Germany. This photo was taken by satellite, and can be found…