Hmm, it looks like some giant basketball player lives at the Munich airport in Germany. This photo was taken by satellite, and can be found using Google Maps. Is this really a shadow or something else? My sanity says one thing, and my eyes believe something else. How did this occur? You tell me! This illusion was submitted by user called Halosassin and belongs to Google Earth category. Similar illusions: mega zoom airport, flying car, Cuban ghost ship…
yea im first
Looks like it could be a cloud shadow
I think that it’s an airplane shadow, seeing that it is an airport.
Hmm, maybe I’m just morbid but it looks more like a guy hanging from a noose to me…
you all may be right but seems like to me is an ALIEN
Its an alien
It´s a fake! Try finding it on Google Earth… you won´t… it´s Photoshopped or something…
It’s obviously an alien viewing us from outerspace and he’s standing between that spot and the sun, hence the shadow.
well first I opened google and typed:
48 21 45 n, 11 48 35 e
as for the lower sx of the pix and i found the airport… then I saw the image has been updated and the cloud/alien/wathever is not there anymore. Then I notice a big difference in the lower sx corner, this mean the picture has been update by google and the older one was probably one or two years old…… no way to see the original anymore and see the real deal…
Someone have a link so we know its not a photoshop>
its sooo obvious its google earth
this was really lame!!
its fake.
its gotta b a cloud i bet. or its one of those model things again
Ok, me again.
The google image of the airport has been updated respectivly:
7 times in 2005
and one in 2006, 2006-07-22
the image on the net has the copyright 2005, so at best there is one new picture on the google earth and we cannot verify the genuinity of the post.
I wish the site check those images before post them as illusion of the day…
You can rewind the time in Google Earth now… Its there – go to 4/10/2002
thats a cloud. duh. yes, i know othe peeps said that. no, i dont care. whoops, did i go and ruin your fun? tough.
Where did the shadow go? I searched it on google earth and it’s gone. It’s at 48 21 45 N, 11 48 35 E. It must a plane or a cloud because it’s really big.
Who cares what it is? It’s obviously some sort of shadow that can be looked at in many different ways, real or not.
jordan ;=)
its not an alien you idiots. if it was why would it be interested in earth for a start. and secondly its kinda cool
This reminds me of the Google Earth image I saw a while back that had a giant insect on it, again somewhere in Germany! Maybe a bug on the camera lens?? It looked squashed.
Its probably some dirt
♥How can it be dirt??!!♥
You’re all wrong! It’s The Saint!
You guys are idiots. Someone obviously painted that in such a way that it appears to be a shadow. ITS NOT A CLOUD, NOT AN AIRPLANE, ITS PAINT!
it’s dirk nowitzki
If it is an airplane, wouldn’t the satellite that is taking this photo be farther away than an airplane? If I am thinking wright the plane should be seen in the photo. I still think it is photoshopped.
it a giant invisible alien. and the reason you can’t find it is cause the aliens found out it was on there and deleted it. DUH!
code name:frog
code name:tode
hey frog i think its a clowd!
Hey tode i think its a higher power from somewhere beyond the sight of human beigns!
yeah right frog!
It is too tode!
check out the link
It dosent exists in google, go to munchen
why does it matter what it is? It looks cool, doesn’t it?
if you have the google earth program you can check out all the old once too.. its there on the one from april 10th 2002 :)
Looks like a REALLY skinny man’s shadow :|
Just because it’s no longer on Google Earth doesn’t mean it’s fake. They update their images regularly, so a shadow that was there before obviously wont be there again.
MAYBE the reflected light from an airplane went passed a passenger and cause there shadow :P
Its Alien!
Dont look behind you…
It Looks Like An Alien!
It looks like the slender man
It looks like Basketball player’s Shadow on the Airport, Because I saw it right on google earth!