Hy Guys! I have been learning so wasn’t around yesterday. If there is someone who is good in C and C++ programming, drop me an email if you’d like to help me with one simple homework program. It would only take minute to someone good, and eternity to me :)
Another thing I noticed, when you search for “Optical Illusions” in Google, our site appears only 6th, which isn’t really fair I think, since Mighty Illusions is truly internet biggest optical illusion database. Before we got this new domain, we were 2nd. If you want to help us get the first spot, you simple can link https://www.moillusions.com/ with anchor text “Optical Illusions” on your site. This will help us a lot. Thanks!
Concerning today’s illusions, here are two Google Earth Illusion submissions. First one is from Zack Carver: “Hey, just so you know I love your site! I have the Google Widget, it rocks, I love illusions. This is really cool Google earth illusion! Here are some ways to get find it: On Google Earth, Search ghost_car (It”s somewhere in Germany). Or go to 51″30’01.49 N 7″12’19.41 E” It’s the Ghost car, perfect addition to our ghost airplane, ghost ship and flying car illusions.
The second one is Broccoli Pizza Island, submitted by Kevin, NH. Kevin said: “It’s an island that looks like a broccoli pizza with a slice taken off. The wierd thing is, that it’s in Italy! The home of pizzas! Here are the coordinates: 12°18’26.01″ E, 45°27’6.06″ N. It’s somewhere in Venice. Enjoy!
finally a new post!
i got 2nd comment and that is sooo weird!
The second pictiure is probably caused by the clarity of the water. So you can see the sand on the edges of the island…
I love this site but i don’t really like this
I don’t like these either. I get that you’re trying to up your Google ratings, so providing lots of links to Google Earth is probably prudent.
However, you’ve asked us to link to your site with the keywords ‘Optical Illusions’ and then proceeded to give us two pictures that aren’t actually optical illusions at all. Anyone else see the irony in that?!
its gerd but i can t think its so hot here.i thin k i m aboutr to faint….
I think that I am going to throw a dictionary at you.
this is fake
That ghostcar, isn’t it due to the edge where two pictures come together or doesnt GE work like that?
Google doesn’t up your rating if you talk about their serices. Only if you have more sites linking to yours. These aren’t optical illusions, they are Google Earth illusions. Read the post. Give hime a break. There a lot of cool places on Google Earth that look weird. Like the airport that shows a plane that just ran off the runway and is on fire. However, to ask us to Google bomb this site isn’t very fair to anybody else.
there are all kinds of cars like that around everywhere. There is one at Google Campus and many other places. The second pic, that’s cool.
That island also looks kind of like Pac-Man.
well i think its kl. the pizza island is very funny!!
That car that you see there is like that because of the camera, what they do is they take pictures from space and there HAS to be an edge somewhere on the photo, well that car is basically on the edge of the photo taken.
i think this is where i live in Key biscayne
51°30’01.49 N 7°12’19.41 E they work!
I don’t understand the second one…is the island like, supposed to be broccili or something??? weeeerddd… I like the firrst one though.
funny… the Ghost Car is in Bochum… i am living in a city near Bochum ;)
Maybe this car is just a technical mistake… =)
Greetings from Germany
Second one looks like Pacman to me….
that is cool i want the ghost car lol
Just to let you know, pizza is not from Italy.
I Have Pin Marked it in Google Earth 6
hey i have seen an island shaped like a nut
So you think this is funny? visit http://www.norc.ro/street-view/ and from place to place you’ll stitching errors (cars cut in half or two car halves welded together) or bad displacements (sky over the street, ghost streets going down etc.)
maybe the car is painted
Ghost car.. this fails to capture the photo.I have also seen elsewhere
I like the ghost car one. But what a crummy way to spend the afterlife: driving…
Ghost car A+++++ pizza island B-
Stop complaining that it’s not an optical illusion. Be happy that someone took their time to actually put this website together. Gawsh.
Chech at 7297 summer st, then go north some. you’ll find a ghost car at the side of the road
ghost car
-82.47949822557207,28.54945150353171,0 check it out
Broccoli pizza? The mind revolts.