Remember Audi’s commercial we posted week ago? It was called “Audi in Escher’s World” and you could stream the whole video if you wanted. These…
In addition to “Painted Trucks” and “More Painted Trucks”, here’s another painted truck optical illusion. This one is a commercial for plumbing services, hope you…
Remember one of my previous posts, called “Painted Trucks”? I wasn’t sure will I publish them since they were made in photoshop and not in…
Alright, not your every-day Optical Illusion, never the less “The Virgin Digital Find the 75 Bands” competition is the cleverest piece of marketing I’ve seen…
We got ourselves another user-submitted optical illusion! Thanks to Philip Hansen you can see this Audi Comercial inspired by M C Escher. A driver navigates…
This one is Shell’s Advertisment. Obivously, resemblence with “Snakes Illusion” and “Spinning Discs Illusion” can be noticed.
These aren’t to be considered pure optical illusions, but rather a set of images I found really amuzing, and decided to share with you. Jump…
If you still hadn’t enough of “Building Paintings” and “Murrals”, here’s another one! This isn’t “BMW Illusion”, it’s Jetta this time… Still, provides some magic,…