Alright, not your every-day Optical Illusion, never the less “The Virgin Digital Find the 75 Bands” competition is the cleverest piece of marketing I’ve seen in ages. If you haven’t already got the picture in your mailbox, you can get the full-sized image by clicking on the image below. This Competition is guaranteed to provide endless hours of amusement and head scratching, it’s a large image which contains graphic representations of 75 band names. For example, there are guns in the basket with roses, which obviously represents band called “Guns ‘n’ Roses”. Here’s what I want you to do: find one that wasn’t previously mentioned and post your find as a comment in comment section, only one find per user please! Please don’t cheat and search for solutions on Google, let’s make this fun for everyone! Thanks. When you think your done with this flick, be sure to check other searching games below!
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Ok I’ll start (remember only one band per user please)
1. “Guns ‘n’ Roses” – there are guns and roses in the basket
2. “Smashing Pumpkins” – man smashing pumkins
3. “Gorrilaz” – obvious anyone?
4. “Whitesnake” – Whitesnake
“The Eagles” – eagles
“Led Zeppelin” – Zeppelin flying in the background
“Matchbox 20” – number 20 written in matchboxes. (Man… I can see heaps in there!)
“Blind Melon” — watermelon wearing sunglasses on the right
Pixies – um, the pixies.
“Pet Shop Boys” – boys stand in front of Pet Shop
The Eels (between the queen and the guy she’s pointing guns at)
Please please can I find more? or at least post them?
pink floyd?
Scissor Sisters – the two scissors walking together
Black Flag – a black flag on the building
Green Day – a day on the calendar is colored green
the guy with the radio head jeje
The B-52’s (airplanes to the right of the aforementioned zeppelin).
“Kiss” just below the whitesnake
Alice ‘n’ Chains – Alice w/ chains on waist to the right
Rolling Stones – stones in the back
white zombie… obvious…
Beach Boys (?) – guys with surfing boards on the right side below the eagles
I think that’s two girls kissing, so I’d say that might be “t.a.t.u.”
Is it possible that there are several groups/solutions for the same part of the picture?
SPOON (Really Obvious !!!)
nickleback? iz dat evn a freakin band?!
nickle back
large coin on sidewalk…
Blur – Man wearing pink shirt on right who is all Blurry
Nine inch nails – You can see nine nails on the street
skinny puppy (right underneath the pet shop boys)
2 uu on the wall near the black flag
That’s 50 Cent on the Coin
50 cent-on the coin next to guns n’ roses lol
Cowboy Junkies — against the lamppost on the right
The Beach Boys, the guys with the surf boards.
Black Crows (On the sign post)
BeeGees – BGG graffiti next to the second rolling stone
deep purple — the building in the back
“Cake” – the cake next to the cart
one tree hill — under the planes and between the gorrilas
The Postal Service – postman putting mail into the mailbox
Velvet Revolvers – the queen aiming the guns at the other guy…dressed in velvet
red hot chilli peppers, near the melons
Block Party
(the people having a block party in the upstairs apartment…)
smashing pumpkins, lower-middle right
pet shop boys, left
The Eagles (Flying together on the right)
Just a few thoughts but is that a “Queen” holding those guns? Andwhat about that “Blondie” up by the top left, and “The Cars” in the background.. there’s some “Garbage” on the crosswalk, and I think that’s a “Rat” right above the scissors, and I’m not quite sure but is that “Korn” next to the watermelons?
The solid necklace in the box on the right of the fish bowl
Madonna – A portrait of a madonna on the shop’s door.
It looks like “Police” infront of the red car.
Sex Pistols… the queen is holding two pistols that are vibrators.
“Black Flag”
Punk knowledge. :D
Queen, was that too easy?
The Dead Kennedys. The posters on the wall between the shops on the left.
“Seal” The poster near the Zombie’s head.
“Great White”. The movie poster next to the kissing girls.
What about twisted sisters?
the two contortionists next to the garbage can
Theres also phish. next to the twenty
wihte snake.snake raped around pole left side center
“Presidents of the USA” there are portraits of Nixon and kennedy, as far I can see, in the wall on the right of pet shop
“Yellow Shark”, an album of Frank Zappa. The boy in yellow and a poster of a shark in the corner of the left building
“Living Coluours”. Right under the white snake there are coloured panel and some people dancing
“The roots”: they are below the big coin
Seal (poster on the left)
The White Stripes: The zebra crossings under the Iron Maiden
twisted sister
the gymnast in the center?
Are those The Blues Brothers…? Near the Iron Maiden?
The Doors
the queen is pointing the guns at “prince” duh that was easy.
Television-The TV’s in the window
Phish – In the fish in the bowl
Prince or Jester – The person the queen is holding the guns on.
Contrary to what was posted earlier the two pictures look to me both Kennedys that are dead, John and John-John. “Dead Kennedys”
lil’ bow wow – the small dog
iz dat destiny’s child?
the three blak girls holdin hands and skippin
Pet Shop Boys
On the left window it says “Pet Shop” and there are 2 boys leaning against that window…
people on the rooftop: new kids on the block?
“Hole” the pot-hole in the street near the crosswalk.
Anybody figure out the long haired person on the fire escape who is blowing a chewing gum bubble?
“Alice in Chains” — Alice from Alice in Wonderland wrapped in chains, above fruit cart.
There’s Garbage in the middle of the street.
There’s Garbage in the street. What about The Pixies flying around?
the b52’s in the sky…
Ok, so for now we have:
01. Guns ‘n’ Roses
02. Smashing Pumpkins
03. Gorrilaz
04. Whitesnake
05. Led Zeppelin
06. Matchbox 20
07. Blind Melon
08. Pixies
09. Pet Shop Boys
10. The Eels
11. Pink Floyd
12. Scissor Sisters
13. Green Day
14. Radiohead
15. The B-52’s
16. Kiss
17. Alice ‘n’ Chains
18. Rolling Stones
19. White Zombie
20. Beach Boys
21. t.a.t.u.
22. Spoon
23. nickle back
24. Blur
25. Nine inch nails
26. skinny puppy
27. U2
28. 50 Cent
29. Cowboy Junkies
30. The Beach Boys
31. Block Party
32. Black Crows
33. BeeGees
34. deep purple
35. Cake
36. one tree hill
37. The Postal Service
38. Velvet Revolvers
39. red hot chilli peppers
40. The Eagles
41. Blondie
42. The Cars
43. Rat
44. Korn
45. Torque
46. Madonna
48. Police
49. Sex Pistols
50. Black Flag
51. Queen
52. Great White
53. Living Coluours
54. The roots
55. Seal
56. The White Stripes
57. twisted sister
58. The Blues Brothers
59. Iron Maiden
60. The Doors
61. Television
62. Phish
63. Prince
64. Dead Kennedys
65. lil’ bow wow
66. destiny’s child
67. Jet
68. Pet Shop Boys
69. new kids on the block
70. Hole
71. Garbage
72. …
73. …
74. …
75. …
I never knew for some of these bands (Jet? … Hole?)
If you think some of these are falsly spoted up till now, comment!
If I wrote some band twice, comment!
Ok what are we missing in the list? Hehe…
Jet is out of Austrailia, with international sales (Do you want to be my girl and Backdoor Santa), But I think that it conflicts with the B52’s as the aircraft that are depicted are B52’s.
Hole is out of the USA, it is the band that Courtney Love heads up, they have been around for quite awhile, with international sales. I can’t think of any other Band for the “hole” in the Street.
Also you have a conflict with Skinny Puppy amd Lil Bow Wow (the small dog). There is also a conflict with “Velevet Revolver and The Sex pistols. The queen is clearly holding 2 pistols made out of Pink Dildo’s…so I’d vote for The sex Pistols.
Also I’d like to know where the Pink Floyd came from, there was no description on the post.
Oh and you have a conflict with Knicle Back and 50 cent. Since the large coin is an American 50 cent piece, I’d go with “50 Cent”.
Blind Melon – watermelon with sunglasses
Mountain – mountain in the background
Scorpion (a smal one between the petshop boys and guns and roses, at least that what i think it is))
It can’t be both Nickelback and 50 Cent. I suppose it could be argued that “skinny puppy” and “lil bow wow” are both acceptible interpretations of the dog, but the coin is not a nickel.
also, I don’t think those are the blues brothers; for one thing neither of them played guitar, and for another all of the legit solutions are a visual representation of the band’s name, not a literal likeness of the performer.
They could be the Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash, though. It is kind of vague.
New to the list:
Cornershop — the shop sign at the corner, left hand side
Dinosaur Jr. — little stegosaurus walking left of the queen
The vines? underneath the coin
The streets :P
Jewel. Beside the fish bowl
and eminem beside smashing pumpkins!
lower corner of the vegetable stand and in the middle. lemonheads!
the t.v’s in the shop window behind the cowboy junkies all have a picture of a head. talking heads?
cornershop! the ‘brimful of asha’ band…
red hot chilli peppers are in the car in the front
Between the cake and the gun’s & Roses
Platimum Blonde – girl on fire escape with bubble gum
red hot chilli peppers in the market crate
Next to Alice ‘n’ Chains is Blurr (WOOOOHOOOO)
The green hill in the background could also be “cypress hill”
See those guys in white behind the Blues Brothers lookin’ dudes? Why, they’re all up in arms- could they be rioting? WHITE RIOT.
The Monkeys……..
the three monkeys in the back……
The subways
On the right behind Blur and alice in chains
ehm the sea serpents
well the 2 sea serpents :p
That is a SQUID not an Octopus!!! Is ther a band named Squid? I did a search and all I found were regional “local” bands with that name, hardly the international act that Virgin would chose for an international contest.
“The Cult” The Hari Chrishna looking bunch in the rear left.
“Cypress Hill” The only hill with a tree on it.
“Pink”…The sky is pink!
Matchbox 20
B-52’s planes flying over in the sky
The Angels. Obvious…
How about “Prince” And if the Queen fires He’d be called “Formaly known as”
That’s not a squid, as previously posted it’s a scorpion (between the cake and GNR cart).
scorpions by the b-day cake
pavement, it is eveywhere.
The Scorpions crawling on the cake lower left
It’s a stretch; Is that “the Brady Kids” in the shop window below “U2” and behind the Cowboy Junkies?
could the men in black represent the mighty “Men Without Hats?” I think they could…
Blondie, the woman on the balcony
the thompson twins, the 2 guys in suits
Is that a White Zombie below the picture of Seal?
the planes could also be “low flying jets”
Could the three girls holding hands crossing the street be “the go-go’s” ? They look like they are wearing go go boots.
The guy under the “shop” sign; Yellowman (?)
Crash test Dummy standing under the shop sign
Traffic the cars in the background
the queen is holding Sex Pistols. they are shaped like dildos. They arent revolvers and they arent velvet.
Peter, Paul and Mary (the three holding hands skipping in front of the Rolling Stone towards the foreground.)
Madonna in the shop window
The Tubes… (TVs in the store window, back on the right…)
Looks like sticks jut to the left of the 20 matchboxes – Styx!
Ok- What about CINDERELLA (platinum Blonde on Sidewalk)
and two guys walking could be -MEN WITHOUT HATS,
Also – BOY MEETS GIRL – under Pet Shop Boys,
LED ZEPPELIN is the Blimp (Zeppelin) and the guy working on the street would be MEN AT WORK, – nice picture over all – Im still looking for BOSTON, CHICAGO,
BERLIN, A-HA, and a few others that might be there as well as AC/DC ??? Keep looking for more folks some of these are preety interesting and could be multiple bands perhaps.
U U = U2
Is there a Banana character to the left on the stairs and if so could that be Banana ‘Rama.
By geeeesss, your’e right those are scorpions. Men at work only works if it was more than one guy working in the street, besides he’s not working, he is clearly SMASHING PUMPKINS. The 2 persons under the petshop sign are BOYS, not a boy meeting a girl, thus the PET SHOP BOYS. But I like the men without hats, because they DO look like the Blues Brothers with out the hats, so that would be Men With Out Hats I guess. I believe the point of the contest is that the band names would be obvious, graphic or Iconic no second guessing req’d.
You know reading some of the previoUs posts would really help a person decide if his/her post is worth posting! The paltinmum blonde on the sidewalk is ALICE IN CHAINS…SHEESH. The Platinum Blonde on the fire escape is …well …Platinum Blonde.
Pixies…not Angels…OBVIOUS.
I didn’t see this one yet, they may be smashing pumpkins, but they’re using a TOOL to do it? Also in front of the queen, it looks like a pair of (the) EELS
to me.
Ratt (walking toward smashing pumpkins)
If it isn’t The Cars, it could be Traffic
New stuff (maybe unintended):
MEN AT WORK (two guys in suits)
SIMPLY RED (in front)
i think there is still loads of unsolved stuff like the flying fairies or the people on the roof or the ad in the back …
One of the first ones I spotted has not been mentioned: The 2 twin pink scissors there: THE SCISSOR SISTERS.
What about the lemonheads next to korn
rob zombie (the zombie behind guns and roses)
skid row the skid mark on the street
Those are The Cranberries in the crates in front of the fruit stand.
Did anyone say Styxx? Right above the Match box Twenty!
white stripes -white stripes on road
nirvana- baby
im surprised they missed out on beatles, acdc, silverchair, foo fighters-
Look Closely @ the Hill in the Back…
There is a picture in it…
Napoleon Hill
On the TV’s are a bunch of…
Talking Heads…
Ok heres a new one I just figured out. There was a band called “Main Street band” and there is a sign that says “Main Street” to the left of the Beach boys.
I am still trying to figure out if the girl blowing a bubble with Bubble Gum is of significance as well as the 3 boys on top of the buildings in different colored shirts. (There was a group called “The Adventure Boys” and whats more of an adventure than being on the roof of a tall building when one is young…I guess this could count for 2 more bands.
“Main Street Band”-name of the street in picture
“The Adventure Boys”-boys atop roof of building under gorilla’s.
On the wall above the Surfers is a…
Very Obscure…
The two guys in suits are carrying violin cases, indicating that they are Gangstaz…not Men At Work, Blues Brothers, or Men Without Hats.
OK heres more, the Gorilla in the back on the left is obviously a likeness of “King King” or just “Kong” and well there is/was a band called “Kong”. A look above the beach boys and the Main street shows a party going on the 3rd Floor in the apartments. (though all clothes seem to be on could this be the beginning of a planned “Orgy” for the band “Orgy”.
All comments welcomed.
Black Crowes on top of the main street sign besides the beach boys.
Trapt are the persons inside the right appartment building.
Crowded House the left appartment building.
Puddle of Mud above garbage.
Between Phish and the Cranberries has been called ‘Jewel.’ I believe those are Air Force ‘Wings.’
And what people are calling the Madonna. Could that also be the ‘Jesus and Mary Chain?’
Don’t wanna start a ruckus….but that’s not a 50 cent piece or a nickel….it’s a silver dollar…maybe that will help someone else figure it out.
Just thought I’d throw in that the coin is not a nickel or a 50 cent piece….I think it’s a silver dollar.
I have no idea who the band is…but maybe someone else wil be able to figure it out.
The fish in the bowl looks oddly large…how about REEL BIG FISH?
the futureheads has gotta be one, bottom right theres a calander for august 06, and theres loads of faces drawn on the fruit on the stand with the calander
prince the guy the queens pointin at
the flying fairies in pink are “pink fairies”
geeza it sugababes init one of thems white not destinys child duh
The Eagles
And I think the one people are calling “Blur” is in fact “Focus”… or not.
Is that a bag of M&Ms on the ground, or would that be Eminem…
Between the queen and the cart… is that Styx.
Small face- all the faces in the picture are small
i think the lemons with the faces on them are more likely to be referring to the lemonheads.
Men without Hats? – The two guys in black
It’s definitely a kennedy half-dollar, not a silver dollar or a nickel. I used to work at a bank. :)
Nobody’s mentioned Average White Band yet! (to the left of Iron Maiden)
Also the running girls….The Clash!
Helloooooo….the Monkees!
The Carpenters atop the roof….
I’ll get back to everyone with a complete list.
Sheriff (in the police car) Talking heads, Alice in chains.Kiss, Loverboy
Is is One Tree Hill, or is it Mountain?
10,000 Maniacs. No, wait. That’s on *this* side of the monitor.
the man in the background that is said to be Radiohead could also be Audioslave. This is kind of out there but the men in suits could be blues travelers as in Blues Traveler. There are bushy plants on top of the mountain, Bush. One of the cars in the background looks vaguely like a Chevelle. The people in white look like chior singers, maybe Collective Soul? The whole picture could be said to be a Crazytown. The sky is soooo clear like Everclear. The whole city seems to be in motion like Motion City Soundtrack. The hole in the road has also been said to be mud as in Mudvayne. The blurry man is obviously Blur but he is so munch bigger than alice, could he be Mr. Big? The people in white are glorifying something, possibly New Found Glory? The mountain in the back looks like an Oasis to me. The smiling vegetables could be Smile Empty Soul. Again, the white people look like a cult, a SugarCult. The stripes in the street are also known as The White Stripes.
just some ideas
oh, I forgot one. It’s about the people in white again…since they look like a chior group they could be called Blessid Union of Souls.
There’s a mannequin in the window of the shop (I don’t know why everyone’s convinced it’s a pet shop…).
Jack’s Mannequin
euh… sledgehammer?
The pink and yellow contortionists are not Twisted Sister, they’re Spandau Ballet (jeez, am I old…)
sex pistols-the dildo guns
prince- the prince
queen- the queen
b52s- the planes?
matchbox 20- the 20 made of matchboxes
alice in chains- the girl in chains i thought it could be killing heidi but its not.
smashing pumpkins- the guy smashing pumpkins
seal- the poster on the wall of a seal
rolling stones- ROLLING STONEs!!
Those aren’t pixies, they’re fairies-Pink Fairies, maybe. Also, that poster looks less like a seal and more like a rooster to me, I’m sure there’s a band called Rooster. How about Men Without Hats for the two blues brother looking types, just strikes me they should be wearing hats,or am I thinking too much?
I don’t think they’re Styx, I think they’re Nine Inch Nails.
Also, the Prince could just as easily be King Crimson.
Immediately below The Eagles and to the left of Spoon, the people in the window are in questionable states of undress… they might be Barenaked Ladies.
It looks like the three girls in white boots could be the GoGos.
No one has mentioned Rat yet. At least that is what it looks like to me in the middle of the street.
The three girls running together could also be Three Non Blondes.
There are more than 75….notice there are about 20 answers for each one…and the fact they seem to have left out aerosmith, beatles ac/dc 3doors down, and what is that octopus squid scopion thing?( really now….) atleast we think they are in there…….you might have to be alittle more fucked up than we are right now. good luck…
Yellowcard (yellow poster)
Television (um…obvious)
Deep Purple (color of building in the back)
Could the coin actually be QuarterFlash?
It’s not a rooster, it’s a Seal (as previously mentioned) balancing a red ball on its nose (circus-style), facing right. Also, the reason people are convinced it’s a pet shop is because it says PET SHOP right on the window. And boys are standing in front of it. As previously mentioned.
Anyone know what the turtle-looking thing is, below the Roots and next to Queen’s behind?
“Cake” I think that’s what that is to the left on the sidewalk.
Directly above the Seal poster — The Alarm!
The shark poster between Yellowman and Kiss could be “Great White”
YELLOW-MAN just leaning against the shop’s corner.
Anyone say Quarterflash. Quarter to the left side on the sidewalk flashing?
What’s with the two weird people in pink and yellow doing gymnastics on each other in the street?
The Black Crows on top of the street sign
Crate by the fruit cart which holds the Lemonheads.
There is also Jellybean on the street; Jan & Dean with the surfboards; The GTO’s (one of the cars in the background); Mountain, Desperados (guitar carrying dudes), BeeGees on the wall? How about the Monkees and Kong? Is that Korn on the veggie cart?
How about the purple houses in the background, is it a DEEP PURPLE?
The black flag might be ANTI-FLAG.
Pearl Jam – the pearl next to the fruitcart
Jam and Spoon… Traffic Jam in the back and the big spoon…
Hey, the smiling yellow things… they look strikingly similar to Bon Jovi’s latest album cover (have a nice day)….
Eminem – on the floor infront of the scissor sisters.
bag of spilt m&m’s
Is the picture of the lady with the baby (to the right of the white zombie) – Madonna?
Also, what is that mannequin in the bikini supposed to be?
anyone remember crowded house?
the Dave Clark Five
the scorpions – bottom left hand side on/near the “cake”
kong-the gorilla that looks like king kong
The Person on the hill might be a song refferce to “The Fool on the Hill” by the beatles
The “Blues Brother” looking guys are…..
The Bubblegum Girls
the garbage can holds WHITE TRASH
well i think the vines that everyone is talking about are actually sticks, so it would probably be the band styxx.
Also there are cranberries by the fruit stand on the ground.
Matchbox 20 (the matchboxes that spell out 20)
ans sum-41 (the calandar by the fruit stand. it highlights the 21st of august and the band got their name from the 41st day of the year, which happens to be the 21st of august.)
hammer…man with a hammer
The tree on the hill is Cypress Hill
green day – green date on the calendar
Maybe the 3 boys on the top of the building are ‘Fun Boy Three’ (They wrote ‘The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum’).
This is bloody hillarious…
You guys couldn’t agree on the colour of sh*te.
For the morons talking about a silver dollar, look for a better quality version of the picture. The coin says ‘half dollar’ on it.
Some people really are clutching at straws. All the answers are pretty obvious.
The planes are clearly ‘the B52s’, since they are in fact B52s.
The Gorillas are obviously ‘Gorillaz’.
And yeah, that probably is ‘Bush’ right at the front. Shocking how few people got Iron Maiden and whoever wrote Alice ‘and’ Chains should get a slap in the face… that’s virtually blasphemy. IN chains, man, IN chains.
Rant over.
I can’t beleive nobody saw…
Coming down the street
I thought the guy the Queen is pointing the vibrators at would be Crimson King.
Did I see the Cranberries up here
the Sledge Hammer could be a “TOOL”…
Crowded House – In the building on the right there is a house crowded with people
I’ve never heard of “The Angels” But I do have an Album of “Angel” the album name is sinful. 1979 Casablanca Records, and Film Works, Inc.
What’s with the peace lilly behind the Queen?
So how many of these bands are actually under the Virgin label?
Could the Led Zeppelin and the B-52’s also be a reference to Jefferson Airship, who later became Jefferson Airplane?
The crosswalk (what yall are calling White Stripes) itself with the people moving left to right could be a reference to The Beatles via their Abbey Road album.
We love stuff like this, keep up the Great work!
the pixies… how has no one posted that…
To me, it looks like the 5 TV screens are showing a picture of Michael Jackson, which would make it “The Jackson 5”.
Rolling Stones
Green day
JANE’S ADDICTION – The 2 cowboys and “jane” from tarzan and jane wrapped in one cowboys arms while the other one looks like he is shooting up and has an “addiction”
– counting crows
– the main street band
– double U block bluesband
– sonic youth
– the rhythm sticks
– t – rex
– Eminem
– the pictures
– the lemonheads
“ans sum-41 (the calandar by the fruit stand. it highlights the 21st of august and the band got their name from the 41st day of the year, which happens to be the 21st of august.)”
correct me if i’m wrong, but is the 41st day of the year not february 10? besides, that image represents green day, which at least one person has mentioned.
“The three girls running together could also be Three Non Blondes.”
too bad the name of the band is FOUR non blondes, eh?
“the pixies… how has no one posted that…”
how have you not read the countless other entries that DID suggest it was the pyxies? or maybe the arguments about whether it was actually the pyxies, or the angels? tell me something… is ignorance really bliss?
“There was a group called ‘The Adventure Boys’ and whats more of an adventure than being on the roof of a tall building when one is young…”
whose ass did you pull that out of? was it even yours??
The colored panels behind the two girls kissing is–The Doors. I also think that the “sticks” everyone is seeing next the Matchbox 20 is Nine Inch Nails. And last..please forgive me if I missed it in the post. But right ubove the T.V.’s is U2.
If you want to see a picture that circles all the bands and lists them then go here:
okay, we’ve managed a lot more than 75 bands now…
the “20” behind the prince, are they match boxes? As in Matchbox 20?
Cowboy shooting up = Cowboy Junkies and it’s the Gorillaz (not King Kong)
Tangerine Dream,Rapunzel and in the poster ATOMIC ROOSTER!!
Tangerine Dream, Nurk Twins (not Blues Bro _I like Thompson Twins though–not Cinderella —Rapunzel
Atomic Rooster on the poster
killing joke! Could that be what the ‘prince’ or ‘joker’or ‘jester’ or whatever represents? I’m sorry if this is very obviously wrong or if it confuses people anymore!
okay so it doesn’t look like a joker anymore! Sorry for wasting your time!Yeah I think it’s a prince. If it helps is there a ‘killing prince’?
hrmm killing prince, never heard of that you dumb whore, maybe it could be PRINCE!!!!
im not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but in front of the stand, theres the crate. I’m pretty sure its full of cranberries.. for The Cranberries?
Carpenters….on the roof working
From a Second Story Window….maybe??
Behind the yellow guy, under Whitesnake…. Great White.
For all the “stretch” answers; if the band isn’t on Virgin, then the answer is wrong. So, since The Doors were on Elektra, The Doors is not a possibility. Same with Mountain (Columbia), etc.
So, I’m tempted to say that hairball and those Camaros in the background is Camarohair, but unless they’ve signed with Virgin, that ain’t them.
Check your answers at allmusic.
How is the 41st day of the year in August? Just wondering where people are coming up with this stuff.
How about the Gorillaz and led zepplin
Red Hot Chilli Peppers! (Next to the watermelons) and are the guys with the surfboards the butthole suffers? Oh and Prince! (in front of the “Queen”) Iron Maden (In front of the Rolling Stone) Garbage…there are a lot of them!
uhh…the rolling stones if you havent already said that..but the stones…are rolling..sooo…
The airplanes spotted near led zepplin and the gorillas is B-52
Maybe the two guys in black suits?
There are alot of “Momma’s and Poppa’s” in the pic
The Jimi Hendrix Experience – the sky is purple
Best pic eva!!
N i COULDNT belioeve no1 noticed cornashop til dat bloke sed it!! i mean, come on!!….
**sings** Brim full of asha on the 45..Evrybody needcs a busum 4 a pillow, evry1 needs a busum. ** YAY!
I can not believe the amount of people that do not know bands or are just shooting in the dark, wow.
The little dinasaur — Dinasaur Jr.
The necklace and earings next to the fruit—Crown Jewels
The three guys on the roof — Men @ work / Carpenters (I havn’t decided yet)
The hill with the trees is definetly Cypruss Hill look at the trees.
The people in the upstairs room I have as Quiet Riot but that might be wrong, I saw another post that looked more likely.
And the little faries that people are calling angels come on now, its The Pixies!
The spoon in just that — Spoon
the guys in white, i think they could be “the proclaimers”
1. seriously on 9:48 AM
“ans sum-41 (the calandar by the fruit stand. it highlights the 21st of august and the band got their name from the 41st day of the year, which happens to be the 21st of august.)”
correct me if i’m wrong, but is the 41st day of the year not february 10? besides, that image represents green day, which at least one person has mentioned.
“The three girls running together could also be Three Non Blondes.”
too bad the name of the band is FOUR non blondes, eh?
“the pixies… how has no one posted that…”
how have you not read the countless other entries that DID suggest it was the pyxies? or maybe the arguments about whether it was actually the pyxies, or the angels? tell me something… is ignorance really bliss?
“There was a group called ‘The Adventure Boys’ and whats more of an adventure than being on the roof of a tall building when one is young…”
whose ass did you pull that out of? was it even yours??
i totaly fuggin agree read b4 u fuggin type u fags go umm i think its this or tyhat ur not in portand god u idiots saying the same fuggin thing over and over is dumb
GORILLAZ,Pixies,JEt,Queen?,THe Eagles?
umm what about postal service??
smashing pumpkins bottom right, the guy is hitting them with the hammer
you guys are thinking too deep go with your first instinc and stick with it
dude,vurdlak, u were only suppose 2 put one on at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK- there’s definitly more than 75 band names suggested here, so how many of them are under the Virgin label?????
Dinousour Jr. !!!
Cyress Hill !!!
Crowded House !!!
not nickelback… 50 cent!!!
well what’s the final answer? Is there any? We’re up to more than 100 now…
How is it that no one caught Nine Inch Nails (between prince and matchbox 20)or Great White (the shark on the poster under White Snake. It’s White Zobie not Rob Zombie (obviously)and Radiohead not Audioslave. Also i saw no mention of The Postal Service.
do you think in the fruit stall isnt that the lemonheads
what about Korn!!
Here is a list of the correct 75 bands:
01. 311
02. 50 cent
03. alice in chains
04. b-52s
05. bee gees
06. black crowes
07. black flag
08. blind melon
09. blondie
10. blur
11. cake
12. cornershop
13. cowboy junkies
14. cranberries
15. crowded house
16. cypress hill
17. d12
18. dead kennedys
19. deep purple
20. dinosaur jr
21. eagles
22. eels
23. eminem
24. garbage
25. go-go’s
26. gorillaz
27. great white
28. green day
29. guns n’ roses
30. hole
31. iron maiden
32. jane’s addiction
33. jewel
34. kiss
35. korn
36. led zeppelin
37. madonna
38. matchbox twenty
39. nine inch nails
40. pavement
41. pet shop boys
42. phish
43. pink
44. prince
45. queen
46. radiohead
47. ratt
48. red hot chili peppers
49. scissor sisters
50. scorpions
51. seal
52. sex pistols
53. skinny puppy
54. smashing pumpkins
55. spoon
56. talking heads
57. the beach boys
58. the carpenters
59. the cars
60. the cult
61. the doors
62. the killers
63. the lemonheads
64. the pixies
65. the police
66. the postal service
67. the rolling stones
68. the roots
69. twisted sister
70. u2
71. white stripes
72. white zombie
73. whitesnake
74. yellowman
could the two women in the pink and yellow be shakespeare sistors???
twisted sister – behind scissor sisters
When that man hits the pumpkin, its going to go Wham! and when those rocks hit something, two more Whams! and when the Queen hits the young Prince with the dildos of death, Im sure it will go Wham!, thats three references to the greatest band ever….Wham!!!
I also dont see where you got 311 from. Please advise.
hey mag. spoiler alert
i only count 34 on yer list
he copied it off flickr… there it says the d12 and 311 are only visible from the original add in the magazine according to some people
It’s been posted already, but once again, the answers can be found at:
Stop posting ridiculous and/or repeat guesses! Actually, stop posting all together!
Now to complain about the pictures used – some of them aren’t indicative of the bands they represent. If the Zeppelin was made of Led [sic] then it would be crashing, a la Led Zeppelin’s debut album. A mailbox is not the same as the Postal Service. Carrying a guitar case does not make you a Killer, even if there is a gun inside (which we can’t see). Call me crazy, but The Doors don’t look like doors….(I’ll stop here)
Obviously, the potential for multiple answers is HUGE! So I won’t even bother complaining about that.
to those who say the coin is nickleback….last time i checked…that was a QUARTER not a nickle but ok?
im sorry…..first off i dont know some of the bands cause im not from those decades but still…..HAS NO ONE NOTICED THE BEACH BOYS……..GUYS WALKING WITH SURF BOARDS…..ITS F’ING OBVIOUS
u guys have way too much time on yor hands
has anyone noticed – train station
I think that the 2 guys in black are The Killers, they’re spattered in blood.
I also think that the Hare Chrisnas are Manic Street Preachers.
The rat could represent The Boomtown Rats.
The planes could represent Jerrerson Airplane.
bouy on the corner shannon knoll what about me
Let’s not limit it to Virgin label, please; I like seeing all the responses from all the labels.
styx- the pile of sticks
ok i dont get how u guys can think the two guys in black wit the guitars is anything but EL MARIACHI durrrr i guess im the only hispanic up in this place……………
siccor sisters
white zombie
you are missing the stones! the stones in the back!
For Windows:
CTRL + F helps!
For Mac OS:
APPLE + F helps!
Why is it so difficult to search the bandname before posting??? Aaaarrrggghh!
Surfboard Clown- There’s this person at the balcony staring out. i think its a surfboard-pink nosed- human?
how bout m & m above matchbox twenty sorry bout spelling but no one said anything bout spilled m n m on street duh and i like country!!!!!!!
bag on m n m’s in street spilled you know look like skittles above stynx and match box 20
so how you spell the guy mnm?
to Major Spooilerf Alert you forgot scorpion
so much for posting only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alice in chains- on the right
i’ve got:
rolling stones
alice in chains
yellow man
iron maiden
dinosaur jr
scissor sisters
matchbox 20
smashing pumkins
green day
main street
9 inch nails
sex pistols
guns & rosses
50 cent
dead presidents
great white
whit stripes
cowboy junkies
vitamin c
red hot chili peppers
beach boys
deep purple
cypress hill
led zeplin
black flag
blues brothers
talking heads
blind melons
white zombie
radio head
house of pain
twisted sisters
napoleon hill
crowded house
where is 311? according to one of the spoilers it’s an answer, but i’m not seeing it.
there are 3 11’s from the crosswalk that show up..??
The first one I saw was Alice in Chains…lets see how many more I can find :) (<--good band)
the zombies?
Rolling stones……
my god u ppl need to learn how to read the posts! clearly some of the ones ppl keep saying have not been mentioned have in fact been mentioned toward the top of the page. and seriously, u ppl obviously didnt read the rules at the top…. ONE POST PER PERSON! i have seen ppl listing 7 or 8 bands in a single post… god u ppl r so retarded it isnt funny… and i thought i had met the dumbest person i could ever see already… guess not they r all in here.
Guns n Roses
Scissor Sisters
Twisted Sisters
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Alice in Chains
Pet Shop Boys
Led Zeppelin
Green Day
Deep Purple
One Tree Hill
Velvet Revolvers
Matchbox 20
Blind Melon
The Eels
Black Flag
Beach Boys
White Zombie
Nine Inch Nails
Skinny Puppy
Cowboy Junkies
The Postal Service
Block Party
The Eagles
Iron Maiden
The Dead Kennedys
Great White
Living Coluours
The Roots
White Stripes
50 Cent
The Cars
Sex Pistols
The Doors
Lil’ Bow Wow
Destiny’s Child
New Kids on the Block
Great White
Average White Band
The Clash
The Monkees
The Carpenters
Dinosaur Jr.
The Subways
Banana Rama
I’m only 11 and with my mum’s help I got all 75!!
On the TVs there are what looks like the news, ergo it could either be Faces or Small Faces or even Talking Heads (Which is slang for a newscaster)!
ehhh… i know the beach boys makes sense.. but theres more than 2 of them. i can’t believe im the first to say this but the BUTTHOLE SURFERS?
Ok so the coin is not a silver dollar, if you look closely it says “HALF DOLLAR”– which is 50 cent.
Also the women standing between the two cowboys looks like Jane from Tarzan. I’m gonna have to say “Jane’s Addiction”.
The televisions with the heads in the are the TALKING HEADS!!!
red hot chilli peppers (at the vegie stand)
Ok I never do this kind of thing, but here goes. Some of you guys are seeing things that arent even there. For one, there is no pet shop sign. It says SHOP. There also is no “boys” in front of the shop. There is one “boy” and he is yellow, so that is more or less the clue to that band name. Secondly, where are you people seeing a cake near the guns and roses? There is nothing there but some weird roots or something and a little dinosaur. Also, its clearly 9 inch nails, not styx, no “skinny puppy” anywhere! Where are you guys seeing a dog? Also its a “crowded house”, blood spatterd on the Tarrentinoesque “Killers”, “Dead Kennedies” and a “seal” on those posters on the SHOP(not pet shop), “the police” hangin out by the “cars”. If we could only figure out whats with the 3 80’s chicks. People: stop reading into it to deeply. You start thinking up some really dumb stuff that is so not obvious so it is so wrong.
Sure there is a “pet shop” sign….you can only see it when you maximize the picture.
i couldn’t find anything
everyone who says that they can’t see the “Pet Shop Boys” or “Cake” or “Skinny Puppy”, you should know that there is a broader version of this picture that shows more images off to the left side.
Beach Boys walking behind the Black Crowes, Great White behind the Crash Test Dumies by the Corner Shop. Nine Inch Nails by the Match Box Twenty, Korn beside the Blind Melon. Blondie up stairs the Corner Shop. M&M in front of Scisors Sisters. Please some body tell me, what band is between the queen and prince, the eel?
el che
so the list so far is?
01. 311
02. 50 cent
03. alice in chains
04. b-52s
05. bee gees
06. black crowes
07. black flag
08. blind melon
09. blondie
10. blur
11. cake
12. cornershop
13. cowboy junkies
14. cranberries
15. crowded house
16. cypress hill
17. d12
18. dead kennedys
19. deep purple
20. dinosaur jr
21. eagles
22. eels
23. eminem
24. garbage
25. go-go’s
26. gorillaz
27. great white
28. green day
29. guns n’ roses
30. hole
31. iron maiden
32. jane’s addiction
33. jewel
34. kiss
35. korn
36. led zeppelin
37. madonna
38. matchbox twenty
39. nine inch nails
40. pavement
41. pet shop boys
42. phish
43. pink
44. prince
45. queen
46. radiohead
47. ratt
48. red hot chili peppers
49. scissor sisters
50. scorpions
51. seal
52. sex pistols
53. skinny puppy
54. smashing pumpkins
55. spoon
56. talking heads
57. the beach boys
58. the carpenters
59. the cars
60. the cult
61. the doors
62. the killers
63. the lemonheads
64. the pixies
65. the police
66. the postal service
67. the rolling stones
68. the roots
69. twisted sister
70. u2
71. white stripes
72. white zombie
73. whitesnake
74. yellowman
75 banana rama
oo i found alice in chains (alice from wonderland wrapped in chains)didnt see if that was mentioned yet
is not a YellowMan is a crash test dummies
el che
it seems there are more than 75…
u2 the two u’s painted on the buliding
Obvously there’s Men In Black. Around the middle there are two guys holding guns dressed in black suits. How did anyone miss that.
“Badly Drawn Boy” ahem the badly drawn boy on the right side
Fall Out Boy mebbe? The guy on the roof looks like hes fall
the guys in suits are THE KILLERS!!
can they look any more like killers?
Not Blondie, people….
And where is this 311 you speak of?
on the right there’s ‘alice in chains’
in the hands of the Queen…”The sex pistols” :D :D :D
i know the planes look like b52’s but i believe theyre foofighters!! :D ur welcome!!! haha
blur …
blurred man in the pink shirt to the right of the picture
blues brothers walkin’ next to eachother
“Led Zeppelin” as you can see the blimp is lead!
Pink Floyd the wall there’s plenty of those!
names dan and the skinny puppy could also be the band stray cat and really does it matter if you dont agree with a pesons guess at a band just ignore them and stop making fights
Styx Just behind the princes knees
“Pet Shop Boys”. I love that band too.
“Guns ‘n’ Roses”
“Smashing Pumpkins”
“The Eagles”
“Led Zeppelin”
“Matchbox 20”
“Blind Melon”
“Pet Shop Boys”
“Sisters scissors”
Green Day
“the lemonheads”- the lemons with the smiley faces in the corner
…anyone said that yet?
Come on people, The one next to the b-52 is JET!
OK this is getting crazy.
I gave up trying to read all the comments after I saw I’d got to the 2nd #25, and was still nowhere near 1/3 of the way to the bottom.
I haven’t even HEARD of most of those bands!!!
does anyone know of the band D12? because that is right next to the talking heads(the t.v. screens) i am 99.9 percent sure I am right.
Did anyone mentioned the “White Zombie” besides the pet shop boys in the left?
the guys in white with hands up is CHIOR BOYS thats a new one ,cypress tree on hill and next to cart is the plants
chior boys in white,dinosaur jr bottom left ,
How about the couple we are missing
311 (3 rose vases and 11 guns)
bush (the green one next to the cart)
I agree with post 317 – if it’s not obvious or a popular band – it’s not it – there is absolutely no pet shop boys or skinny puppy
sex pisols obv. theres dildos on the guns lmfao.
the yellow man is NOT a crash-test dummy…nor a “yellow man” as such…
havent you guys heard of any aussie bands?????
Coldplay! “And he was all yellow.”
…you fools!
from 2 distracted and bored uni people.
okay, i have read ALL the comments and i don’t get the 50 cent deal. yes, i see how it could be interpreted as that, but unless there was a ROCK BAND called 50 cent, then it doesn’t fit. why would they stick a rapper in there?
okay so right above the stix and matchbox 20 and right below the scissor sisters…. m&m’s….eminem……so fifty or fiddy cent makes sense…..i don’t like bloc party don’t hink that makes any sense…..heres a good one though…. the girl talking to the cowbaoy junkies by the subway looks like jane from tarzan…. JANES ADDICTION…….and the guys on the roof…..looks like they are building something…. the CARPENTERS……..t.a.t.u is a big no…. definitely kiss…..and right next to the queen and below the roots…. thats a liitel dinosaur…….DINOSAUR JR.
Alice in Chains.
ive been studying this pic for like ages…
i feel that there are two things in one with the coin.
yes i believe “half dollar” written on the coin has reference to 50cent
but. beg my pardon of someone else has spotted this.
isnt the symbol on it a representation of the ramones?? i felt so.
i cant see petshop boys,
or cake anywhere.
my friends feel that the guys standing on top of the building
represent hawthorn heights.
i dunno.
So how/when will we know what the actual answer is?
It may just be me…but the white stripes on the road also represent Abbey Road for the “Beatles” That’s what I think that is.
The three girls running across the road are Charlies angels. Hence “THE ANGELS” a hard rock australian band from the seventies and eighties.
phish, the phish in the bag
Queen – uhhhhhhh theres a queen lol
is there songs cause’ thers killer queen from queen and a zomby
in one of the shops it looks like theres a Mona Lisa holding a baby… does that represent anythin?
i don’t know, but if i was anywhere like that i think i’d probably be getting pretty ‘paranoid’ by now…
“Double Trouble” – two giant gorillas
I Got:
-Bullet for my valentine
-Smashing Pumpkins
-Guns and Roses
-Scissor Sisters
-The Pixies
-Pet Shop Boys
-Rolling Stones
-Red Hot Chili Peppers
Could be The Ramones (logo) for the big coin near the queen and gorillaz or the monkeys for the King Kongs,and cypres hill for the “mountain”.
Crowded House – People in the windows on right side of pic
Jimmy Hendrix – Purple Haze in the sky
Lemonheads – bottom right in fruit stand
Moody Blues – Knights in white satin behind Blues Bros?
could the group of people in the white be the “manic street preachers”
machine gun fellatio (aussie act) in the queens hands …
Urm. Air Traffic and Boys Like Girls, maybe? ^^
the two scissors are scissor sisters. I’m surprised no one has gotten this one yet.
its CYPRESS HILL under the planes not one tree hill
Boys Like Girls
the boy and the girl on the corner on the right
Come on guys what about STREETLIGHT MANIFESTO
The two people are manifesting their love by the streetlight hahaha
People in white robes are either the Manic Street Preachers or The Proclaimers.
Ok, there’s a Plant at the back of the queen, who’s pointing the guns at a Page boy – Plant and Page?
I Found all of the bands
blues brothers
the two scissors walking is scissor sisters
Sex pistols yes but the pistols are also ‘The Vibrators’
Shop Boyz–>>
Boys standing outside shop. (And no, I don’t mean PET SHOP BOYS!)
The scissors could also be “running with scissors” because it looks like they could be running. And I think the coin is “Nickel Back” not “50 cent”
Post 60 said: It may just be me…but the white stripes on the road also represent Abbey Road for the “Beatles” That’s what I think that is.
I think this should be: “White Stripes”
I think there are more then 75 bands.
I can`t believe that nobody mentioned “THE ANIMALS”. It is so obvious!!!!!
Look what I found on internet! Here are all bands:
Just go on this site if you want to see all bands!!!!
and where’s britney??? she signed with virgin!!!
i think the laughing crows in the box of knotted sobbing tires is totally the band the beatles. The building is made of concrete, the concrete is made of stone, and the lemons are sour, hence stone sour……duh……
Alice In Chains!!
1.Flyleaf- Two leaves flying in between Quenn and dude up front of picture.
The train (the queen’s dress has a train)
obvious Gorrilaz, not The Mokeys
Could the woman in the yellow shirt be an OutKast, per chance?
Kind of a stretch but all together the people could be the village people
Those are apes in the background, not monkees. There is a difference.
queens of the stone age maybe
(stone figure thats looks lika a queen next to the two men in suits)
the pink faries (on top left)
it can’t be nickelback- thats a half dollar. i thought it was 50 cent.
angels vs. airwaves …..i think
U2 U2 U2 U2 U2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Green Day (Aug 21st on the calendar)
And the Three Non Blondes can also be the Go-Go’s (note the white boots)
Wings – on the planes or the birds
Not sure if these have been mentioned, Lemonheads (in the cart), Crowded house (2 top floors of building), Blues Brother (Guys in suits), Pink (the sky), Bush (by the 3 skipping girls), Dinosaur Jr ( small toy dinosaur by the GnR cart), Pavement and Korn (in the right cart).
Blur anyone?? on the far right hand side theres a dude thats all blurry maybe ??
Also the eels thay sung songs on shrek on the ground between the king and the queen you have to go on the bigger version to see
What about “The Who” for the blurry guy? I’ve never heard of the Blur. Besides, that’s also how someone would appear as if they were anonymous. kthxbai.
Alice in Chains (right ubove the froot basket Alice *from Alice in Wounder Land* is in chains)
led zeppelin (blimp)
B52’s (two jets in the skt)
Gorillaz (the fuckin’ gorillaz)
Sex Pistols (the queen is holding them)
Queen (the queen)
Prince (the prince)
The Eels (the two eels by the queen
Dinosaur Jr. (the dino behind the queen)
Guns ‘n Roses
white Zombie (behind the GnR)
White Snake
Madonna (in the window of the shop)
Dead Kennedies (posters on the wall)
The Pixies (flying)
Iron Maiden (crosswalk)
Rolling Stones
Matchbox 20 (by the fish)
Nine Inch Nails (by the prince and the 20)
Phish (by the 20)
Scissor Sisters
Smashing Pumpkins
Blind Melon (watermelon with sunglasses in cart)
Korn (next to melon)
Lemon Heads (smiling lemons on cart)
Great White (movie poster)
Red Hot Chili Peppers (fruit cart)
Alice In Chains (above fruit cart)
Cowboy Junkies (leaning against lamp post shooting up)
Janes Addiction (chillin wit da cowboys)
U2 (two U’s)
the Eagles (flyin)
the BeeGee’s (spraypainted on the wall by the TV’s a B and two G’s)
Spoon (under the eagles)
Black Flag (above the rolling stone)
the Black Crowes (on the main st. sighn)
the Beach Boys (under crowes)
Radio Head (crosswalk)
the Police (between iron maiden and cars)
The Cars
Rat (above scissors)
the Blur (next to alice)
Greenday (fruit cart, the calendar)
Seal (sighn on wall by zombie)
Fifty Cent (the giant ass coin)
Postal Service (the mailman)
twisted Sister (the two asian chicks bending)
Television (in the window)
Eminem (by the smashed pumpkin)
the Doors (by the freaky people dancing, they are multicolored and leaning against a building)
Red Hot Chili Peppers
How about Styx?
What about the killers, instead of blues brothers…. the guys with the guitar cases
What about Crowded House? Building on the right with loads of people in the windows.
the one i found is BLUR the man on the right of the pic is out of focus
no one see the RATT?!?!?!
Have we got one for the goldish yet? Could it be ‘Real Big Fish’?
and the puple block of flats at the end looks like it could be on! ;)
uhmm unless I’m mistaken aren’t those “red hot chili peppers” around the watermelons?
I know i’m not supposed to do more then one but…
Led Zeppelin.
Rolling Stones.
Sex Pistols.
Matchbox 20.
Smashing Pumpkins.
Blind Melon.
Green Day.
Scissor Sisters.
Alice in Chains.
White Zombie.
Red Hot Chili Peppers.
The Cars.
I might be wrong though.
Behind the QUEEN, under THE ROOTS, right of GUNS N ROSES is a very young dinosaur. Therefor i think we can ad DINOSAUR JR. to the list.
The doors – in the back of the photo
aL I think the dinosaur would be “T Rex”.
I dunno if anyone posted that one yet, but it’s severely obvious. On top of the melons (whih are, as previously stated, Blind Melons)
Gym class heroes. Those gymnasts.
Lads in white – “Manic Street Preachers”
3 Vases, 11 guns – “311”
Pretty certain as somebody has already pointed out, that the calendar bottom right is Green Day. However, as a Counting Crows fan i was distracted by the month – it is “August and Everything After”.
greenday on calendar and rolling stones’ alice in chains nd blur
dinosaur jr theres a little dinosaur ! :D
rolling stones- obvious much? big boulders rolling down the street
sex pistols – the royal family haha the guns in her hands are dildos acting as the gun barrels
guns n roses- the roses have shot guns in them
matchbox 20- the number twenty in matchboxes
smashing pumpkins- the guy with the sledge hammer…next to the pumpkins…one is smashed…obvious
blind mellon- the watermellon wearing sun glasses
korn- there is corn next to that mellon
red hot chili peppers- around the mellon there are red pepers, that vatiety happens to be fairly hot…
green day- one day on the callander under the fruit stand has one day colored green
jewel/jem(dunno which, but either works!!)- there is a neclace in a case nest to the fruit stand
alice in chains- and alice-like girl with chains wrapped around her by the fruit stand
blur- man next to alice, very very blurry
cowboy junkies- the cowboys shooting up by a lamp post
twisted sisters- the contortionists in the middle of the road
radiohead- the man with a radio for a head
iron maiden- the big stone statue lookin thing on the cross walk
scissor sisters- the pink scissors on the street next to ‘smashing pumpkins’
white stripes- the crosswalk. that one is probably wrong, but hey it works!!
postal service- the mailman
white zombie/cannibal corpse- that dead lookin pale thing on the side walk
pixies- um…there are two pixies above the mailman…
blondie- blond girl with bubble gum
dead kennadies(no, i can’t spell. shush)- there are posters of two of them on the building the zombie/corpse is leaning on. both of these people are dead.
seal- again, a poster on that wall
kiss- girls making out against the post
white snake- snake wrapped around that same post
the doors- a line of pink, yellow, green, and blue doors lined up against a building
deep purple- the purple building in the backround
the police- hard to see, but i’ve got it zoomed towards the boulder furthest back and there are two officers standing there
the cars- right by the police
the go goes- three go go dancers in front of the other boulder
black flag/anti flag- the flag on a building
the beegees- there is BGG written on a building
U2- there are two u’s above the tvs on a building to the right
the crows- two crows perched on top of the main street street sign
beach boys- the guys walking with surf boards
the eagles- three eagles flying
spoon- giant spoon on the right…
the carpenters- thre guys doing wood work on top of the building on the right
the gorillas- obviously…the giant apes on top of the buildings
the b52s- the jets flying above
led zeppelin- the zeppelin above the furthest back gorilla
Cyprus hill- the tree on the hill in the center
the eels- two eels on the side walk towards the front
nine inch nails- the nails next to matchbox 20
50 cent- big giant coin next to the mailman
garbage- the trash can spilled onto the street
prince- um…the one with the dildos pointed at him…
lemon heads- the lemons in the fruit stands
block party- everyone up in the apartment
so if i counted correctly, thats 50, just that i saw off the top of my head
you guys are all morons
“those fairies that are pink are pink fairies”
no they are “the pixies”… does anyone read anymore??
ps I think the two guys with the ‘violin cases’ are supposed to represent the killers
Sex Pistols!!!
the guns the queen is holding or frickin dildos!!!!!
Crowded House & The Eagles
hey, isn’t that rob zombie on the left hand side? ;-)
the two posters could indicate “the presidents of the united states” next to the zombie on the left hand side…
the news, garbage, prince, queen, deep purple, yello(w)
The coin could be the presidents of the united states of america
Main Street- Under the Black crows.
TLC- The 3 girls skipping down the street.
Scissor Sisters
“scissor sisters” – two scissors at the front
um the person who said ‘ gorillas – obvious anyone ‘ i never heard of the gorillas but i have heard of the Monkees i think its them anyone agree
“Rob Zombie” – the zombie behind the guns and roses
The oranges on the fruit cart have”Small Faces” drawn on them!
blind melon..(melon wearing shades in the fruit cart/stand)… i think…
OK, the coin to the left say “HALF DOLLAR” on it so it is a 50 cent piece, not a dollar or a quarter. And where is the pet shop? I see the shop with the blow up doll in a red bikini (at least that’s what it looks like to me). Maybe part of the picture is missing.
Styx – sticks next to Matchboxes in shape of 20 (matchbox 20)
i don’t see the cake?
The Aquarium – near smashing pumpkins
MNM – in front of the scissors
and maybe Spice Girls the three at the back or even the two kissing, not sure about this one.
maybe its just me but is the coin the Ramones?
Bush (beside the right boulder)
Kid rock (the smaller boulder)
How did everyone miss the bag of M&Ms or EMINEM right in the middle of the picture! I feel a little smarter knowing that I'm the only one to get that!!
PS I have seen nothing written about the small stuffed dinosaur in the left corner. Any guesses about what it could be?
Commenter 160 the coin is not a silver dollar. It’s obviously a half dollar and if you look at it you will see that it’s clearly written on the coin. It’s OBVIOUSLY 50 Cent. You shouldnt tell people they are wrong when you actually are the one whose wrong.
Omg the crows are obviously The Black Crows! Duh no one got that yet??
PS Vurdlak your list of 75 you have going has multiple bands for the same images on the page so you actually need a lot more than a couple more.
I think the queen pointing the guns is sex pistols because the guns look like dildos.
White Zombie (A.K.A Rob Zombie)- Um….You people have been staring at it.
P.S I put that white zombie is rob zombie so I could prove that it was a real band/artist.
I see some “Cranberries” next to Green Day!
Isn’t that melon “Blind Melon”?
I think your missing eminem there’s a bag of them by matchbox 20
Scissor Sisters- pink scissors
and the Gorillaz not monkeys
Also maybe pink floyd it the sky??
On the fruit cart there seems to be some Red Hot Chili Peppers.
angels and airwaves
maybe not though since others are saying they are pixies but the look enough like angels to me.
Could the people in the flat be Crowded House?
Empty Trash
who would wast all there tome just trying to find these hidden bands? i understand that some people like a challenge, but 75!? come on!
scissor sisters – pair of pink scissors walking on street
Has anyone said Rolling Stones? Well there’s a big Stone in the background rolling toward the people.
scissor sisters–the scissors “walking” across the street with the little pink bows
iron maiden is crossing the street
I think we got them all but one. The party in the right building should be BLOC PARTY
i found….
-match box 20
-guns n roses
-scissor sisters
-the eagles
-smashing pumkins
-one tree hill
-rolling stones
… amd im only 14
“Great White” under the shop sign.
Matchbox 20 could also be Sum 41 as it is made up of 21 matchboxes (20+21)
Hi there
Am I the only one seeing a bag of EMINEMs on the street above the 20 matchboxes?
SJ, Denmark
(Great fun)
A comment on th “Three Non-Blondes”-thing:
That band was called “4 non blondes”
SJ, denmark
The coin is not a silver dollar it clearly says half dollar on it…so it could definately be 50 cent.
hey everyone, how about the whole picture……………………….ASPHALT JUNGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crowded House!
The hill at the back is Cyprus hill; we know this because it is a Cyprus tree on a hill yes? Yes, ok
Girl in the shop window is Bikini Kill.
Guns ‘n’ Roses is sitting on The Steps.
men in black i think is the guys in the suites
no one has mentioned the guy in the corner that is blurred.. like the band blur…
just saw the beachboys ?
the guys with surfboards… that could be a strech though lol
i also thought maybe that queen right up front is the band queen, but then why is she holding pink guns that look suspiciously like something else…
perhaps the guy shes pointing them at is prince ?
Rolling stones
im also guessing boys like girls… the guy holding the girl on the right…? that might be a stretch
No one’s mention the hulking gray figure on the crosswalk – looks like a figure of a queen made out of stone – Queens of the Stone Age?
Or instead of “Queens of the Stone Age”, since there’s only one gray figure on the crosswalk, did somebody already mention “Iron Maiden”?
OK – so I see someone already said Iron Maiden for the figure on the crosswalk. As to the small, walking dinosaur – there is a band called “Dinosaur Jr.”, and I think another band with Dinosaur in there name (can’t think of it). The group in white pointing up to the huge snake – they look like Hare Krishnas to me – isn’t there a band with Hare Krishna in their name? Anyone have a guess what the 4, differently-colored panels behind that group signify? And did someone already guess “Talking Heads” for the TV screens in the window behind the Cowboy Junkies?
“the police” infron of the cars in the back
the candy on the ground above machtbox 20 could be “hard candy”
and there is an plant behind queen that could be “robert plant”
the fallen trash can could be “cradle of filth”
There’s some GORILLAZ in the backgrounds, guys.
“The Killers”: the blues brothers looking guys in the centre
These haven’t been listed (or I haven’t seen those comments):
Alice In Chains (on the right)
White snake
The Smashing Pumpkins
50 Cent
Maddonna (the picture of a woman & a child on the left)
Led zeppelin
this is so much fun. I’m from Croatia by the way
Hi, has anyone noticed u2 ??? On the building to the right. also what are those smiling oranges(?) about. Happy fruit? maybe, or smiling lemons???
I found led zeppelin :)
The “Queen” is holding “Sex Pistols”. The calander has “Green Day”. Has anyone said Zomies? Spoon, Alice in Chains, Stixs, Cars, Counting Crows, (Three Girls holding hands) Go-Gos, Seal, Black Flag, Jefferson Airplane, Twisted Sister. Could the diamond necklace be Jewel?
?What do the two eels represent?
I can see The Doors and White Zombie- who is next to the Dead Kennedys. The watermelon wearing glasses is Blind Melon. Could the fish in the bowl be…Phish? (and does the “BGG” near the “uu” mean the BeeGees?)
Brian, I believe the eels represent the magnificent rock band eels ;)
My list:
1. Queen
2. Prince
3. Sex Pistols
4. Green Day
5. Nine Inch Nails
6. Matchbox 20
7. Smashing Pumpkins
8. Blind Melon
9. Talking Heads
10. Red Hot Chili Peppers
11. Scissor Sisters
12. Eminem
13. Alice In Chains
14. Beach Boys
15. Blur
16. The Eagles
17. Gorillaz
18. Black Flag
19. Hole
20. Deep Purple
21. U2
22. Rolling Stones
23. Pixies
24. Pet Shop Boys
25. Dead Kennedys/Presidents Of The USA
26. Guns ‘n Roses
27. White Zombie
28. Yellowman
29. Led Zeppelin
30. Pink
31. eels
32. B52’s
33. Whitesnake
34. Manic Street Preachers? (The preachers on the street)
35. 50 Cent
36. Iron Maiden
37. Cypress Hill
38. The White Stripes
39. Bloc Party/Crowded House
40. Counting Crows
41. The Doors
42. Radiohead
The next bands I don’t think were intentional:
43. Sky
44. Elbow
45. Air
The planes are the B-52’s.
Heheh… “Crazy Town”….
my list:
scissor sisters
the smashing pumpkins
alice in chains
the queen
sex pistols
lues brothers
rolling stone
led zeppelin
the police
the eagles
red hot chili peppers
black crow/ counting crows
pink floyd
beach boys
cypress hill
velvet underground
white stripes
50 cent
bee gees
the killers
go gos
black flag
the steps
the doors
the hole
block party
pet shop boys
pink fairies
white snake
green day
iron maiden
matchbox 20
the streets
deep purple
…for now!!!!
Did anyone get seal?
men at work
butthole surfers
10,000 maniacs
sex pistols
great white
lovin’ spoonful
i see..
1.The Ramones
2.The rolling Stones
3.Matchbox 20
5.Guns ‘n’ Roses
6.Red Hot Chilli Peppers
7.Crowded House
and… thats all
Heart. to the right of Phish
Could the fish be Real Big Fish?
Haven’t seen anyone mention The Cars yet.
I found Cake near on scorpions
i dont know about these if they are bands but they could still help
the acrobats?
ih and we have the gorillaz
rolling stones
iron maiden
the pixies
50 cent
and i believe i see avril lavine with some bubble gum in left hand corner
those fruit look suspicious… they’re all happy
OUUU and i found a tricky one
with the matchbox 20 one i say that there are 21 matchboxs used… and everyone? whats the SUUUM
how about the golden guy leaning on the wall? any ideas?
ooorreee the lesbians near him!
Gorillaz, Smashing Pumpkins, led zeppelin, Rob Zombie
Radiohead, Green Day, Guns N’ Roses, The Rolling Stones, The Eagles, Alice In Chains,Blur… Thats all I can see..
Oh, and Iron Maiden.
The scissor sister
2 pink scissors walking together?
scissor sisters!
Doors standing together, The Doors
OMG! i see Lady gaga! with bubblegum!
On the left picture of a SEAL, JFK&RFK=DEAD KENNEDYS, Next to that is the Virgin Mary with Jesus=MADONNA. “Shop” sign= CORNERSHOP. WHITESNAKE onthe street light. Half Dollar+50 CENT. The Queen is QUEEN holding SEX PISTOLS aimed@PRINCE. Little toy Stegasaurus= Dinosaur Jr. BLACK FLAG on the building on the right. Knocked over trashcan= GARBAGE. RedYellow and Blue- The CARS 2cops= The POLICE the Fruit cart the lemons have faces= The LEMONHEADS also there may be some RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS. on top of the street sign are 2 BLACK CROWS. The Calendar has 1 GREEN DAY. The T.V.s could be :TELEVISION, THE TALKING HEADS, or THE FACES. The 3 Fairies on the left=The PIXIES. Bubblegum chewer=BlONDIE. The apartment with all the people in the Window+ CROWDED HOUSE. 2Us= U2 and BGG= The BEE GEES
Sex Pistols
The Eagles
The Smashing Pumpkins
Matchbox 20
The Rolling Stones
The Beach Boys
Scissor Sisters
Alice in Chains
The Pixies
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Led Zeppelin
White Zombie
Bloc Party
The Doors
Black Flag
Dinosaur Jr.
The Cars
That’s all I’ve got.
And dude, that ain’t Lady Gaga. She wasn’t around in 2006.
On the grouns, to the left of the 20 matchbooks, Nine Inch Nails. The two girls twisted together, Twisted Sisiter. The three guys on top of the house, Men Without Hats.
Oh, Ratt
Two guys with the surfboards, beach boys
Flight of the conchords
every seemed to miss Blind Melon, the watermelon wearing Sunglasses
eagles,sex pistols, white snake, smashing pumpkins,blues brother’s band, black flag, dead presidents, great white, nine inch nails, presidents of the united states, counting crows, CYPRUS HILL!!! Queen, America, the police, sublime, prince, korn, white stripes. that makes 19 for me
White Zombie
Led Zepplin
Dead Kennedys
Black Flag
Blind Melon
Beach Boys
Iron Maiden
50 cent
Smashing Pumpkins
Rolling Stones
Sum 41
Guns and Roses
Cypress Hill
Talking Heads
The Cars
Bee Gees
Cowboy Junkies
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Alice in Chains
Iron Maiden
The Police
Sex Pistols
Fresh Prince
The Cranberries
The Doors
Deep Purple
Black Crows
Nine Inch Nails
43 so far.
What is the spoon?
The Eels between Queen and Prince
there are STYX behind the queen
there are 3 DIXIE CHICKS walking across the street
The spoon is… Spoon. and also I have seen this picture before and about 3 to 4 more bands are cut off for the left side just on the other side of white zombie.
The Pixies?
..and Twisted Sister, maybe? the contortionists..
The buggles (underneath the veggies), manic street preachers. Hole(in the ground?)The shop sign might have something to do with Kraftwerk)and there seems to be a hole in the ground.. so Hole!
1. pet shop boys
2. guns n roses
3. the pixies
4. fifty cent
5. queen
6. prince
7. sex pistols
8. scissor sisters
9. matchbox 20
10. eminem
11. smashing pumpkins
12. lemonheads
. the scorpions
.smashing pumpkins
.cranberries next to green day
.that’s all.
the postal service.
the vines.
the white stripes.
the killers.
a perfect circle.
Dead Kennedys near White Zombie, there r 2 pictures of jfk and another k
Crowded House
Live – (the TV sets)
Deep Purple
Deep Purple
Jesus and Mary Jane
Guns and Roses
Smashing Pumpkins
Radio Heads
omg i found
heh im 13 and atleast i kud find some without cheating! BAM!
ooooomggggg im the only one that sed August Rush! YAY!
1) August Rush
2) Queen
3) Prince
4) Guns ‘N Roses
5) Greenday
6) Rolling Stones
7) The Eagles
8) White Snake
9) 50 Cent
10) Greatful Dead
11) Alice In Chains
12) Scissor Sisters
13) Matchbox 20
14) Ratt
15) U2
16) The Police
17) Beach Boys
18) Indigo Girls
19) Styx
20) Blind Melon
21) Red Hot Chili Peppers
22) Blur
23) The Cars
24) Pixies
25) The Black Crows
26) Korn
27) Sex Pistols
28) Great White
29) Lemonheads
30) Seal
31) Pink
32) Iron Maiden
33) Jewel
34) Deep purple
35) Goldfinger
36) Live
37) The Killers
38) Sum41
39) The Doors
40) Kiss
41) Crowded House
42) Byrds
43) Jesus and Maryjane
44) Wings
45) Jet
46) Tool
47) A Perfect Circle
48) Monkees
49) Gorillaz
50) The White Stripes
51) The Vines
52) The Postal Service
53) Eminem
54) Petshop Boys
55) Scorpions
56) Cranberries
57) Cake
58) The Buggles
59) The Contortionists
60) Dead Kennedys
61) Spoon
62) White Zombie
63) Hole
64) Dixie Chicks
65) Ninch Inch Nails
66) The Eels
67) Phish
68) Coyboy Junkies
69) Talking heads
70) Cypress Hill
71) Bee Gees
72) B-52s
73) Black Flag
74) Led Zeppelin
75) Fresh Prince
1) August Rush
2) Queen
3) Prince
4) Guns ‘N Roses
5) Greenday
6) Rolling Stones
7) The Eagles
8) White Snake
9) 50 Cent
10) Greatful Dead
11) Alice In Chains
12) Scissor Sisters
13) Matchbox 20
14) Ratt
15) U2
16) The Police
17) Beach Boys
18) Indigo Girls
19) Styx
20) Blind Melon
21) Red Hot Chili Peppers
22) Blur
23) The Cars
24) Pixies
25) The Black Crows
26) Korn
27) Sex Pistols
28) Great White
29) Lemonheads
30) Seal
31) Pink
32) Iron Maiden
33) Jewel
34) Deep purple
35) Goldfinger
36) Live
37) The Killers
38) Sum41
39) The Doors
40) Kiss
41) Crowded House
42) Byrds
43) Jesus and Maryjane
44) Wings
45) Jet
46) Tool
47) A Perfect Circle
48) Monkees
49) Gorillaz
50) The White Stripes
51) The Vines
52) The Postal Service
53) Eminem
54) Petshop Boys
55) Scorpions
56) Cranberries
57) Cake
58) The Buggles
59) The Contortionists
60) Dead Kennedys
61) Spoon
62) White Zombie
63) Hole
64) Dixie Chicks
65) Ninch Inch Nails
66) The Eels
67) Phish
68) Coyboy Junkies
69) Talking heads
70) Cypress Hill
71) Bee Gees
72) B-52s
73) Black Flag
74) Radio Head
75) Fresh Prince
Forgot. led Zeppelin aint a band and at first i sed the doors twice. This is most accurate now!
Okay I have to comment on Ms.Observant’s post…..
Led Zeppelin ain’t a band???? OKAY call me stupid but can you please tell me what they are… Apparently I have been mislead my entire life…
1. Sex Pistols (in the queen’s hands)
2. Queen (duh!)
3. Scissor Sisters (next to the guy smashing pumpkins)
4. Gorillaz (on the rooftop)
5. B52’s (the aeroplanes)
6. White Zombie (far left)
7. Guns ‘n Roses (in front of the white zombie)
8. The Eels (in front of the queen)
9. 50 Cent (behind the queen)
10. The Pixies (above the white zombie)
11. Led Zeppelin (in the sky)
12. Smashing Pumpkins (to the left of the fruit stand)
13. Whitesnake (climbing the lamppost)
14. Dead Kennedys (the posters to the right of the white zombie)
15. Police (in the background looking at the cars)
16. The Cars (next to the policemen)
17. The Cult (crossing the road above the queen)
18. Fish/Goldie (the goldfish and possibly the golden guy)
19. Eminem (M&M’s in the road below the scissors)
20. Styx (to the left/below the M&M’s)
21. Madonna (the painting next to the dead presidents)
22. Alice In Chains (far right, below the spoon)
23. Blind Melon (on the fruit stand)
24. Blur (far right, next to Alice)
25. The Eagles (flying above the spoon)
26. Rolling Stones (big boulders near the cars)
27. Red Hot Chilli Peppers (on the fruit stand)
28. Ratt (above the scissors)
29. Greenday (on the calendar on the fruit stand)
30. The Byrds/Black Crowes (on the Main St sign)
31. Beach Boys (with the surf boards next to the Main St sign)
32. Talking Heads/Television (in the building next to the Main St sign)
33. Radiohead (on the road crossing)
34. Deep Purple (the building in the background)
35. Hole (in the road to the right of the contortionists)
36. The Doors (to the right of the cult)
37. Cypress Hill (the hill in the background)
38. Mighty Joe Young (the gorilla to the left of cypress hill)
39. Kissing Girls (to the left of the cult)
40. Seal (the poster next to the white zombie)
41. Black Flag (on the building with the TV’s)
42. Garbage (to the right of the contortionists)
43. Matchbox 20 (foreground, next to the goldfish)
44. Iron Maiden (in the road, to the left of radiohead)
45. U2 (above the TV’s)
46. Bubblegum (on the fire escape to the left of the zeppelin)
47. The Roots/Grateful Dead (the grate to the left of the queen)
48. Stegosaurus (to the left of the queen)
49. Aspidistra (the plant below the guns ‘n roses)
50. Korn (on the fruit stand)
51. Cowboy Junkies (above the smashing pumpkins)
52. The Contortions (to the left of garbage)
53. Reservoir Dogs (to the right/above the queen)
54. Great White (the poster next to the golden guy)
55. Crowded House (above the TV’s)
56. The Shadows 8)
57. Prince (in front of the queen. Doh! how long did it take me to get that!!)
Well here’s one I don’t think anyone got.. the guys under the gorilla… MEN AT WORK!
guns and roses
I’m not very good, but I found the Sex Pistols. Also, people, lets read the post and put only ONE BAND NAME AT A TIME.
PS. Eminem is not a band. He’s solo.
I have a feeling some people are just typing random words that they THINK might be band names but actually aren’t. Come on guys.
it seems that everyone forgot the Postal Service. the guy right by white zombie checking the mail
and also i don’t know if anyone put Jet, but there’s a couple planes in the sky.
Mountain, the mountain in the middle back of course, and
Nickelback, the silver nickle
some people here dont get the picture right….
anyone noticed the black flag? (yes it’s a band >.<)
Those people not in the picture? “Missing Persons.”
The large object in front of the purple building isn’t a rock, it’s an oyster, which makes the guys in blue uniforms standing in front of it the Blue Öyster Cult!
you morons…Lady GaGa? Sum 41? You do realize this is about 5 or 6 years old? @Moodie-no, you’re right those aren’t rocks – they’re stones..get it? @ GRatt- that is clearly a 50 cent piece, not a nickel. @ Bobb- you dumbass, those “jets” would be B-52 bombers as in the B-52’s. Have fun n00bs.
Well done indeed! My only exception would be that the Big Silver Spoon was actually the logo of the 70s-80s band called “Lovin’ Spoonful’ which turned into 1) Crosby, Stills, & Nash and 2) Poco 3) Loggins & Messina
Exciting and great job!
Pink Floyd is there…
The Subways
the spoon is loving spoonful…come on people!
and 50 cent….
and how could no one get the bangals. come on now!
that isnt STYX behind the queen./ its grateful dead. and the ladies walking arent the dixie chicks, its the bangals
actually the big thing in front of the building is a rock maing it THE ROLLING STONES, and the guys are POLICE….BLUE OYSTER CULT is the blue oyster necklace to the right of the goldfish! damn people learn your music!
The scissor sisters, the rolling stones, the sexpistols, radiohead, guns and roses.
smashing pumpkins, white zombie, the eagles, gorillaz?…
Crowded House
The Angels
Deep Purple
Man the list goes on …
matchbox 20? white snake? postal service? garbage?
The guy on the right edge of the picture = “Blur” and how about “The Eels” to the left of the “Scissor Sisters”! “Black Flag” on the building on the right and “The Cars” behind the “The Police”. “Alice in Chains” on the right edge of the photo next to the “Blur” with “The Beach Boys” behind her and the “Black Crows” on the street sign. The “B-52’s” flying high and how about “Hole” behind “Garbage”!!
Oh, and I forgot to mention the “Green Day” marked on the calendar!
Queen? :’)
the Police (at the mailbox at the left or on the street at the back)
the lemonheads (at the groceries)
smashing pumpkins, guns n roses and the red hot chilli peppers are also in there
dead kennedys
the killers (two men in black)
the doors
oasis beyond the gorillas
all i see is the scissor sisters(the pink scissors),The Rolling Stones(the stones rolling down the street),and Alice In Chains(Alice from Alice in Wonderland chained on the far right of the picture
Blind melon, queen, prince, the sex pistols, smashing pumpkins, kiss, whitesnake, dinosaur jr (the little dinosaur behind the queen), madonna etc etc etc
And,,,Guns N’ Roses behind the Queen.
Ok, I got a few more for ya,
the Jets (two planes, can also be b-52’s I guess)
Blind Melon
Twisted Sister (the two girls contortionists)
The roots (in the street grate behind the queen)
BeeGees (B and 2 Gees on the wall)
Seal (poster by white zombie)
Iron Maiden (Its in the middle of the street)
and before reading the posts i kinda thought the white zombie was for Insane clown posse???
the gorillaz are the famous bacd gorillaz the band of feel good inc and others
“the rolling stones;” is that “queen” and “prince?” “iron maiden,” “led zeppelin,” “garbage,” “smashing pumpkins,” “green day;” maybe “the postal service?” “radiohead,” “U2,” “50 cent,” “the sex pistols,” “guns ‘n roses,” maybe “nine inch nails?” “matchbox twenty,” “blind melon,” “red hot chili peppers,” “alice in chains;” maybe “the eagles,” and “spoon?” “black flag,” “the beach boys”
I see the Pixies too.
did anyone say COWBOY JUNKIES yet? PHISH?
and i’m pretty sure the giant spoon is just SPOON, not THE LOVIN’ SPOONFUL
Blur, Nine Inch Nails, Beach Boys, Radiohead, Black Crowes
I’m thinking Eminem on the ground left of prince, although those would technically be peanut M&M’s.
Could that be The Carpenters on top of the building?
Anyone said “the pixies” yet?
the smashed pumpkins
1. pet shop boys
2. guns n roses
3. the pixies
4. fifty cent
5. queen
6. prince
7. sex pistols
8. scissor sisters
9. matchbox 20
10. eminem
11. smashing pumpkins
12. lemonheads
13. green day
14. alice in chains
15. blur
16. the eagles
17. gorillaz
18. manic street preachers
19. whitesnake
20. madonna
21. iron maiden
22. radiohead
23. rolling stones
24. u2
25. beach boys
26. presidents of the united states of america
27. seal
28. the police
29. red hot chilli peppers
30. white zombie?
31. the killers?
32. goldie?
33. deep purple?
34. counting crows?
35. the b52s / jet?
36. jewel/jem?
37. blondie?
Men At Work
Crowded House
White Stripes
How could you not get that trezz? Jeez, learn your music!
THE GOGOS (the girls running across the street)
White Stripes
The Cranberries
The Cars
cars zombies blondie surfers dead kennedys monkeys Byrds
blur (the guy on alice’s left)
I’m not sure about it but i think there are some RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS with the fruits.. thats what it looks like
Next to White Zombie Pet Shop Boys and next to the Guns N’ Roses, on the left, Scorpions
I think the large spoon is simply the band “Spoon”.Alice in Chains. Oh and here’s one I didn’t see in the comments(I only skimmed them, pardon if it was mentioned) RADIOHEAD! (Guy with a radio for a head)
Potentially The News, Cornershop, The Shadows (everywhere), Jane’s Addiction (alongside Cowboy Junkies – she looks a bit Tarzan-esque)
anyone mention Television?
Pavement and The Streets (hiding in plain sight), also I think the people in white are the Main Street Preachers, since they’re on Main St.
Has anyone mentioned “The Doors” behind “The Beach Boys”?
the Adverts
the Dolls
Block party
Violent Femmes
Dire straits
the Darkness
heavy Vegetable
Minor threat
Motley crue
Mr mister
the shins
Stiff little fingers
the temptations
anyone notice the sky is PINK or is that to obvious that id doesnt count
Alice in chains
Smashing Pumpkins
1.The Gorillas
2.The Eagles
3.Smashing Pumpkins
4.50 Cent
5.Iron Maiden
6.Guns ‘n’ Roses
7.The Rolling Stones
12.White Zombie
13.Alice in Chains
14.Black Flag
16.The Police
17.Scissor Sisters
19.Dead Kennedys
20.Green Day
21.Puddle of Mudd
22.The Pixies
26.Led Zeppelin
27.Nine Inch Nails
28.The Doors
29.Talking Heads
31.Twisted Sister
32.The Red Hot Chilli Peppers
blind Melon, The Lemon Heads, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Korn all in the fruit cart. bottom right
has anyone said “the acrobats”
The Smashed pumpkin would be Pulp!
Spandau Ballet
1.the doors
2.led zepplin
3.the monkees (or the gorillaz)
4.alice in chains
5.smashing pumpkins pistols
7.guns n roses
8. Jefferson airplane
9.the eagles
11.the beach boys
12.iron maiden
14.rolling stones hot chili peppers
17.white zombie
23.modest mouse
24.Nickleback (or 50 cent)
25.panic! at the disco (mabey)
26.9 inch nails day flag
31.the eels
33.Spandau Ballet
34.white snake
35.The acrobats
36.the police
37.the cars
39.scissor sisters
40.deep purple
wow 40 new record
Deep purple or new riders of the purple stage my work.
lost my list!
Chicago (the whole city)
PEOPLE!!!!! it’s not 50 cent!!! jizzz!! look closer it’s the ramones!!!
it is 50 cent, jackass. it says united states half dollar.
I think it can also be Nickelback.. hehehe
it’s all 50 cent, nickelback AND ramones together.
it is The Ramones, not 50 cent or nickleback. you have to look really close. i have owed 10 Ramones shirts and that’s their logo and the piece of money
Rolling Stones
Alice in Chains
Smashing pumpkins
White Zombie
Black Flag, and 10 others I found easily
Is There anyone who found the entire 75 bands???
Spandau Ballet
Rolling Stones
Black Flag
50 Cent
Everly Brothers
The Eagles
The Blues Brothers
Jefferson AIrplane
The Eagles
White Zombie
Guns N’ Roses
The Madonnas
The Blur
The Go – Go’s
Smashing Pumpkins
The Beach Boys
Alice In Chains
White Snake
The Cars
Led Zepplin
Deep Purple
The BeeGee’s
The Tubes
The Monkee’s
That’s 30 that I seen right off the bat.
i see greenday wheres eminem?
The Blues Brothers are not a band, it’s a movie…
I think its “Reel Big Fish” because of the size of the fish and the bowl, besides Phish is spelled differently.
Matchbox 20
Scissor Sisters
Sex Pistols
Nine-Inch Nails
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Oops. Sorry. I didn’t read the instructions very well. I’ve found 54, but the other 21 elude me.
OK, one more. Which is the Everly Brothers? And what makes the airplane *Jefferson* Airplane?
The planes are b52 bombers. i think it could the B52’s !!!!!!!!!!!
Scissor Sisters
Led Zeppelin
Pet Shop Boys :)
The Police
Dead Kennedys
Matchbox 20
The Gorillaz
Guns N’ Roses
The Rolling Stones
White Zombie
@Bonnie, i dont see black flag
The Average White Band
Black Byrd
The 5th Dimension
White Trash
Crowded House
The Postman Syndrome
The Police
Blind Melon
Orange Goblin
The Contours
Jets to Brazil
Manic Street Preachers
green day
wheres eminem…i see greenday on the calander
I think it’s Phish…..Sorry splitting hairs. But the concept is correct.
The Small Faces
Dinosaur Jnr
What about Iron Maiden
Stereohead ;D
Radiohead x)
Hmm is anyone else having problems with the images on this blog loading? I’m trying to find out if its a problem on my end or if it’s the blog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.
haha i bet no one saw The Doors
Red hot chili peppers
White Stripes.
the airplanes could be jet
I think there is enough room for new band names wich can find some inspiration here. Not sure if there is any ‘The Calendars’ out there, just a sugestion…
I know, I know, it’s just a green day…
The girls running are “the runnaways”
Where da hell r da Sex Pistols? ppl keep menshuning dem but i cant find dem! (yes i am speeking Lolspeekz) (oh and also, the email that im using ISNT mine!) Sum1 plz 2 tell me?
Talking Heads
Black Crows
Cowboy Junkie (s?)
Cypress Hill
Sick Puppy?
hey arnt the planes B-52s?
Twisted Sister!
Cowboy Junkies, good one!! And did nobody get Spoon or Alice in Chains? Oh, and the postal service
Green Day
Dead Presidents
Pink Floyd
The Guess Who or pink floyd
platinum blonde
the cranberries
great white
the sex pistols
The eagles
The Talking Heads
the eagles, the gorillas, Alice in chains
Rolling Stones
Smashing Pumkins
Alice In Chains
The Egales
Cowboy Junkies
Silver Dollar
Guns and Roses
White Snake
Beach Boys
The Pistols?
black flag, the kennedys, white snake, the eels, green day, B 52’s, white zombie, the pixies, seal, sex pistols, radiohead, scissor sisters
the sex pistols
01 guns and roses
02 50 cent
03 seal
04 white snake
05 the eagles
06 the police
07 radio head
08 smashing pumpkins
09 beach boys
10 the eels
11 alice in chains
12 u2 – 2 u’s
13 garbage
14 lemon heads
15 blur
16 rolling stones
17 blind melon
18 red hot chili peppers
19 led zeppelin
20 the doors
21 pixies – fairies
22 hole
23 matchbox 20
24 queen
25 prince
26 the cars
27 eminem
28 korn
29 green day – marked on calendar
30 sex pistols – dildo guns
31 kiss – girls kissing
32 jewel – necklace lower right corner
33 dinosaur jr.
34 iron maiden
35 b-52s – planes
36 scissor sisters – pink scissors
37 cornershop
38 madonna – painting
39 the offspring – baby in madonna painting
40 black flag
41 cowboy junkies
42 janes addiction – girl with the junkies
43 bush
44 manic street preachers – preachers in white
45 white zombie
46 white stripes – pedestrian
47 bee gees – b and 2 g’s
48 gorillaz/the monkees
49 black crowes/counting crows
50 cypress hill/nirvana/oasis
51 styx/nine inch nails
52 crowded house/bloc party/panic at the disco
53 presidents of the USA/the kennedys/dead kennedys – posters
54 the killers (?) – men in black w/ guitar cases
55 the carpenters (?) – people on rooftop
56 cranberries (?) – boxes lower right corner
57 ratt (?) – rat
58 spoon (?) – spoon
59 tool (?) – hammer
60 talking heads (?) – tvs
61 great white (?) – shark poster
62 the shadows (?) – shadows
63 phish (?) – goldfish
64 the roots (?) – roots
65 bondie (?) – blonde w/ bubble gum
66 postal service (?) – mailman
67 goldie/yellowman (?) – gold/yellow man
68 the runaways/go gos (?) – 3 girls running
69 goo goo dolls/toy dolls (?) – blowup doll
70 the acrobats/spandau ballet (?) – acrobats
71-72 (?) wondering about the yellow flowers (behind guns and roses), the sack with yellow and blue label(lower right), the purple building and the yellow posters(beside talking heads) (?)
not in picture:
73 pet shop boys
74 cake
75 scorpions
the purple building, can that be Deep Purple?
This is a cropped version of the original image…. there’s a chunk on the left missing.
Dont you guys thing its absolutely amazing how Machinehead got the Pet Shop Boys on the list, even though that was one of the bands that was cropped out? Theres a few boys standing outside a pet shop just to the left of the white zombie… on the ORIGINAL image that is), but they’re not on the image above.
Men without hats? Cars, Eminem . . .
the whole pictures frozen and a man is melting code for the song i’ll stop the world and melt with you
Scissor sisters!
Blur, Alice in chains, Smashing pumpkins, scissor sisters, green day, Eminem, styx, sex pistols, gun’s and roses, seal, madonna, police, white snake, cypress hill, the eagles, talking ehads, bloc party, gorillaz, manic street preachers, rolling stones, radiohead, 50 cent, U2, BeeGees, b-52’s, Led zeppelin, blondie, the white zombie, dead kennedy’s, killers, roots, jewel, beach boys, the offspring, kiss, korn, white snake, white stripes, ratt, tool, black flag, spoon, the monkees, iron maiden, cranberries, eels, queen, carpenters, the doors, jane’s addiction, cowboy junkies
The Cruisers
The Tornados
deep purple ;)
One Tree Hill
The Vibrators
crowded house
Alice in Chains
Korn, everyone forgot Korn.
The Dead Kennedys!
Cute find, but does anyone else find it annoying that users like Winster, Miika and MachineHead are either completely incapable of reading directions or are just so selfish that they don’t care about ruining it for others?
BLUR, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, Beach Boys, Blind Melon, Smashing Pumpkins, B52’s, The Police, Alice In Chains, Talking Heads, Gorillaz, Dead Kennedys, Rolling Stones, Guns N Roses
Led Zeppelin, the Eagles, Rolling Stones, Dead Kennedys, Whitesnake, Beach boys, Smashing Pumkin, Alice in Chains, the Cars, Queen, Twisted Sister, B52’s, Pixies, Sex Pistols, Iron Maiden, Guns and Roses, Black Flag, Dinosaur Jr, the Scorpions, Prince, Yellowman, Deep Purple, the talking Heads, Blind Mellon, Hammerhead, Greenday, U2, Cowboy Junkies, Television, Spoon, White Zombie, the Police, Matchbox 20, Kiss, (Can anybody tell me what the smiling lemons are supposed to be?)
Lemon Heads
Wow…no one picked up on The Blues Brothers
i think that’s the Killers
I love the people who cant read and decided to post every band they could think of. Especially the ones that make no sense.
did nobody get ‘the vines’
i got :
black flag
alice in chains
the cars
the monkees (the apes)
red hot chili peppers (on table)
Black Crowes