We got ourselves another user-submitted optical illusion! Thanks to Philip Hansen you can see this Audi Comercial inspired by M C Escher. A driver navigates his way through Escheresque world. Viral for some automobile. Jump inside this post to see the full video. Amazing!
Currently video is down, but you can still view it here.
Here is a little slidehow with backscenes to explain how this video was done:
lol thats good
if the above person said “boring” it is because she never opened the actual video! Remember to go to http://www.devilducky.com/media/17870
I think it is awesomely done!
-kathie anne-
holy crap thats awesome…and weird…kinda like an impossible world
i don’t get the Forecourt one. The rest of them are really cool though!
Compare it to the impossible/devil’s fork.
thats preeeeettttty cool mate
The Fore court one is easy. check out the six pillars illusion. You’ll see the forecourt illusion is just like that one.
oh, I see, how short sighted of me XD
IM SO CONFUZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
check out the video, pretty smart! (www.devilducky.com/media/17870 )
Hi. I still love this spot.
I directed this commercial for Audi and BBH London a couple of years ago. I also came up with all the illusions and did the matte paintings based on studying Escher and textbook illusions. I wanted to bring it up to date. So I’m very proud that so many people appreciated the spot. It seems to have an underground following.
There is also a very secret 60sec version out there in the vaults.
cool and i said it 1st
thw video was completey amazing
I dont get it…. e-mail… E-MAIL me dumbing it down
OOOOOH now i see it cool
thanx ta u, my heads been spinnin fi di entire week
mine isn’t working! i clicked on the right link, but it only takes me to the main page of devilducky.com, with all of the recent and popular videos!
NOTHING is the amount of audi video gotten by the 3 methods below:
1.searched through ALL of the videos on the main page
2.copied the URL from other comments on this site
3.searched for ‘audi’ on devilducky.com
there is it too
im so. . . confused?
stupid T_T
this Audi spot is what inspired parts of Christopher Nolan’s movie “Inception” I believe….
yes. its definitely “Inception” like isn’t it?
OOOOWWWW D: It hurts my head trying to think about it! But it’s still pretty freakin awesome.
ya thoes illusions really r good
not really escher….but escher-like. in fact it’s a variation of sandro del prete’s folded chessboard, sandro does escher-like paintings that are really worth checking out.[img]https://www.moillusions.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/trompe_del-prete.jpg[/img]