Few years ago I’ve shared a gallery consisted of pixelated photos. It demonstrated a remarkable ability us intelligent creatures have, ability to recognize faces even when they are obscured in one way or another. I recommend you read that article first before you continue with today’s “illusion”.
Our Facebook channel became very popular lately (over 50,000 fans), and one of the things that makes me super-happy is the rising trend where people started being more proactive and began sharing their own optical illusions and findings! One such submission was done by Edgar who shared the picture you see on your right ->
Isn’t it amazing how we can all recognize this painting, even when the information has been reduced to minimum. On the other hand, it greatly helps that the paining in question is globally famous one. BTW, try squinting your eyes in order to strengthen the effect ;D
Amazingly easy! (Mona Lisa)
Bloody hell, I can!
Then again, working on the presumption that it a very famous she, narrows greatly down the search space.
Poppycock… even without the the description, the image leapt off the page…
Unmistakeable pattern.
Live all these illusions! Thank you.
Mona Lisa
This has to be the “easiest” optical illusion ever. By far. (Or at least… For me it is :)
Cool illusion. It is so obvious who it is when you can see her. It may not show her in full detail, but still it is simple to figuire out who she is.
If only you had taken the trouble to rename the image. By the time i tried clicking to make it bigger, i knew what it was. :(
The famous Monalisa
that’s an easy one
Looks lide an easy one. ml i think
wtf bro???
Moany Loser
How damn amazing is that?
Yes I can, even from the thumbnail posted on facebook I figured it out. Shows just how much her image is shown around the world.
the moaning Lisa
It is so obviously the Mona Lisa. I didn’t have to look for more than a second.
is it liza manelli? :P
No it isnt
Cool trick!
Let’s see.. how many illusions feature her
It seems like there are lots of illusions featuring the Mona Lisa but there’s actually just one. It’s an illusion!
mona lisa!!!
I wonder how well it would work if it was only in black-and-white?
I believe that I figured out who this famous female is.
It’s pretty easy to see, but I won’t spoil it for anyone looking down here for the answer ;)
Marie Osmond?
Isn’t the human brain an amazing thing?
Amazing… For me it was her hands, folded in her lap, that gave me the recognition… “Globally famous” is putting it mildly…
Pretty neat!
I think I can as well.
its the mona lisa
No idea…far too low resolution.
Da Vinci rides again.
mona lisa…
It’s Mona Lisa,Duh! xD
Mona Lisa.
so cool! these brain of ours are great!
monna lisa
omg learn to spell idiot its moNa lisa (one ‘n’) god
ur stupid its mona liSa so go die lolzpop! byeeeee
Monalisa ;)
mona lisa
That’s a trip, the Monalisa of course- or however you spell it. I would have never guessed it would be that easy to recognize when that degraded.
So easy, it’s Monalisa
im only 13 and didnt have to look twice mona lisa!
well omg guess what im like 4 yrs old and i new it wayyyy before anyone else so lolzpop! haha k u can go away cuz im way younger than u and im like waayy better than u so i win
“On the other hand, it greatly helps that the paining in question is globally famous one.”
Yeah, I agree. I always thought the _painting_ was a bit painful to look at :P.
Your missing a “t” in paining.
Oh my gosh its Mark Harmon!
The fact that it is so easy to see is the illusion itself
Mona Lisa, by seeing those shades of colors you can create a image of M.L. in your brain by imagination, you brain can “fill in” those blank areas in the picture automatically, pretty cool.
I knew that it was Mona Lisa before anyone else knew it.
Mona Lisa in minescraft but circles
yea that’s Mona Lisa sketch in the circle’s art.
I found it in 0.00000000000000002 seconds I WIN
Mona Lisa! Easy but nice!