This picture was taken in some Russian pub as far as I know. As hard as it may be to beleive, these lines are acctually straight. This illusion works in a same way “Bent Lines”, “Crooked Skyscraper” and “Bent Square” illusions work. If you look at the second picture inside this post, you’ll see I was right.
You can tell the lines are a little tilted
u can tell its all in the camera
if you move the scroller thing on the side really fast IT MOVES<3
Its called an optical illusion folks, its not fake.
*sigh* so old
how many times do i have to tell you:
if you cross your eyes a bit, you will notice their paralel!!!
how does crossing your
eyes work? I think that
they are straigt but
not parralle
i dont get it.:P
im dizzy…..and confused:(
if you scroll up and down while looking at the first picture, it looks like the vertical “lines?” are wiggling
oh! i c it! the squares are a little off of line with eachother right? thats whats causing the illusion! the fact that the squares arent perfectly alighned with eachother. the lines are very much perfectly straight.
theres a building like that in Melbourne (black and white) Can’t remember what it is, some government building or something, but its really cool.
when you scroll down it looks like theyre movin lol
the lines are so paralell!!!!
its only coz of the square tiles!!!!!
Optical illusions on a bar floor.Just what every drunk needs.