What you’re seeing below is not a computer generated drawing, but a full scale wire-frame representation of a Lamborghini Countach. The installation was created by artist named Benedict Radcliffe. Regular visitors may recall similar installation we covered back in March, called “Wireframed Subaru Impreza” by the same artist we cover today. Lamborghini is the latest in a series of wire cars Radcliffe has completed. It’s his most ambitious project so far. Painstakingly crafted from 10 mm steel tubes welded together into that familiar shape we all know and secretly love. Upon close inspection you see fine details in the wheels and the intake gills, even the “Pirelli P7” letters are worked out. The car is currently on display at the Classic Car Club UK, a genius organization with a collection of cars the members collectively drive.
btw nice illusion
Not really an optical illusion, but pretty cool anyway!
this is pretty amazing. i would have sworn the first three pictures were just generated images.
Very cool!!!
I am not totally convinced the first three aren’t CGI. However, if they are truly the same as the other pictures then that is pretty awesome. Who is gonna jump on this market and make a Go-Kart out of these!?
Number one just looks like
CGI, and I believe that numbers 2 and 3 are concept art, maybe CGI or regular drawings to get a good idea of the whole thing before beginning to create it.
really cool! I was thinking for an CGI, but not !
My day just got 75% better! I don’t normally comment by the way it’s worth it for this one.
very cool! i wonder how it took them to make it…
How is a wire frame looking like a sketch not an optical illusion?
And just because there’s stark contrast doesn’t mean it’s CGI or concept art– there are lighting and backdrop methods that give that effect. Don’t belive me? You can get a small item ebay-seller-geared version on thinkgeek.com
It really looks like a 3d render, I like it
It looks like CGI, but it's not – that's the cool part. It's the special lighting in a white room that makes it look so fake. If you look close on "2" & "3" you could see shadows (beneath the wheels).
Benedict Radcliffe is mah hero!!!
Should have used 3D studio, whould have taken less time / costs. :)
So the entire car is made up of actual wires? Wires that you can touch? Pretty cool!
freaking cool love it
wow, i wouldn't have belived that is it wasn't for the 4th, 7th 9th & 12th image
me too! number 10 looks so fake. am i right?
Looks to me this is made of neon lights!
Wish I had one at home, but any suggestions where I’m gonna put it?!
WAIT A MINUTE IT IS NOT EVEN AN ILLUSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
that is insane and wicked at the same time
GoPheR: Yawn
GrApE: I think she dosnt like cars. I like trains.
what the what?!
Something really unique