Another Octavio Ocampo’s Don Quixote Illusion

Octavio Ocampo is an artist we often cover here, on Mighty Optical Illusions headquarters. All his art creations have an optical illusion touch that is hard to replicate. If you remember his flower creations which often picture a beautiful lady, or his nature environments that hold an interesting story, you’ll probably recognize his presence in today’s illusion as well. Although there is no one else painted here than two soldiers and their horses, you’ll probably have no problem identifying famous Don Quixote. Only recently have I learned that Octaivo is the author behind one of the most famous illusions on this site – Old and Young Couple. I might have missed more of them, but mistakes stand to be corrected. Btw, if you heard of Kate Perry and her Hot & Cold sing-a-long, you’ll love the additional video I provided inside this article. We have to have a break from illusions now and then, don’t you think?

45 Replies to “Another Octavio Ocampo’s Don Quixote Illusion”

  1. i see faces all over the place, there are a few skulls I noticed, people walking. I’m sure theres other objects also

  2. Besides the face of Don Quichot, there are at least six other hidden faces and one hidden skull. Great illusion, this one.

  3. Hi, the first thing I must said is not are two soldiers with his horses!!!! nooo please!!! This is a painting about Don Quijote y Sancho Panza taking a rest with quijote horse “Rocinante” and the mule from Sancho. Maybe the big face is the writer of this novel called Don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Or maybe the Don Quijote face. ni two soldiers, if Octavio read the presentation he will cut his veins.
    On the other hand is a super-incredible paint about the faces I found over 20 and maybe are more.
    Of course Im spanish and I think this is the best widget. Thank yuo for surprise me every day.

  4. the youtube link is there y? but anyways i found like 19 faces/skulls/horses face but really cool illusion/painting is the aurora borealis on top a mustache/face or just an aurora borealis?

  5. Found 18 faces apart from the big one (which i think is Cervante’s) plus 3 skulls, but probably there’s more. Love this image, like the others from this artist. he is really great, does he have a website where I can find more of his works?

    Really nice also the video! The song’s nicer than the original :P !!!!

  6. I’m spanish too, and yes, that’s the Cervante’s face the big face. so, please, Vurdlak, correct the mistakes at the resentation. it’s really a picture from Don Quixote and Sancho, but they’re the soldiers that you found, and the big face isn’t Quixote’s one but Cervante’s. Nothing more but it’s very good illusion and that I only can se 17 faces (the faces of the people are too dark, so if I include theyr one, there are 20)

  7. Octavio Ocampo is from Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico.
    I have an original author signed lithography of “Friendship of Quixote” ( the real title of this oil).
    It is amazing
    It is true about the big face: It is Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
    If you want to know more about O. Ocampo visit the author homepage:

  8. This is extraordinary! I have loved optical illusions since I was tiny, and recognised this one as the style of many I’ve collected. Up til now, though, I did not know whose they were. Gracias, Vurdlak, y Guillermo y DrChispo, por la información sobre señor. ¡Ocampo! Can’t believe he is so young – always thought these were very old paintings. I love hidden meanings in words and pictures and his are the finest and most layered I’ve ever seen. Oculophilia, indeed!! I wish my Spanish were as good as your English.
    Also, Don Quijote has been a hero of mine since my grandfather began telling me the story when I was four. He had beautiful sculptures and paintings from the story throughout his home, and I have carried my own lance into battles with windmills.

  9. I love the illusion
    What is up with the mad people singing Hot and Cold
    thats a bit weird
    Love the site though

  10. I found 19 faces (including the dog and horses faces and the whole head’s face) If you don’t include those it’s 15.
    Wow super awesome, illusion!!!!

  11. awesome illusion
    at first i only saw like 16 but after i kept looking there is way more
    i saw around 23 or so

  12. For your information, everybodys, most of you are spelling Don Quixote wrong (Don kihote) its D-O-N Q-U-I-X-O-T-E. The book is called Don Quixote de la Mancha (Mr. Quixote of the [village] mancha), i have the book but i never have the patience to get past the first page, its got like 937 pages and the words are in tiny print. I just cant. I read the 700+ page novels brinsigr and breaking dawn but those werent in tiny print. i found 18 faces.

  13. Lotsa faces. Very good picture. But these guys all got their ‘style’ from Salvador Dahli. Check out his work-which came before computers and ‘pixelization’. It is even more impressive!


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