“Optical Illusion of The Day” widget is a small application that shows the latest optical illusion from this website on your computer desktop. It is absolutely free, and comes in three versions – For PC, Mac and Google Homepage. If you don’t want to miss comments and descriptions for each new illusion, simply click on the image of the most current illusion, and the browser will automatically take you to our latest article. Below you can find descriptions, and downloads for each version. Included is a screen-shot for each one, and few more at the bottom of this article.
This widget will smoothly run on your PC Desktop. You will need additional engine that makes these widgets run on a PC. Get them both.
Current version: v7.0 (11/15/2008)
Download Widget | Download Engine
This is a standard dashboard widget for Macintosh. It is one of the most popular widgets for Mac ever. You can download it below. More Info…
Current Version: v7.0 (11/15/2008)
You can easily add this widget to your Google Homepage, and see the latest optical illusion each time you log into it. Easiest way to place this gadget on your Google Homepage is to click on the button below, but if you don’t have Google Homepage, or don’t know what it is, read more details here.
PC Widget in Action:
Mac Widget in Action: – more examples can be found here Google Homepage Widget in Action:
First on a page that should not have comments anyway….
am i second? xD
But what is this ridiculous nonsense? Why are we putting down numbers?
continuing nonsense : nine
the widget is really appreciated and works great for me
thx for the effort
can we get a Windows Vista Sidebar gedget?
can we get a Windows Vista Sidebar gedget?
Working on it…
I think it looks cool.
Am I going crazy or something.
16th first post on your site, thanx for the widgit
it is really cool
i have this widget and it is really cool
This widget is awsome!!!
ha,ha, i’m number(20)
Wheeeeeeeeee! 21!
Bon ben vingt-trois alors
Greate widget on my google homepage too :)
only 24…
25th its looks wicked but its looks wicked(er) in mac range
yay! 25!!
no thanks, I’m using Superkaramba on my Ubuntu-Linux:
About SuperKaramba, I’m seeing if I can install it on my Fedora installation and port the widget to it like I ported it to the PC engine from Dashboard. That sound good to you?
neunundzwanzig lol
this is kool =]
most of these “illusions” are banal! sorry!
yeah ya! thirty one!!
33 omg!
yo people im back and now im #33!
what the heck NOOOOOO i wasnt reAlly number 33… WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :'[
A HUEVO!!!! 38
hey anonymous post 26!! you were post 26 not 25!!! errr!!!! funny and silly..
I am 42nd!! muahahaha
44 and still rollin’
I am #44!!!
A vista sidebar gadget would be great. Any news about one?
сорок шостий (46)
this number thingy is now older than I am …
(… 2 more years B4 I am 47 – LOL)
y am I bothering to do this?
(surely not because I have had too many glasses of “red”?)
(actually – I do my weirdest stuff when I am sober … which is most of the time … scary eh?)
49!!!! W00T
I’m 50! Cool stuff.
hey will you stop with the number thing it is really annoying and i find it on almost every post. i may be 10 but i have been to almost every page and theres numbers.
for those who are mature but do the number thing prove your mature and quit saying “YAY IM 1st TO POST!!” or whatever i just get so annoyed.
also this is an awsome wigit!
The gadget is just fine, among the zillions of similar gadgets out there. I would like to hear about its back-end development, however.
best regards;
p.s. am I supposed to be fifty two? :p
53th to post this nonsense :P
did u know 54 will be next?
53- my age is 35… jolies illusions !
54 lol. wait… this ain’t funny.
56 :P
this looks useful but my antivir guard tellin me its malware, maby cause i have vista?
can some1 advise please
Cincuenta y siete.
I use it through Google… and it works fine
Fifty eight?
Anyway love your widget!!
i didn’t see 10 horses on that horse illusions. I only saw 6 but i was wondering are there really 10or more?
Sixty! I love the Google Homepage Version
sixty nine, i love sysont nerf,ooh,sixty one
will do
63 >:)
and i guess its kool
64 + 5 mo = 69 bitches
i’m not counting…it makes it look like you’re counting on it. with vist, that’s not so smart.i reserve the right to change my mind about the widget.
C ya
LXVI (66 in Roman Style)
You should check on the yahoo widget, its still on the old version
六十八 (68)
I can’t believe I’m 69. It’s the last two digits of my mobile. Wehey!!
Cool widget. Great site.
70!parle vous France?
72!!!!! ROFL!!! will this number thingy end one day ? probably not XD
STOP posting numbers and join the real people, in the real world ,who are actually getting laid!!
You sad excuses for human beings!
And tell your mom to take out her dentures when shes sucking your dick, you stupid fucking American inbreds!!!!
Soixante-treize! En Français.
And Anonymous.. Just because some of us decide to have some fun and be immature once in a while doesn’t give you the excuse to insult us.
I haven’t tried it, but is it for Vista only, or not?
(75 in Dutch)
76 awesome!!
haha!!! i am NUMERO siesente y sies (sp?)
How many languages are used in this counting process?
Jajajajajaja no mames.
I was thinking about the genius in the planet, and i believe that the genius are in all the world quiet, waiting for someone, i believe it
Just for the heck of it, I got the iGoogle one.
Eighty! :D
it stopped at 50?
so sad …
btw, I found this again while I was googling myself – lol (actually I was googling both myself, and the OTHER person who seems to be using the same name as me for stuff online … I know why I am aykayem … I wonder why they are … I made the name up, but someone else could have done the same thing, the same way, and ended up with the same thing, seeing it is actually based on the initials of my full name … or at least it was my name/initials before I got married, the now that I am married version does not roll off the tounge anywhere near as well – lol)