Mighty Optical Illusions

Optical Illusion Of The Day Widgets

“Optical Illusion of The Day” widget is a small application that shows the latest optical illusion from this website on your computer desktop. It is absolutely free, and comes in three versions – For PC, Mac and Google Homepage. If you don’t want to miss comments and descriptions for each new illusion, simply click on the image of the most current illusion, and the browser will automatically take you to our latest article. Below you can find descriptions, and downloads for each version. Included is a screen-shot for each one, and few more at the bottom of this article.

PC Version

This widget will smoothly run on your PC Desktop. You will need additional engine that makes these widgets run on a PC. Get them both.

Current version: v7.0 (11/15/2008)

Download Widget | Download Engine

Mac Version

This is a standard dashboard widget for Macintosh. It is one of the most popular widgets for Mac ever. You can download it below. More Info…

Current Version: v7.0 (11/15/2008)

Download Widget

Google Homepage Version

You can easily add this widget to your Google Homepage, and see the latest optical illusion each time you log into it. Easiest way to place this gadget on your Google Homepage is to click on the button below, but if you don’t have Google Homepage, or don’t know what it is, read more details here.

PC Widget in Action:

Mac Widget in Action:more examples can be found here Google Homepage Widget in Action:

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