“Here are a few pics we took in Yosemite a few years ago. I was reminded of these when I saw the “Sun in Hand” post. Thanks!” – Matt. As you can see these guys had really fun time taking those pictures. I liked first one the best! You can find more similar illusions posted in relative sizes category, specially man holding a sun, Fountain’s Abbey church illusion, kissing a sphinx, mouth fountain…
I don’t really have anything to say but i think i am the first comment so thats really cool. I like the third picture.
wierd… but cool
Ummmmm……….. kinda funny, second one’s a little disturbing if it’s what i think it is.
Good banter
Awesome! very easy yet very interesting!
this is so un-original. boo. i like the others better
haha. these are really classic. nice to see some variety though
these suck. so boring…
lol! funny!
I realy like this
eh. i just wish i lived in a pllace with snow. beta then the humid australian heat
None of them are very convincing, the first one looks a bit like he really is just hanging off a normal-sized rock..but..i can’t complain, i probably can’t do better
this is wakattack
third pic is the only remotely good one
these are getting old too many people are trying to do them . they arent even illusions
The first one is good. The rest, not so much.
i like to do that with suqiching ppl’s heads with my fingers
’tis fun, but not xtraordinary
i love this kind of pics
and to your fairy thing where it looks like dust. I have a similar photo that i took. it is basically frost captured between 2 panes of glass. it got blurred while i was taking it. it sorta looks like snow… in florida. but pic is on phone. how to get to u?
Hey the 2nd one looks like hes pissing>
The 3rd one is best
2nd 1 is so FUNNY!!